Cates Park
Mum and I stumbled upon the most BOOOOOOOOTIFUL park last week,
So today, mum decided to take STINKY and me back to this most booooootiful park!! It's called Cates Park, located in North Vancouver (your neck of woods Tobes!!)
Making our way across the parking lot,
We walked the Malcolm Lowry trail,
Went down a flight of stairs off the trail,
And came to the most booootiful beach,
With the most AMAZING panoramic view!!
The crystal clear water was so crisp and refreshing,
I ran around the beach with MY RING,
Swam after MY RING,
And was TOTALLY USED to retrieve toys STINKY failed to retrieve!!!
I am an excellent retriever. Anything mum throws, I'll get.

Anything mum tells me to get, I'll get.

Even if it's a BIG stick, I'll still get, because I'm THAT good!

Now STINKY on the other hand seems to have trouble differentiating the meaning of being "helpful" from being "ANNOYING"!
I swam all the way out to get the BIG stick mum threw while he waited at shore. Upon my return to shore, he proceeded to grabbing the other end of the BIG stick.

He said he was helping, I told him I didn't need his kind of "help" which involved him pulling and jerking the opposite way.

Did he listen???

Of course NOT! He was determined to "help" me with the stick all the way down the beach.

He only stopped "helping" when I decided to just let him have the stick (that I retrieved with my own tiring jaws!).

He is always trying to "help" as he calls it. At times, he even tries to "help" when I'm holding things that obviously don't need to be "helped" with, such as MY RING!

He tries to "help",

And doesn't stop until he gets it.

Just tell me, what kind of "helping" is that??
Not only is STINKY un-helpful, he is always getting himself into trouble.
Today, he decided to ignore mum when she told him NOT to run ALL the way down the beach to see the two black dogs. Well, you guessed it, they hated him. So I had to come out from the water with the BIG stick still in my mouth, run all the way down the beach (with the BIG stick in my mouth) to save his sorry ass! You can read about what happened on STINKY's blog. (No, I didn't eat anypup, I just used my powerful "Sunshade LOOK" to settle things!)
Anyway, after that incident, he was practically glued to me ....
on land.......

And in water......

(mum: he just loves you so much Sunshade!! He has no idea he is bigger than you. He still thinks he's that tiny little puppy who needs your *ahem* firm guidance LOL!)
I took a moment to soak in the sun, breath in the fresh aire, and admire the almost unreal scenery before my eyes. Of course, I managed to recharge my Aire-Zen at the same time.

My moment of undisturbed quietness was short lived......
I turned, and saw the unrelenting woman!!

Out of all the things I've had to put up with, I thought I at least deserved a WHOLE BAG of dehydrated liver treats. Wouldn't you agree??
Well just look at my EVIL mum, see what she made me do to get ONE piece of liver treat?? What kind of "COME" was that anyway?? Can't blame me for complaining. And then....... and then... I did that.. and she said I was bad!! GEEZUS! (video will explain it!)
Look at my EVIL mum!! She was taking MY bag of liver treats AWAY from ME, when I totally deserved the WHOLE bag!!

She made me dropped the WHOLE bag, and made me SIT and be patient just so I could get a teeeeeeny piece...

Here is an enlarged picture of the treats EVIL woman was holding. Look at how teeeeeeeny my piece was on the left compared to STINKY's on the right!

She always uses my weight as an excuse..... I'm am so neglected and mentally abused.... (mum: DRAMA QUEEN!)
I didn't think it was fair I only got a little piece since I was (am always) such a goooood gurrrl so I tried to help myself to some more treats. Well the EVIL woman stopped me AGAIN!!!
(mum: and she headed right back to the back pack....... LOL)
I COOLED myself for a bit,

Checked out a tree,

And mum said it was time to leave.......
SIGH... I LOVED this place and I really didn't want to go....
But mum and STINKY were already at the top of the stairs.... so I had to follow them..... SIGH...

Walked back to the car,

Got tied to the trunk so we could be wiped down......

I was the first one to be wiped because I was a GOOOOOOD gurrrrl!! (mum: good girl who is a little short in the patience department..hehe)
Mum, you really *should* get your OWN BLOG you know??
ANYWAYZ, I was wiped first because I was a GOOOOOOOOD gurrrrrl, period.
While mum was drying STINKY,

I decided to find MY WHOLE bag of liver treats!

I worked soooooooo hard at it,

From all angles,

While making sure I pointed my sexiest body parts to the camera!

I got the front pouch open, but all I found was a zip lock bag with my vitamin pill in it (red arrow). Yuck, like I was gonna touch that!

Just as I was about to work on the center pouch, EVIL mum told me to "LEEEEEEEEEAVE IT" because that's where the liver treats were!!
So I said FINE! If I can't have it, nobody else can!!! (mum: Sunshade the philosopher LOL)

Mum says my eyes talk, can you tell what my eyes are telling you here??

Am I saying:
Come over please, I don't mind sharing my treats with you.
Try to take MY backpack if you DARE!
Just as I thought mum couldn't get any more EVIL (you know, giving me teeeny bits of liver treats and making me LEEEEEEEEEAVE MY backpack alone), she did.
We drove a little bit, got out of the car,

And walked to THIS place.........

Seriously.... why would anybody advertise dog-torture so publicly??
Where is the SPCA when you need them??

Mum's excuse for taking us there was because SHE SAID we were hitting rush hour traffic (SURRRRRE), and it was gonna take us at least 45 mins or longer to get home. SHE SAID she didn't want salt water to be on us for too long because we might get itchy (uh huh).
Look at stooopid STINKY, he had no idea what was going on. He couldn't wait for his turn!

What were my eyes telling you here??

Thankfully, the torture didn't last very long since I only got rinsed, not the full stinky shampoop treatment.

I waited patiently (who says I have no patiences??) while STINKY was regretting his eagerness to follow me into the tub.

After our torture sessions, mum took us to a park to Aire-dry while we waited for the traffic to ease out a bit. (mum: so NOW you believe about rush hour!!)

Land Shark UPDATE:
Age: 10 months old
Status: STILL HERE............
Thank doG mum is starting to stop him from land sharking me. Last time he land sharked me, his big tooth hit my eye and hurt me. Not only that, he also put some of his disgusting, white foamy slobber IN my eye, which made me go wipe between mum's legs.
On our way back...... view of Lions Gate Bridge ahead. One of the two bridges connecting Vancouver to the North Shore...

Okay... I guess mum didn't purposely put us through the torture... the traffic was still pretty bad even after we waited and waited...
Overall, I had the GREATEST afternoon at Cates Park!

I would LOVE to go back again!! All you pups on the North shore, you've GOTTA check out that place!!
I wish I can come to you so you can teatch me how to swim.... But on the other way I don't want a bath after that.... you know I still never had one ! Goooooooood mom....
Kisses, Faya
OMG! Sunshade! This is the coolest ever day! It tempts ME to get ME and only ME a ticket to come live with you and your Mum ... This much fun is hard to come by around here you see ... Talk to you soonest!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Wow, wish I was there. Looks incredibly beautiful.
Clear water. Nothing can beat clear water.
You have been to all the nicest place. How I wish I could be there too.
What a beautiful park. Wish we could join you there!
Thank goodness you're around all the time to save Jaffa from getting himself into so much trouble! I love that you kept swiping the liver treats! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Excellent work on the liver treats my dear. I myself polished off a quarter of birthday cake this very afternoon while ma wasn't looking, yummy.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
That settles it; I am visiting Vancouver as soon as possible. It's so beautiful and you and Jaffa are lucky dogs
You live in a very pretty part of the world Sunshade. Lucky you.
Now about that was considerably small. Hopefull next time you wont be ripped off. Good luck with reaching your goal of getting hold of the entire bag of liver treats.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Oh my dog, you had so much fun. that park looks so nice.... I gotta let mom know about it.
As for that bridge... I recognize it too! I hate that bridge. It is always lined up with a million cars!!
Oh Sunshade...what a cool adventure. Mumsie's bro lives on Orcas Island out in the San Juan Islands...she really needs to come out and visit him and go and meet you guys....Stinky's gettin' huge...gotta go check his blog out bout the scary dogs you protected him from...Goood Guuuurl...and get ur mumsie to up ur liver treat ration...that was miniscule!!!!
Wow, that's a lot of photos! Come enter some in Dogster's World's Coolest Dog and Cat show - they're great!
Hey Sunshade,
What a great day you had at this new park! But I don't quite dig that dog wash part. hehe..
Hi Sunshade,
You guys go to the coolest places ever. My family has got to get up to Vancouver, it has the neatest places to go! You are a queen of swimming, no one swims as well as you. Way to step up and protect Jaffa. I'm a bit of a weenie dog too, and I've got no one to protect me. Jaffa is a lucky dog to have you. It's too bad about the bath, I'm not a fan either, but it's not our choice. I'm due for a bath & groom tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll be a glum pup. Can't wait to see where you guys go next. I'm living cool adventures through you!!
Your Pal,
That's a really pawsome park with the beach. You sure are clever to find those treats.. How come you can't have a tiny little bit more of it?
~ Girl girl
Oh, that is a booootiful park & a booootiful lake! Wish I was there to join you both. Hey, Stinky looks much bigger than you now Sunshade. What happened? You shrank! You both really had a sooooper time with your mom.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
The water there look so clear. When mama saw that water, she is really tempted to go for a swim.
Boy n Bsaby
Hey, Sunshadoober!
Very cool park! I'd love to swim with you and the Jaffaman there sometime. Too bad GooberStan is not next door to VancouverStan.
You are the best Airegirl ~ you retrieve whatever your mum tells you to, you save the landshark, and all you want is a little recognition. I know what you're talking about. Too bad she was stingy with the liver treats. At least you kept her on her toes. (I'm sure you'll get that whole bag someday).
Thanks for the muscle butt shot at the end. I loved it!
Goober love & smooches,
Hey sunshade,
that park looks soo interesting!! I wish there is a park like this here too.
sunshade, you look really nice in the pictures. you guys seem to have lots of fun - well, even with the heavy big stick and some 'helping', the sun and the sea make it all worth!
thx for ur recommendation, miss sunshade...
if i happen to visit canada, i will definately pay a visit
you should have got an ENTIRE bag of those treats for putting up with the stinky land shark. I am glad your Mom is starting to break the land shark habit!
what a beautiful place sunshade! i wish there were places with that much water here but kentucky is pretty dry.
Hi Sunshade,
Jaffa is indeed a very *ahem* helpful pup... maybe you can just get him to help with the right things... eg. like searching for the bag of treats!!
Looks like a very cool park.I have added you to my links on my new blog. love,neko
Looks like a LOT of fun... will you teach me how to swim Miss Sunshade? Pretty please?
dats indeed a bootiful beach, Sunshade!
i tot u r pawfectly patient n relentless in your efforts to covert the whole bag of liver treats!
Sunshade! You awe the undispooted queen of the beach!! What a glowious spot you found..that watew looks so inviting..clean and cleaw! you'we awfully nice to save should have gotten mowe tweats!
smoochie kisses
Hi Sunshade
I don't like the water but I think I might even be tempted at Cates Park. Stinky is growing up.
Love from Hammer
Reilly wants to "help" me with everything drives me CRAZY! One time we were on the bed and he tried to grab Mr. eggplant, so I let go, back he went and fell off the bed. Man I laughed.
HOly cow we got our whole sunshade picture fix in one post! I love your tushy!
That looks such a beautiful place! Shame about the bath afterwards, but I suppose it was a small price to pay! J x
how was the weather? was the water cold or just right?
Wow, if we lived closer we would for sure check out that park. You are right. It is boooootiful!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
You had so much fun, you are a lucky dogs, I would like visiting that park, too...but it's so far away from my home...
So, came to visit me on 3 of November, it's my birthday party.
Kiss from Cléo and Mom Sandra
Wow, these are really beautiful dogs. Happy Halloween to you!
Snickers and Sharon
Looks like everyone had a great time! Cates Park reminds me of Whytecliff... is it nearby?
Check out my Dog Blog :)
i love your site! it's so bright..and it looks like you had a blast. i can't wait to take trips with my people..stop by my page when you can.. :) i'm new to this blogging thing.
Great Topic! I have 1 airedale 2 year's old and believe it or not his name is dale:)
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