Thanksgiving Din Din
This weekend is the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend! So that meant no work for mum today!! The reason I said "Canadian Thanksgiving" is because, well, I was born in the US, but raised here in Canada. I hold dual citizenship, which means, I *should* get to celebrate two Thanksgivings a year! *hint hint* Did you hear me mum??
I had the scaaaaa-wie thing in its dead form for breakie, and I had my turkey.... I mean parts of a turkey for dinner. Mum was going to a Thanksgiving dinner this evening, and she decided to do a little celebration with me before leaving.
Now before you read on, you might want to read about my diet first so you don't freak out!
This is me posing with my Thanksgiving Din Din. Mum made me wait for her to take pictures before letting me have it.......
I really couldn't wait, so I ...
My Thanksgiving Din Din consisted of: 1 turkey neck, 1 turkey back attached to a BIG butt, and a can of "Peas and Brown Rice" baby food as my stuffing.......
This is me doing whatever I can to score my Thanksgiving Din Din!!
Eating my turkey neck first,
Working on the BIG BUTT!!

When mum came home from her dinner, she cooked up two corn on the cobs for me as my midnight snack!!

I always make sure I wipe my mouth after I eat!! I wonder if this has anything to do with mum's persistence in changing bed sheets??

sunshade, i like wiping my mouth too after i eat. but mom thought my mouth or moutache are ithy until she reads about your "mouth wiping" in this post! now she knows, i was only WIPING MY MOUTH! but i always did it on the floor though!
licky wet wet licks
My pal Marvins Mumm sent me over. you dogs with blogs are taking over!
Hey Sunshade, Woh you get to have 2 Thanksgiving. Nice... Well at least you're staying clean by wiping your mouth
~ fufu
Happy Thanksgiving!! You mom was so nice to give you such a fancy meal. I guess we blogging doggies have a lot to be thankful for. You can celebrate with us again in November for the U.S. T-giving.
Wow! That looks yummy! Happy Thanksgiving, Sunshade!
omg, what child bearing butt the turkey has! is it the same as ji pi gu? they are supposed to do wonders for the skin!
mom had a shock when she saw your thanksgiving dinner (zhe me da pian de huo ji!) – i wonder if this will prompt her to increase my daily servings?
Oh I am so hungry now!
Bussie Kissies
Hi Miss Sunshade -
"Your food looks divine
Your Table Manners good as mine
Just wish I could be there
Your tasty feast I would gladly share!"
In answer to your query about how far we live from Edinburgh.....we are just under an hour north on the train.
We live in a beautiful and very small city in Central Scotland, which unfortunately, has been world famous for all the wrong reasons.
I will put a link on my Blog for you to have a peek. Love and Licks from Marvin ;0)
That was one nummy looking butt! I'm not a drooler, but Momma said my nose was dripping after watching you eat that! You are soooo lucky to celebrate TWO Thanksgivings! I get some of those things, but only on special occasions, humph! Enjoy all your goodies! Oh, and I like to wipe my mouth on the couch and carpet.
Hiya Sunshade,
You are making us drool!! What a yummy dinner you had. You're lucky you get 2 Thanksgiving Dinners. We have to wait until November for ours, darn. What happened to the rest of the turkey parts?? Did your Mummy eat them?? Our Mama & Papa also wild turkey hunt here. Some years we have our very own fresh kill turkey for Thanksgiving. Mighty tasty!!
Luv & Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers
PS Hope your doo doo isn't too chunky & yellow today, hehehehe!
Wooo.... That turkey looks just absolutely worthy a few paw shakes and roll overs. I've never tried turky before! I hope MaMa will see about getting some for my meals too.
Wow, what a meal! My mom doesn't feed me a raw diet, although she says she's been thinking about it. I don't think she could do it. I KNOW she couldn't! my mom has been a vegetarian for like almost 25 years. Not going to happen! Anyway, I loved your video, cutie pie!
yours truly, Mackie
PS, Mom went to a big all terrier show this weekend and the photos revel no girl pretty than you!
Sunshade, we have wild turkeys in our canyon, just beyond our backyard. Wanna come over for a feast?
Happy thanksgiving gorgeous!
Are you on the raw food diet?
I have never eaten a turkey neck. Just looking at the pictures on your blog has me salivating .....that usually only happens when I look at T-Man's photos.
Wow, that's a great dinner!~ Can I have some corn on the cob too?? Thanks for being my friend!
Wow, I'm overwelmed reading about your diet. It sure makes me dry dog food look lame! I gotta talk to my Mom. I know she'd never go for it though!
That is one big dinner! Me am lucky to get a T-day dinner... there is no such thing here in Japan ;)
Booboo: why can't the hoomans understand that we, dogs, sometimes like to be clean too?? Gee...just because I like to roll in disgusting stuff, doesn't mean I want my mouth smelling like raw meat all the time!!
Hi Jenny: YUP, you hoomans better watch out, we, DWBs are taking over!! Thanks for visiting.
Fufu: hehe...dont' worry, hamsters, mice, rats are not part of my menu. (you sounded a little...hesitant)
T-man: YAH! That's good pressure for mum. She hasn't agreed to my watning to celebrate two T-givings, but if you guys keep the pressure on, I just might!!
Jay & Buster: that sure was yummy!! I love anything that I have to do a lot of chewing, shredding and chomping!
Fee: yes it is just like ji pi gu except it is maybe 4 or 5X the size. It was so fatty, so yummy!! You should say to your mum "wo bian shou le", and maybe she'll increase your food!!
Oh Marvin: that was such a nice poem!! Thank you so much! Mum and I just love all your pictures SOO much. You are a very lucky guy to live in such a beautiful country!
Roo my idol: I see you like to wipe your mouth too! I heard white carpets are the best to wipe your dirty face on, apparently it works the best??
Butchy & Snickers: wow..I'm so envious of you guys. You can deers and turkeys and have them fresh!! I wish I could go live with you guys and go hunting with your dad (I can help you know)! Oh and with the turkey, no, mum just went to the butcher to get my T-giving turkey parts, so she didn't actually have to kill a whole turkey herself LOL.
Jaffe: Turkey is yummy!! I usually only get turkey necks or ground up turkey meat/bone. I only get the special butt on special occassions.
My Dearest Mackie: raw diet is great, but it's definitely not for everyone. Yes, I think it would be VERY hard on your mom if you were to eat a raw diet..hehe! Thank you my man for your compliment, I glad I'm still the apple in your eyes!!
Hana: YES YES, I'll catch the earliest plane I coulld get on US T-giving and we'll go catch turkeys!!
Bogie: Thanks HANDSOME!!
Chelsea: Really? You were drooling?? I thought you would have fainted watching me eat raw because you are such a clean little lady you know. Do you eat a raw diet too??
Toby: hey little man, glad to be your friend! Did you have a good T-giving??
Copper: haha, I'm sure your kibble doesn't look lame. I'd love to have some kibbles too if mum would just let me, since it's been SOO long since I have had any kibbles.
Tigersan: yes turkey is yummy, but you know what I like even more than Turkey? SALMON SASHIMI!! I LOVE those, and only Salmon, no tuna or anything else!
Love nibbles to all,
Miss Sunshade
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