My pressie from Maggie!!
Ohhhhhh boy, I got another pressie today!!! It was from my friend Maggie, another Aire-girl!
Mum brought home another package, and on the package, it says "FRAGILE". I was sooo excited because I thought I had smelled another Aire-girl!!
Mum kept repeating Sunshade, be gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle, gentle X 100, you get my point.
Then she began saying GENTLE, GENTLE, GENTLE, GENTLE, GENTLE, GENTLE, GENTLE, GENTLE, etc, one louder than the next.
And then when I finally got the pressie out of the envelope, mum started SCREAMING!!!
Mum screamed and said "Sunshade, it's FRAGILE!!!". How was I suppose to know what "FRAGILE" mean? Nobody ever taught me that word before, only that "FRAGILE" and "terrier" are almost never put together....
Mum was more relaxed when she saw that it was still in one piece.
However, she kept trying to take it away from me. HELLO?? It was MY pressie?? So of course, I tried to keep it away from her anyway I could...
I tried with my mouth, but the EVIL woman stopped me,
So if I couldn't have it, then NOBODY else could!!!
However, that determined EVIL woman wrestled me aside and TOOK MY PRESSIE!!! I tried my best to take it back...but...
I can't help it, I just LOOOOOOOVE my pressie so much. LOOK, it's a mini-me!!!
Maggie's mom Sue handmade this herself, can you believe it?? Isn't it so cute, so booootiful, LIKE ME???
Oh, and see that green thing the mini-me's holding?? That's my favouritest ball ball, or you can call it a ring. Shhh..... I heard Maggie might be getting one for X-mas too!!
On the back of the ornament carved,
"To Sunshade Love, Maggie"

Along with this wonderful present was a bootiful Aire-card from Sue and Maggie.

See, I even brought it to bed with me!!

I gotta say, after receiving my pressies yesterday, and then reading about the pine cones on Bogie's post, and NOW THIS - I feel like the luckiest girl right now!!
THANK YOU Maggie and Sue so very very much! Both mum and I LOVE it!!
My friend Maggie along with the 6 months old Aire-pup Oscar are brand new bloggers!! Please go visit their blogs and say HI ok??
Please also visit Faya, the boootiful Aire-girl from Switzerland
Tat is nice. Maggie's mum is so talented.
Boy n Baby
yeaaaaaaaaaaa the orna made it there in one piece! Whew! Mom was so excited to make that for you Sunshade. That green thing on there is your donut toy and that's what I have at the top of my Christmas list! I'm trying to be a very, very good girl so Santa brings me one of those toys too.
So now you'll have to have your own tree too, just like Bogie!
Love ya lots,
*a very very VERY very jealous boo*
hmmmmpff! sunshade, when are u going to stop receiving pressies?
wet wet licks
Thanks for the mention of my blog Sunshade. Hopefully many new doggy friends will drop in.
Oscar x
What a beautiful aire-ornament! Maggie's mom is very talented! I'm glad you didn't crush it with your teeth :)
Hey guys, the post wasn't enough, I just had to say it here again, I LOVE the mini-me with the donut!! Thanks again Mageebrittlebritt (did I get that right?)
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Unbelievable. The number of pressies you get.
Lucky bee-itch indeed.
Does your ma ever receive any?!
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
awwww! Miss Sunshade, you are so sweet in those pictures! You are lucky to have such lovely friends and presents too! I will go now and sniff out the new Blogs! Obedient Marvin (for a change!!) ha ha ha!
love and licks Marvin xxasq
Such a cute mini-Sunshade!!!!! I love the Aire-nament I got too... Maggie's mom is SUPER talented!
Airenaments! How nifty. Did you sniff its butt?
Bussie Kissies
Hmm... I just submitted a comment. Did it make it to you? Bloggy is acting very weird today.
OK, I think it lost my original comment. Woe is me!
You look very cute and stylish in your fleece jumper!! And, you are having so much fun in the snow I see. Over here it is very sunny, but cold. :-( Not a drop of snow here.
Your pressie looks so pretty! I haven't received any pressies in the mail yet. But, I did get a whole box of greenies today! Also, I got one doggie card in the mail yesterday!
I think you might be interested in the bloggy entry I posted today. I even included a picture of YOU so doggies can compare. Take a look!
You lucky dog.
You deserve it though Sweetie. Organizing the card exchange and rock
hey Miss Sunshade! My name is Jeannie! I like to read your stories their very cute!
Have a nice day
Hi Maggie,
Greetings from Singapore!
Your mum is SO talented.. I love the ornament she made for Sunshade.. bet you have one too right?
Can't wait to read more about you!
Huskee Boy
That ornament is so kewl! You are just so lucky, Sunshade!
Big Wags,
That is the most beautiful pressie I've ever seen! You are such a lucky girl!
Your pal,
so many gourmet....great owner u had there...
as for my owner, a raw egg for me is d best she can do...
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