Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The day mom came to pick me up from breeder's house

Mom and grandpa came to pick me up on January 15th, 2000. They had driven 10 hours from Seattle to come pick me up because the ferry from Victoria BC to Port Angeles WA was not running due to maintenance. However, the sight of me and my 7 brothers and sisters made it all worth the long drive. Here are some pictures taken when my mom and grandpa came.
Can you tell we love our breeder, Jan so much??? We followed her everywhere and she had already started teaching us to do our "businesses" outside.

My brother, Winston and I were scheduled to be picked up on that day, so my breeder and her daughter, Bonnie groomed the two of us. We looked like miniature mature Airedales!!! Here are a couple of pictures of me and Winston, and me in mom's arms.

I was a very good baby during our long trip home. I went pee twice when mom let me out, ate two little meals, and then slept the rest of the time. Mom didn't want to leave me in the car alone while we were taking the ferries (Kingston ferry, and Swartz Bay ferry), so she snuck me onto the passenger deck where I continued to sleep.

1 comment:

Duke said...

OMG, you were such an adorable pup, Sunshade and now you're a beautiful and very popular Airegirl who is loved by so many! We're your #1 fans, ya know!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch