I've been X-mas Taged
Ok, so I've been triple tagged by Toby, Roo, and Buster.
The Rules: The player of this game starts with "3 things he/ she would love to get for Christmas" and also has to list "3 things he/ she definitely does not want to get for Christmas". Then he/she tags 5 friends and list their names. The ones who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their Christmas wishes, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. And the one who tags need to leave a comment that says "you've been Christmas tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Things I would love for X-mas:
1. a real kitty, not another THING (but I can't promise it will live past X-mas day)
2. Kitty poop
3. Goosie poop
4. Horsie poop
5. a guinea pig
6. pine cones
7. rocks
(sorry, I had a hard time just narrowing down on the different types of poop, so nevermind about listing only "3" things)
Things I would hate to get for X-mas:
1. Spicy water from the Grinch machine
3. a hair cut
My 5 victims are:
Oh oh oh, I just have to show you guys this:
Me in my SunshadeMOBILE

Fufu in his FuFuMOBILE

I think he definitely beat me in the cute factor!! Oh oh oh, I think he's been nominated for photo of the month!!
Hi Sunshade
Sorry this is a bit off topic except I love both you and Fu Fu in your mobiles. You have to admit Fu Fu sure is a cute little fellow.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply but my mum had an emergency.
My mum and I think your Christmas card exchange is a wonderful idea, and you have no idea what a difference all the Christmas cards have made to Christmas for my mum this year. My mum has not celebrated Christmas since my brother, Beau was stolen. You and your mum, with the help of Charlie and Opy's dad, have helped my mum be happy at Christmas time again.
My uncle, Phillip has not been home since Beau was stolen. This is the emergency my mum has had. Fate has led to Phillip being home for Christmas, and we're all crossing our paws, hooves, beaks and fingers that Beau will be home too.
Thanks for adding me to your Paw Pals list. My mum will add you to mine too. She has a lot of catching up to do with my blog, but she's had a very good reason.
My mum and my family send their love to you and your mum, and I send my love to you too !!!
You and Fufu look like twins now!
Bussie Kissies
Miss Sunshade,
Oh yes, I'd much rather have a box of delicious poops than smelly old chocolate!
You and Fufu do look like twins, if we ignore your sizes :)
Sunshade, how much cat poop do you want? Miss Jane, Mimi, Roy and Sally would be so happy to send you a Christmas present. Can you store it in a tin and bring it out as a treat?
Hi Sunshade. What a great tree you have. Mom got one for me too!!
You need to go to the MSN homepage - www.msn.com and watch the movie trailer for Firehouse Dog. You are gonna fall in TRUE love!
Bussie Kissies
Miss Sunshade you are the nicest doggie EVER! The FuFuMOBILE it just too cool and of course Fufu looks adorable in his new ride! We have lots of goose poop in our area if you'd like I can start collecting and send you a BIG box marked Breakable so no one would know what's in it. Let me know!
Your pal,
oh both you and fufu are so photogenic! nevermind that fufu has the cute factor, you have the sunniest smile and the most boyfriends! :)
hey hey.. this is unfair.. why your wish list can be so looonnggg... myself love fufu photo too ;) cute little fufu.. haha
Oh Sunshade! I love the FuFuMobile! I will ask Fu Fu if he can give me car rides! I saw Fu Fu's post about the loot he got in the mail. You are the nicest doggie ever to find such a small dog car for Fu Fu.
Hey Miss Sunshade, you are sooooo cool! I received your card and present yesterday when I came home from the Vet Hospital! Thank you - it is a wonderful present, I was sooooo over excited as I had never had a parcel through the post before.
Mind you, I have chewed up a few which came for Jeannie! But yours was just the best and your card so pretty. I sniffed your furry picture too. How clever you are!
I have put a thank you on my Blog too. ooooh and I think you both look cool in your modes of transport, can't choose between you!
ps We took some really good pictures of me opening the card and present but Blogger playing up so cannot post them yet. Will do later!
Thank you also for the kind words about Jeannie! Much love and many licks from Marvin xxxxxx
Love from Jeannie too x
goodness, fufu in his fufumobile is the best thing I have seen in a long time. NOt that you dont look great in the sunshade mobile, but that is one funny looking hamster pic!
FuFu looks so adorable in the car you sent him! That was sweet of you, SunShade to send him a special little car. You are such a generous sweetheart.
Festive Wags,
8 more days till Santa!
great picture.. you look soo cute in your car!!! is mom going to fill up the trunk with all your xmas gifts?
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