Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pressie for MY blog

Have you notice my new banner?? Well it is my ONE YEAR blogging pressie to MY blog. I didn't make it, but I masterminded it.

Now, this is not just any banner, it does a few things:

  • If you stare at it long enough, you will see thought bubbles popping up from my head, and in the thought bubble, there will be a handsome boy dog (you know, because I love BOYZ!!). Every male dog that is on my friends list will appear in the thought bubble some time. I have about 95 BOYZ in there. The computer randomly picks male dogs to put in my thought bubble every few seconds.
  • Now if you are a boy dog and you would really like to see what Miss Sunshade does when she meets a handsome boy dog, you should move the cursor (which is in the shape of MY ring) over my muscle butt........
  • If you feel the scrolling pictures are moving too slow, you can speed it up by placing MY ring over either arrow on the side of the banner.
We are still testing this new banner so there might be few glitches here and there, please leave me a comment and let me know if you have troubles viewing my scrolling pictures, thought bubbles, or not able to see my reaction when you move the cursor over my muscle butt.

Internet Explorer users might need to click on the banner for the first time to activate the control.


Duke said...

hehehehehehe OMG Sunshade - you are just so smart! You have the neatest banner! Why does this not surprise me!

Love ya lots,

PreciOus said...

Oh Sunshade, your banner is the most awsome I've even seen! It works fine for me. =)


Texas's Mum said...

Hey Sunshade,
WOW thats a REALLLLLYYY cool banner
my mum saw you dreaming of me.
Now she wants one for me.

Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).

Simba and Jazzi said...

love the banner.

Simba x

Eddie N Peaches said...

We love your blog. Happy anniversary! Looks like you had a fun celebration.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Hehehe, I wondered what the yelow ring did, and now I know!

Oscar x

Peanut said...

That is the neatest banner. I saw you thinking about Nanooks butt. :)

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow Sunshade...that is an awesome banner!!!! You did a great job on it! It's giving my momd some ideas for my blog...hee, hee, hee!!!

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...

your banner is way cool!!

i love it..

and needless to say.. i'm so into your butt wagging over boyz!!!

Herbie said...

Wow! Fabulous header!!! It's so happy and sunshiny, like you! Happy birthday, blog!

Amber-Mae said...

I love love love love love love your new & sexy banner Missy!!!! WOW! I wish I could have a banner like that too... That's so AWESOME! Happy 1st anniversary/birthday to your bloggy...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

wally said...

Cool banner! I had no problem with it. Other than me overheating, of course.

Pant pant.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dog!! Miss Sunshade.. this is awesome!!! I am super impressed. The picture of you with your tail wagging is so awesome. You know you are gonna have alot of people asking how you did that, ha roo! Way to go on one year of blogging! Congrats!


Lillie Valentine said...

Happy birfday to your blog! I LOVE the new banner. Its the bestest! Love ya! MUAH!! Lillie v

Myeo said...

Your banner is sooooo beautiful. We love it

Boy n Baby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That is such a fun and nice banner. :) I like your wagging tail

~ girl girl

Gus said...

Miss Sunshade: We think your banner is Paw-some! Happy bloggy anniversary!

Joe Stains said...

that banner is so so so so cool! I sure hope you don't have the doofus pop up in your thought bubble!

Scuba the Muscle Boy said...


Am I one of your 95 boy friendz? If not, how can I make it to the list.

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary sunshade!!! :) i can't believe it's only been a year!

i can't see your banner yet because HM's computer at work doesn't have the plugins. but i bet it's awesome :)


Ben & Darling said...

happy bloggy anniversary !!

I like your new banner, its cool man. Look at your muscle butt & your tail. Ooo so sexy.

Hey Sunshade, come and join our costume pawty tomorrow. Its maggzz barkday.

umekotyan said...

Congratulations sunshade.
Memories are in commemoration of blog of one year.
Wonderful, and thing of nature and Canada
It was meeting an important friend.
And, it will hold out in the future.

from loved ume tyan

Luckie Girl said...

Dear Sunshade,
I love your new banner and those animations are so COOL. :) Happy Barkday Sunshade's Bloggy!!

Ume said...

hi Sunshade,
your new banner is so pwetty!
i kept staring at the bubble... wondering who's appearing next. is Jaffa in there too?

Stanley said...


You are so saucey, girl! Sure do know how to *flaunt* it! I guess if you have it, you *should* flaunt it!

You kill me. Very cool banner. My only problem... your randomizer took over 30 min to display me (yes, I watched for 30 min as 1 dog after another showed up - some showed up 3 & 4 times - before the face of yours truly popped into your thought bubble). I guess I should count it a privelege you think of me at all (being a near STINKY and all).

Don't get me wrong, it's a minor complaint. Everything else is amazing!

Goob kisses,

Girasol said...

congrats! nice job
I saw my picture in the bubble and i'm a girl but's its ok.

Lenny said...

Congratulations Sunshade!
Your blog is awesome, and so is your new banner!

Your friend, Lenny

Lady Kaos said...

I didn't see the thought bubble. I love your banner though. When I first opened your blog I noticed right away your wagging tale. It's GREAT!!

Putter said...

WOW Super coolest Sunshade!

Talk to you soon!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Lady Kaos said...

The thought bubbles are working for me today! That's hilarious!

Jessica said...

Hi Sunshade....we love your new banner. And happy birthday to your blog!!! We've only had our blog for less than 3 months but we are having so much fun with it!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Freda said...

Hey Sunshades,

Congrats on your year of bloggin'. I like your new banners. It's neato!

Many more years of cooools barkin!



Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi Miss Sunshade! We like the noises you make on the stairs. Tank makes similar noises when he face fights with Princess. Tank bites at water the same way you do, too. Nice blog!

Suki & Joey said...

Awesome header, Sunshade! I wish my Mom knew how to do stuff like that :)

Happy Blogiversary!

Puggy kisses

IndyPindy said...

Hahahahaha! That is SO COOL!

Charlie said...

Great banner for a great Dale! Happy blogiversary!
- Charlie

PerfectTosca said...

What a great idea you have here Miss Sunshade! You have a very creative Mom. I would just be happy if I could get the Nutball to take a decent picture of me.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh Sunshade *blush blush*,
I was waiting for your thought bubbles to appear (just to make sure that you have not left me out) and while waiting for my pic to appear, ONE thing got all my attention.. you tantalising and seductive bum bum.. You are such a seductress!! (*panting hard*)

Kien said...

Happy anniversary!!...

sorry for late wishes..

oh yes.. i love that ring that make your bumbum talks.. hahahaha..

Golden Rossi

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Miss Sunshade!

I am very very sad......'cos I cant see any pretty banner at all up here in Scotland, boo hoo! My Marvin tears are making the keyboard wet.....Jeannie says we use something called Firefox, any info on how to see it, would be grand!

love and happy Blogging 1st Anniversary .....it will be mine in August! Yay!

Marvin xxxxxx

Chelsea said...

I could not see your banner, blogger was acting up a bit while I was on it.

Miss you


Juno said...

Hello and Happy Anniversary, Miss Sunshade!! The banner is pawsome!! It's soooooooooo impressive!! I like your wagging tail. I've always loved to see your blog. You have alot of good pictures.

Miss Sunshade, my mom would love to link your blog to my blog so we can keep eye on your blog closely. Hope it's ok with you.. and hopefully we'll be friends! :) Pls feel free to come by my blog (it's not as good as yours though....)


Momo xoxo

Sharon said...

Oh Miss Sunshade! I love the butt wiggles and wags! Thanks for sharing!
Snickers and Sharon

fee said...

omdog sunshade jiejie, u're only 5 boys short of 100! is that green donut a toy or a treat? i tried licking it but it wouldn't come off.

Liza said...

We are sooo jealous - great banner Sunshade!! You rock - Happy one year anniversary!!


Nessa Happens said...

That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

ooooh happy birthday to your blog!!!

p.s. and yeaaaah, you're soooo sexxxaaaayyyy

Mrs.D said...

That is a really neat banner you have!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

How cool is that! Love it! J x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

well, thank you for the tips on viewing the banner, Miss Sunshade!

It is truly awesome, I have to say. Now I have seen some of it (!)....at long last!

We managed to view it through IE but we get lovely pictures of you scrolling across the top of the banner, but it is very slow showing the boyz pics.

I waited about 10 mins and only two boyz pics showed up.

Just letting you know as you said you wanted feed back from viewers!

It still is totally amazing even the bits I can see. I think it may be that I am soooooooooo far away from you!!!!!!!

I will try again tomorrow when we have more time! love and licks, Marv xxxxx

ps Jeannie says to say she disabled the "pop up blocker" which was set on the computer here which helped a great deal!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oooooh meant to say you are some seductruss Sunshade! Wow, what a flirty girl! love and licks, Marv xxxxx