After my vet appointment today, mum and I went to Stanley Park to wait out the rush hour traffic.
Just me and MY mum :-)

First things first, I did this (that black thing is a squirrelie!),

Then I looked at mum, waiting for my hand signal to GO GET HIM!!

(mum: for some reason nowadays, if Sunshade spots a squirrel first, she doesn't go chase it right away. She will stalk, and then STARE at me - almost like a Border Collie waiting for his command. As soon as I point, she starts the chase. Sometimes if I feel she may slip or fall due to the uneven terrain, then I don't signal and she just watches until the squirrel hops away.)
There's my GO CHASE signal!!

Then I spotted another guy,

He told me that he'd heard about how nice I was to my piggies..... and he wondered if I would be nice enough to not chase him....

I said sureeee.....

Run along now......

(mum: I didn't give her a hand or verbal chase signal, so she didn't. The squirrel was about 3 feet away from her!)
And then we got to the BEEEEEEEACH!!

You know how much I love the beach right??

Look at what I found!!

Throw it for me NOW mum!

Thank you!!

Here comes the SuperRETRIEVER!

You got another stickie for me?


Hand it over please!!

Mum told me I was BOOOOOTIFUL,

Even with a wet beard (from diving for stickies), I was still BOOTIFUL!

I told mum enouuuuugh pictures already....

Throw another stickie for me!!

There goes my stickie!

I got it!! Look at this picture carefully, do you see how big of a leap I took to get to where I was in the picture? No paw steps for the first bit!

I had a good chew,

I dragged my stickie to a good spot and had a rest,

Parts of the SuperDALE:
The SuperTONGUE,

The SuperPAW (that's MY stickied in case you were wondering),

The SuperNOSE!!!

Then I spotted something....

It was one of my most disliked birdies......

Should I do something about it.....?

Hmmmm.... YEA OF COURSE!!!

Fly away and never come back to beg for MY foooood!!

I found a special stickie :-)

Then a handsome came to say HI,

But his handsome friend didn't come to say HI to me, and he was on MY beach!!!

I asked him if he knew he was on MY beach, and in MY freezing water!!

I sat there.....

As I watched him destroying MY special stickie......

After he left, I went to assess the damage......

Oh well, there were always BIGGER stickies to claim!!!

And then it was time to go.......

I brought myself a souvenir from the beach, and carried it all the way to the DaleMOBILE, (mum: she picked a huge rock lol...)

We brought it home and added to my special rockie collection. This one is the BIGGEST so far!