There is a word..........
in the hooman world,
that describes a girl like me.......................
Meet Mackie - MY man # 1:
It was my smile that caught Mackie's attention.
His wiriness, confidence, and vocality made him MY man # 1!! However, shortly after we declared our love to each other, we ran into a problem involving his other girlfriend, Opy. After a much needed and a rather diplomatic (yes, I held back on my female terrier-ness) discussion with Opy, we decided that it was ok for a ruggedly handsome fellow such as Mackie to have one girlfriend per breed.
I somehow applied the above rule to myself.......................
Meet Max the V - MY man # 2:
It was my grooming post that caught Maxey's (yes, I can call him that) attention. He wrote me a letter and melted my heart with it. This is my first ever letter from Maxey:
Dear Miss Sunshade,
I am CONVERTED! I am totally mesmerized by your fluffiness (and some of those grooming shots left me panting). I too hate being groomed and frankly am far less cooperative.
But mostly I am in total awe of your commanding protection skills. I never thought I would see some skill in a non-sheltie, let alone a female. I'm yours!
ps. thank you so much for visiting me. I am charmed at meeting you!
His bravery impressed me, his special neck-breaking skill ROCKED MY WORLD! And he, became MY man # 2.
Unfortunately, I later found out once again, I shared yet another one of MY men with another woman. Her name is Floss, and she just happened to be another attractive Australian babe like Opy..........
And then there was the Handsome Devil......
It was this picture that had me convinced that Bogie is worthy of being MY man # 3. We obviously share similar interests, and prefer similar looks:
I have been fantasizing about this Handsome Devil ever since he was just a wee baby.... Ok, I know that sounds weird, but I have been reading Bogie's blog ever since last Howl-o-ween when he looked like this: (if it wasn't for Bogie, I would probably never have my own blog...)

I watched him grow into the big ruggedly handsome fella that he is now, and I just couldn't seem to get him out of my mind. So I started dropping hints, but was honestly a little worried due to our huge age difference. I am 6 years of his senior, and I didn't know if a young, handsome studly Airedale would like an old spayed, alpha Aire-girl........
Fortunately, with this picture,
my doubts were cleared, and my question was answered!!
Bogie's exact words:
He became MY man # 3!!! I'm glad to say that so far, I have not had to share him with anybody.....hehe!

This was my first letter from Dudley the Boo-dog:
Your pictures are the best, sunshade.. and really, you're so pretty.. and photogenic.. gosh, i swear i'm usually more SMOOTH than this since I'm european after all. Well, English - still very dashing!!i just want you to know that I would sniff butts with you anyday *blush*
So charming..........
Anyway, even tho Dudley and I are still trying to figure out exactly what our relationship is, I am leaning towards making him MY man # 4. I just can't get enough of his snoring and twitching, too SEXY!! Did I mention, Dudley and I live in the same city??
If you are thinking about the other word, well that doesn't apply to us dawgs!!!
****Mum's note: OMG!! What has my dogter done now?? I let her have unsupervised blogging time and now she's got herself 4 more boyfriends? (on top of the 3 she's already got in real life...) I would like to give my sincere apologies to all the above gentlemen if my dogter has somehow broken your hearts. Sunshade has always been a very flirty girl in real life with handsome males, especially un-neutered ones. It is a good thing that she is spayed because the way she acts around un-neutered males can get quite embarrassing at times. I don't know what I have done wrong as a parent to raise such a flirtatious girl.
I guess you can never give an Airedale too much freedom, or things like this happens..... aiiiiiii.....
PLEASE ignore the above statement!!! I disagree on many counts including the part about the way I act around un-neutered males being embarrassing. You know how them hoomans get......... way too serious!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Aw, sunshade. I guess you're so cute that everyone wants a piece of you. hee I hope your mum dont ever have to make you pick one.
~ fufu
Miss Sunshade,
I would LOVE to be your man #4.. hopefully with my large rotund bottom I could quickly bum my way to the top of your lovelist =) I am so flattered.. and flabbergasted too.. gosh I don't even know what to say!!
Grr.. though my MUM (that heathen) says that you and Bogart make quite the boo-tiful couple.. here I was thinking that she was on my side. Just goes to show you can never trust those boomans, especially ones that make you do stupid things on video!!
Anyway Miss Sunshade, darling, I would just like to point out that since you and I are the ones situated most closely together.. living in the same city and all.. I think out of all the dogbloggers *I* should be the lucky one to be your mainmainmainmainAROOOO! squeeze.
Whaddya say? We can mingle over a plate of chicken butts while I seduce you with my English accent!
(hope-restored) Dudley
oops! i MUST have a girlfriend (albeit virtual) of my own too. maybe i should ask HM permission to start "cyber dating" chiyo... hmm...
wet wet licks... no a girlfriend.
Oh Sunshade, I think everyone loves you! Ahem, let me know if there's an opening for a GR. *grins*
miss sunshade,
i am in awe of you. you are a true player.
Well, I may flirt a bit, but my one and only always has been and always will be Zach. I'm still trying to convince him to leave Alaska and move to Florida.
Big Wags,
Oh Ms. Sunshade,
I might be young, small, and a terr-mutt, but I'm not neutered just yet, and I love the older ladies, so if we every met in person I hope I'd have a chance (just don't tell Sophie, my local love).
Murph the dog
What about me, SunShade?! I can be real charming. I'm just a little shy about expressing my admiration openly on the net. Oh sweet SunShade... I will make it to your side soon.
I always love ya baby, even with all of your other admirers!
fwah, cool! i want to have four boyfriends and eat all their birthday cakes when i grow up too!
ps: can i be your flower girl and wear a pretty dress like yours when you decide to get married?
pss: mom says, 'xiao mei ren!'
you really ARE popular! I would be your boyfriend but I don't really like girls too much. Mom says I am gay, not that there is anything wrong with that!!!
Wow Sunshie, I didn't know you were still accepting applications!
Bussie Kissies
I love you.... even miles away from you. Faya
PS : I put a link to you on my blog
Cool barking going on over here,We have been very busy here ,I am sorry,I need to get info .on the x-mas cards,PLEASE ,
Lo't of Lick's
Well Sunny,
I must say I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't make it into number 1. Oh well, I have realized since Freda was sent to K-camp that I just can't make it without her. So I guess I have no reason to complain.
(pardon this sniff)
PS I think I'm falling for your Mom though, I love to listen to her voice. Always gets my attention. Now if I could only hear her say "good boy, Maxey!" that would make my year.
Miss Sunshade, you are such a sweetheart and I am so proud to ne your number 1 man! I know I am quite the stud, but hardly a stud alive that is good enough for you sweet Sunshade! You are beautiful and oh so terrierful! I do love you Miss Sunshade and I will never be jealous of all the studs around you because I know I am the stu for you!
Yours, Mackie
This is an embarrassed problem.
This is . ..the decision to mum...
Hi Sunshade,
Is there room for a 16 year old pug like me? ....
i know I am old man .... no one wants me ...
****sob sob****
You're a flirt and a half, Sunshade!! And I mean that in the best way!
- Chuck Chuck
Fufu: Thank doG you are not a real canine, otherwise I'm sure you'd be MY man # 5!!
Dear Studly Dudley: With each letter I get from you, you are one step closer at becoming MY man # 4. Even tho I am originally from the Aire River area in Yorkshire, England, I have lost all my English accent, and I end a lot of my sentences with an "eh". That being said, I still love that sexy English accent, and I find it to be a major turn on.....hehehe!
Um...about that mingling over a plate of chicken butts thingy, unfortunately, in real life, I'm not big with sharing... so you may just have to watch me eat....
Boo: I have always thought you and Chiyo would make a cute couple. Her with her long pretty hair, and you with your bravery (you know the shepherd and firecrackers). Perfect couple!
Herbie: hey buddy, you are SOOO sweet, thank you! Unfortunately, I got in big trouble with mum and have lost my "unsupervised blogging time" privilege. I would love to say yes, but I just can't. yes...somebody is watching me as I type...
Oh Wally: does that mean I'm a good girl cause I play well?
Isabella: you are a true lady, I can never be compared to you... Hey, maybe Zach would get too hot in Florida? You have lots of coat, maybe you should move to Alaska?? Just don't disappear in the snow ok since you're so white!
Yo Murph: did you say you are un-neutered??? Hmmm.....
Oh Jaffe: My mum is watching me type right now, but I'll give you my address once she's not watching and you can come over ok? Just don't bring Kaylie, I can't stand girls or babies, and Kaylie is both!!
My Handsome Devil: Thank you for being so understanding, you're the BEST! You surprise me, I didn't think Airedale studs are this good about sharing...hehe! This means you are a very secure man, and I LOVE it!!
Fee: I can't believe you found out about my plan..... yes this is my plan to get lots and lots of B-Day cakes. You are one smart little girl, keep it a secret ok?
By the way, mum says you are a "xiao mei ren", and I'm a "da mei ren"!
Mr. Stains: As usual, you cracked me up! You know, you don't have to like me for me to like you. I don't mind your being gay at all!
Buster: Please DON'T send in your application, I wouldn't know what to decide!!!
Zach: WOW...a year with Izzy already? Have you considered moving in? I suggested that she moved in with you since you'd probably be too hot in Florida with your coat. You're right, I'm gonna have such great Valentines, and I'll get to eat lots and lots of cakes...hehe!
Faya: hey girlie, thanks so much! I love you too!!
Sam: I'll be contacting you Sam.
Dear Maxey: Good boy Maxey!!
Sunshade's mum
My # 1 man: Mackie, your letters to me are proofs that I am lucky to have you as my man. You will always be a stud good enough for me. Always!!
Ume: hehehe... mum thinks it's embarrassing, but I don't LOL! Mum did tell me I can't have more boyfriends online or in real life.... She's always ruining things for me!
Dear Boo Boo: You are making this very hard for me.....if it weren't for mum, I would take you in a heartbeat! Especially you are now legal to drive, and we can go to places without parental supervision...
Charlie: Thanks little Chuck! I'm good at what I do...hehe!
Love nibbles to all,
Miss Sunshade
Miss Sunshade,
You are indeed popular! Don't worry about the age difference thing..I'm considerably older than my girlfriend and there's nothing wrong with that!!
sunshade!!! oh my god you HAVE to teach me (and HM also actually hahahaha) how to be as charming as you! as of now, i have zero admirers, let alone boyfriends. but never mind, i have 5 more years to catch up with you!! but you have to teach me!! :)
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