My X-mas pressies
I guess I had been a good girl according to Santa anyway because he didn't give me coal in my singing stocking, he gave me.......
I was SOOOOO happy, because you might remember, those were one of the things on my X-mas Wish List!! I played and played with them.
Took a picture with my babies. See that look in my eyes, that's my "don't you dare take my babies, I'm ready to protect" look. Of course I don't get mean with mum, but I run away with my babies if mum got near, cause she likes to throw them outside. She's thrown so many of my babies outside........

Then I played some more with another one of my babies. Santa did say "PARENTAL SUPERVISION IS ADVISED" since I sometimes will grind my teeth on them. So I only get to play with my babies when mum's around.......... then she throws them outside...
I snuggled up next to one of my babies.

Mum had me take one last picture with all my pressies before letting me go at the wrappers.

Good Bye wrappies.......
First, I opened my pressie from one of mum's friends. This one, was too small to be a blankie, surprisingly. Even tho this pressie came in a bag, I was determined to open it from the bottom. What's Christmas without ripping up wrappies right??


Those were another one from my wish list!!!!!
May I have the pine cones PLEASE - with my eyes shut just to tell you how much I really want them!

Heaven, I'm in Heaven!!!

I had did some nice chomps on all of them, and mum had to bring out the EVIL vacuum machine at one point...
This is me and my baby of another kind.

The second pressie I opened was from Kingsley.

I think he said the pressie was supposed to be for mum, but I put it under MY tree. It's a nice scarf!!!

Who says I can't wear scarfs?? Hooman scarfs actually look quite stylish on ME!!
Next, was my pressie from Boy n Baby. Look at that nice collar!!!

It fits me perfectly!

See the nice bling tags that came with the collar?? NOOOO, NOT the green thing attached to my beard, but the pink/green star and the bone underneath.

Ummm... yea that's a piece of branch from my pine cone box that became intertwined with my beard. I guess this is what happens when you're a lady with a beard...
My next pressie was so well wrapped, mum did the un-wrapping herself (instead of having me do it..).

It's from Huskee Boy!!! He gave me a festive collar in my favouritest colour - PINK!!
How do I look Huskee?? See, I even closed my eyes for you just to let you know how much I enjoyed my festive collar!!

Huskee was so nice he even gave mum a little pressie too. (Mum says you'd be a good son in law.)

It's a cute paw print zipper pull!!

My next pressie was from......... oh my doG, is that really YOU my man?? (those are pine cone crumbs you see on the floor)

It's from MY man Mackie, the talented artist! It's a water coloured portrait of ME!!

Wow.. do I really look that cute?? Hmmm.. I should really look into the mirror more. (mum: so your head can get even bigger?)
Now remember that extra big pressie I got last night from mum's friend? I opened it next.

I wasn't sure what it was at first,

I thought maybe it was another "loving" toy, so I gave it a try......

However, my EVIL mum pulled it away from me... how cruel...
She started taking pictures to show what this roll of stuff really was,

While she was taking pictures of this comfy dog bed/pad, I decided to.............
YUP! Finish up my "loving" that she interrupted earlier!!
Then it was blankie time!!! First, was a small baby blue blankie from mum's friend.

The second one was a HUGE Rudolph the red nose reindeer blankie. See, my little Rudolph even came over to check it out to see if it was daddy!

Oh, and we must not forget the cute Santa blankie I got a few days ago from yet another one of mum's friends.

Both mum and I are convinced her friends planned this ahead of the time. They must all think mum is freezing me or something LOL.
Lastly, mum tried to get me to take a picture with all my pressies. So she made me lie down and started putting all the stuff around me. Well, when she was finally done, I could no longer keep my head up, and I fell asleep.......

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for all your nice pressies, it's the bestest X-mas ever, and I had sooo much fun!! I gotta admit tho, all the un-wrapping pressies, pictures, and loving tired me out good....
Hey, did anyone notice, I didn't get a pressie from MY mum????
WoW, Sunshade you sure got lots of nice presents! You are one lucky girl. Mom sent you one, too, but who knows how long it will take to get to you. I hope you get it soon!
You got AWESOME pressies Sunshade! I love the painting that Mackie did of you! How talented he is with his paws! So many nice gifts. Lucky you!
Yer fren,
You got ROCKS!!! WOW !!!! Chani would have loved to get rocks in her stocking! You are only lucky pooch!
sunshade, you got so many nice things, especially the ROCKS!
Thats alot of nuce gifts.. Hey, our Mama didnt get us anything either if u minus the the special turkey that she roasted for us, the silly outfits and some 'rubbish' new toys.
Lucky thing the collar fits and to think the pet store people advised us to get a size smaller when we told them it is for a special Airdale. Obviously they have not seen Miss Sunshade. Mama made the right decision to go with her guts feeling this once.
Hope that you will have a wonderful 12 days of Christmas! And send our love to your Mom too.
Boy n Baby
oh sunshade, rockies! i can never understand rock! :-) that's bcoz i have never played with one before.
wow, those pressies! plus those you got from your barkday, so many!!!
now u have a great boxing day!
wet wet licks
Wat a haul!!
Glad to see that you are enjoying all your presents..
P/s... you and your hoo man can take turns wearing the scarf okies?
Sunshade, that's alot of presents you got. You sure are in Santa's Nice list. So what did your mum got you?
~ fufu
Wow, what a bunch of great presents!! All those blankies make me want to take a nap too, just reading about them :)
Hee hee, you're so cute playing with your rock babies. My mom covered my eyes during a certain part of the video, but I did get to see you tend to your kids in the first part.
Is your Mom a Grinch or a Scrooge?
Bussie Kissies
WoW what a great gift opening day you had. All the pictures are just wonderful.
Nose licks
Hehehe guys, I posted the next part of my X-mas.... I guess I did get a big pressie from mum afterall!!
Thanks everybody, I had so much fun X-mas morning opening my pressies, and what great pressies I got!!
I hope you've all had a great Christmas as well!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
What a lot of presents! You really have amazing friends and an amazing Mummy. I wish you all the rocks in the world! Did you know that we have a really big rock in the middle of this place? I think it's called Airs Rock or Oodidladoo... or something. It's bigger than my house - so it's a bit too big to send.
Lots of Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).
Santa sure loves you !!! I hope you will enjoy all your presents. I also hope that your mom will be fine soon. Big Kiss
Pretty girl,
I'm glad yu liked your gift and that you had such a wonderful Christmas! Its been pretty warm here on the East Coast, so no sow for me! I did get nice gifts and soon when mom gets back to work, I'll spend a bit more time online putting pictures on my blog too!
PS- What's with your loving animal? Pretty unresponsive, isn't it? Sheez!
Happy New Year!
Yours, Mackie
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