Happy Birthday Maxey!!! (11/01/06)
Today is my Sheltie boyfriend, Maxey's 6th B-Day! I convinced mum that because he is one of my particular friends, I need to have a little celebration just for him.

Maxey is turning 6, so we have a 6 candle on the pattie!!

It was very yummy, but my EVIL mum said because I ate the whole pattie, I get no din din tonight.......*hmmmmph*
After I finished the salmon/sweet potato pattie in celebration of Maxey's birthday, I tried to say "Happy Birthday" to Maxey.
This was my first attempt........ it came out in a somewhat unexpected fashion.......
Maxey, I hope you are not too put off by it........ *blushing* It was just the pattie, and all the air I swallowed while inhaling the pattie ya know? I really meant to say Happy Burpday!! Oops I meant, Happy Birthday!
I finally got my act together and said Happy "Birthday" in a dog's way!!
PS. Feel free to tell me when your Burpdays are coming up, I would be more than happy to celebrate it for you *wink*!!!
oh... i love that candle! i wish i can have one of those "fat fat" candle on my birthday too!
yum yum, the steamed salmon + sweet potato look really yum yum!
wet wet licks... to burpday!
Miss Sunshade,
I understand that you are a very boo-tiful girl.. but seriously.. you are breaking my heart here!! Sooo many undercover lovers.. SIGH.. I guess I will just have to wait in line!
Love licks,
Happy Birthday Maxey!!!
The character of six is made beautiful.
Happy birthday maxey
Wow!!! You got to celebrate Maxey's barkday with him! You actually celebrat your friend's birthday!!! Let me go tell J!
Too bad my birthday is already over.. you could celebrate with me too!
Miss Sunshade,
That looked (looked!) like a delicious cake. How many boyfriends you do have now? Maybe it's good to play the field, but don't break too many hearts! :)
Happy birthday Maxey. And SunShade, how is it that you get to eat the cake for Maxey's birthday? I can't quite figure it out. No wonder I only get 1 cake each year.
ahahah sunshade it's too bad your mom caught your little slip-up on camera AND showed it to everyone :p but i think the pattie was very sweet :) help me wish maxey happy birthday too! :)
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Bussie Kissies
Oh, your burp made me laugh! I almost always eat, then burp right in my lady's face.....my way of saying it was yummy. I don't know if she appreciates it or not.
Murph the dog
Wow so many birthdays close together!
Thanks Sunny for celebrating with me. It looks yummy...yummy enough to burp over!
that was one of the greatest burps i have ever heard (do they have video you can SMELL? oh man i'd love that!) and a fitting burpday celebration. you should post the recipe for your burpday cake because i have some burpdays coming up to celebrate and that looks TASTY. i felt a belch coming up just thinking about it.
You should start a business and do burpday telegrams!
How unique!
Patent that baby before someone else steals it!
Ah, shucks! You just missed my birthday. I'll be sure and tell you next year so you can get a yummy cake out of your mom. Hee hee- I can't blieve you got her to fall for this "I wanna celebrate everyone's b'day" scam. You are slick, girlfriend! What a way to yummy things to eat!
Big Hugs-
Happy Birthday to Max. :)
How nice of your mum to make a pattie to celebrate.
~ fufu
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