Sunday, September 16, 2007

Part II: Rusty's Lake House

Captain Terry is just the nicest captain ever!!

After our exciting day of whale watching, Captain Terry invited me and STINKY to go to his LAKE house to play!! I LOOOOOOVE water, I was sooo excited!

Rusty showed me his favouritest pee post. I gave it a try, and it was indeed an excellent post.

We all moved down towards the water. Being the curious gurrl that I was, I of course had to check out everything, and *ahem* ... water every pot of plants!

Here, the selfless me was testing the water quality. Wouldn't want STINKY or Rusty to get sick ya know?

I OKAYED the water, and they both came over to have a drink,

I was being my usual self around body of water; I looked for special rockies, and swam for my RING and my stick ball,

STINKY came over to ask me for permission,

He wanted to take MY stick ball to get Rusty to chase him (actually, he already took my ball). So being the generous, un-greedy, un-selfish Aunt that I was, I said he could play with it.

I was afraid he would lose it, so I kept my eyes on him, (mum: Sunshade keeps her eye on Jaffa when we're out. I think that's just the protective instinct in her.)

I know, Rusty had the hots for me. I thought he was pretty STEAMY too since he's still got his lovelies, but I had to pay attention to STINKY and MY stick ball.

BECAUSE, when I don't pay attention, things like this happens!!!!! (Red arrows show where the stick ball was)

STINKY decided he didn't want the stick ball anymore so he just left it floating OUT THERE! Instead, he now wanted MY RING!

So yes, I had to drop my RING, and swim out to get the stick ball. Of course by the time I came back with my stick ball, my RING was in his mouth already........ it's a vicious cycle.

Just as I was wondering if STINKY could EVER do anything properly, he surprised me.


For the very first time, he gathered up his courage, and ..........

Yes, STINKY swam for the very FIRST TIME!!! He followed me out. There are couple more videos of him swimming on his blog. (mum: out of no where, Jaffa just decided it was time for him to follow in the footsteps of his Sunshade!)

For a moment I was speechless. I never thought STINKY would have paid enough attention to me or have enough guts to actually take the plunge. But he did. And um... yes, I am a proud Aunt. For the first time, I am proud to say LIKE AUNT, LIKE NEPHEW!!

I stood there motionless as I watched MY nephew swim out on his own.

Now, my STEAMY nephew Rusty seemed to have only one thing on his mind....hehe

When he heard mum say it was time to go, he had some questions for me....

I didn't want mum or STINKY to hear our conversation, so I told him to stop following me and keep his voice down..

He did what he was told,

Boy is he EVER my nephew! He flirts just as bad as me!! Maybe it runs in the blood of the sheep coated??

I had the GREATEST time today from whales to the lake house!

My sincere THANK YOU to Captain Terry and Rusty for this wonderful trip!!! Yes, we will definitely go visit you again, and you might just see your sister aka STINKY #2 next time!


Snowball said...

That lake looks clean and pawfect to swim in. I wish we can have such lakes in Singapore.... **Envy** can I go stay with you, please? You seems to have many interesting adventure all the time and I would like to join in...


Putter said...

OMG! OMG! Sunshade!!!!! This is amazing!!!!! What could be betterest than this day???? Super coolest!!!! When will you go back again?????

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Girasol said...

wow! that is a nice place, a lot of green to run and water to play too.

Luckie Girl said...

Hi Sunshade,
Rusty seems to have the exact same erm... friendly genes in him.

Asta said...

What a pawfect outing! You awe the queen fow suwe! and evewydoggie can't help but follow you..see I just knew Stinky would leawn lots fwom you! He adowes you!
hope you get to go bak and have mowe swimy fun soon
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

That was sure nice of Captain Terry to invite you guys back to romp and play and SWIM! You must feel so proud, Sunshade that Jaffa followed your instructions to the letter! I'm glad he didn't lose your stick ball!

Love ya lots,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh you had some amazing darn day there Sunshade!

Why you not visit my bloggie anymore? I miss you sooooooooo darn much!

Ever yours, Marvin Braveheart Hound xxxxxxx

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey Sunshade, good thing you made Rusty keep his voice down. Imagine if your mum heard....she'd be shocked! He seems quite persistant ay!

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Kirby said...


You are officially a mentor for stinky. he he! What a lake house and what a day in general. I'm so jealous. You, Jaffa and Rusty had so much fun, and you are so nice to share all your toys with Jaffa. Now, if only I could be as good as you....


Joe Stains said...

wow sunshade I really am impressed by Jaffa, I thought he was hopeless up to this point!

I still think maybe its a little weird that your nephew thinks your hot, but I can't blame him!

Koobuss said...

What a wonderful feeling it is to see someone you've been teaching finally get it. Hurray for Stinky!! Rusty could be a problem though.

Koobuss Kisses,

Stanley said...


Hey, girlie! You must have been totally pooped after your big day. First whales, then the cool lake house. Looks to me like Captain Terry and Rusty are your friends for life!

I'm so glad Jaffa gave you a sign that you do NOT need to lose hope. He is your faithful disciple, sitting under your tutelage. He was BOUND to swim sometime. He must have known you needed to see a little something from him.

About the flirting, I'm laughing that Rusty IS just like his aunt. But come one, SS. You can't seriously be thinking about your nephew as a prospective boyfriend? Is that some kind of custom where you're from? I hope not.

Thanks for letting tag along. Almost felt like I was there with you!

Goober love,

Harry said...

Thank you for the studdily comment dear Sunshade. I'm much more worldly wise than young Rusty there you know.

Toodle pip,

Harry x

Sadie-n-Boatie said...

Looks like you had a ton of fun. Thanks for stopping by to visit us. Mum told us her granny was from Vancouver and she has always wanted to go see it!! That makes your blog even better for us to look at!

ruff ruff,

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! The captain's lake house is really nice & there were a LOT of post for you to water Sunshade. I don't think I can ever water them like you do in that position... You must teach me! I bet that Rusty was hitting on you all the time. Hehehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Texas's Mum said...

WOW Miss Sunshade you sure are having
loads of fun i wish i were there with you
having fun.

Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Wow Sunshade...u did a great job teaching Stinky to this Aunt/Nephew thing...weird...but, you are hot! Poor guy can't help himself...I still haven't sat down since Jaffa's lovlie could take a while! Scruffy

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You're such a responsible aunt to keep your eye on Jaffa. :) Rusty's house sure is nice

~ Girl girl

Mareike said...

I love your blog. It has become part of my morning ritual to visit here right after I visit Bogart's blog. In case you are curious, I am Mareike (willing recipient of Bogart kisses) and am owned by three Airedales: 7 year old Jupie, her son, 4 year old Kermit and Kermit's unlce, 6 year old Robin. Since they couldn't decide among themselves who should be spokesdale I had to write this myself.