All the COOOOL animals......
Today, while I was thinking (yes, I do that everyday), I thought about how unfair that some of my buddies get to see the cooolest animals be it from their yard or where they live and I don't.
Take Opy & Charlie for example (check out their post for today!!):
They get to see this ALL THE TIME from their yard.
Their hoomans can pet these guys.
They can exchange nose sniffs (that's Opy & Charlie, not the hoomans),
**Did you guys know I was named after a kangaroo joey named "Sunshade"?? Uh huh, and I don't even get to see them??? It's ridiculous!!
Take Zach as another example:
He gets to see these big yummy guys where he lives.
And see how many of those ...... er... bits of those big guys he gets to eat??
Yet another example from Salchicha and Lilly:
They have THESE at parks where they live!!!
HOW COME I ..... I...... I DON'T ................. errr ...... nevermind about this one.
Last example comes from Butchy & Snickers:
They get Bambi's in their yard,
Also, they have unlimited supplies of turkey since they have those in their yard too.
Hmmm..... that's like Thanksgiving everyday!!!
All that I get to see in my yard are:
These un-invited visitors.....

These are two of the more exciting animals I get to see outside of my property:

This is the most boring animal I get to see inside my house, even the THING is more interesting than him!!! OH yeah, his name is Georgie in case you don't know, and he is GIANT, weighs 20 lbs.

I agree, in this desert land all I get to see are little lizards and DOOFUS!
I think its funny all those kangaroos are named after me though. ;)
Hey Miss BEAUTIFUL "I've-been-dreaming-of-you" SUNSHADE!
I will try to shake my moneymaker in your yard more often.. so you'll have some WILD life to check out!
I miss you by the pawfuls! Mum has been SO CRUEL to me.. keeping me from seeing my true love. I can't wait for your card!! It looks like your Mumster has put a lot of effort into them.. I wonder what those BIG RED PAWS of yours had to do with the project?
Also, I hope fervently that my disappearance has not deflated your affection for me.. I have been sniffing the mail daily, hoping for your card to come soon (but I saw today that you're still working on them!). Well, I'll keep sniffing anyway..
excuse me!!!
you are consider lucky, you know that? all i ever see is hooman, more hooman, and cousin bobby and bebe! and more doggies to sniff sniff and kiss kiss during dog show!
wet wet licks
I think you should visit all of us. When you are here we can do some wildlife viewing together. Strictly platonic viewing, of course.
Me agree... it could be worse... look at those gators!!! Scary!
Yikes, Georgie is TWENTY pounds?? Oh my gosh, that's a HUGE rabbit!! That's almost three times my size! Are you sure Georgie is a rabbit???
Hey Sunshade, Well I dont get to see much from my home either. Eil stays on the 9th level of the apartment. So we just get visits from ants and lizards..
~ fufu
Exactly, Sunshade!!! that's why i'm emigrating next year!!! :) but you're still more lucky than me. i only can HEAR the birdies, but not SEE the birdies! the only other animals i see all the time are those stupid dogs next door, and i yell at them all the time! :)
p.s. i don't think you would want to see the roo roos. i heard they have HUGE MUSCULAR tails that can send you flying! :)
ooooh same here Miss Sunshade, the only animal I can see in my back garden is a wild rabbit! No matter how much I growl and bark, the hooomans won't let me out to chase him off my patch! I have to wait until he has gone before I can prowl my estate!! Love from Marvin x ps Your music is cool!
Hey Sunshade,
Looks like you saw those pesky racoons off your patch.
There aren't many exciting animals here in England from what I've seen so far. Just my cat Fatty Flakes in the house, & lots of doggies out on walks & at puppy class.
Mum says she smelled the skunky smell when she went to see her Aunty in California & it was really stinky!
Oscar x
We get Bambi in our yard every now and then and that goofy looking wild turkey too. And we also see cayote. Mom FREEKS at that one!
Hi Miss Sunshade
No I didn't change blog?
Why? Something happened to my blog?
Sunshade is enclosed by a lot of animals, and lives.
It is animal's exactly paradise so.
All, the animal is lovely.
From loved ume tyan
Sunshade, darling, look in the mirror to see the most exciting animal around.
Sunshade, u are better off than us.. the only animals or insects we see around the house are cockroaches n fish, that is about all...
Boy n Baby
Hi Sunshade,
You are lucky to even get to see 'Disney' moments in your yard.. all I get are 'Bug's Life' (or 'Ants' (pun intended) moments.. Borrrrrr-rinnnnng...
Send me some turkey's too! All I get to see are cats in the alley and sometimes some stinkey skunks.
Except for all of you my doggie blog friends, I am not really an animal animal. I love people. So although, I like to look at these photos, I also like that it's from a distance.
Hey there Sunshade,
my back yard isn't much better.
Minah birds which swoop down on me occasionally, spiders, mice...pretty ordinary really.
But I did meet a penguin on a beach walk once.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
Miss Sunshade,
I agree with Chelsea. I'd rather just look at those animals on your blog. The alligator is especially scary. Brrrrrrrrrr!!!! He looks like he's waiting for a poodle appetizer.
I'll post my comment from yesterday again. I think the mean rabbits I live with deleted it. They are mean rabbits, they jump at me and try to hit me. They are called Roger and Jessica.
Simba x
hmmm...yes, i caught a skunk once, and i think it would have been fine, but the human brother made me drop said skunk, and then said skunk sprayed me for my efforts. i had to take a bath in tomato juice (which didn't really work), and some kind of vinegar water solution, and more and more and my face still smelled for MONTHS!
we do get deer in our yard lots, but at the school Sis goes to, she sees NINE wild turkeys there a lot. we only saw one and that was once a long time ago. there are some horses that live in a pen not far we can walk to and visit sometimes, though.
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