Car Vet Day
Mum and I took our DaleMOBILE to its breeder + vet today for its health check-up,
(mum: she meant that's the dealership where we bought the car from, and today we brought the car in for service.)
The DaleMOBILE's breeder is located in a huge cul-de-sac basically, called the Richmond Automall. We left the DaleMOBILE at its breeder's and went for a walk.
There are TWO very fascinating phenomenons at this huge cul-de-sac:
1. There are many different breeders here.
Just to name a few, here is the breeder of the Infinity-MOBILES,
Breeder of Mercedes-Benz-MOBILES,
That's Audi-MOBILE breeder across the street,
2. There are LOTS of these everywhere in this cul-de-sac.
I first located them at the breeder of the Infinity-MOBILES,
I started stalking them,
From all angles,
I tip-toed closer,
And closer.... (Can you believe I was so quiet that they didn't hear me at all!)
And watch BIG FOOT mum scare them all away!
She just HAD to move...... while I was perfectly happy stalking/watching them and NOT scaring them! (mum: sorry Sunshade, I didn't feel like standing there and watching a bunny eat his breakfast, lunch and dinner!)
See, they're ALL GONE... HUMPH!
Good thing I found more with my SuperEYES,
Do you see them?? They are those black spots!
They were so tiny because they were only babies,
Mum got tired of holding my SuperLEASH so she went and took some pictures from a different angle,
(mum: Nowdays, Sunshade will just "watch" those rabbits. Unless the rabbits dash first, she will not chase. She does try to sneak up on them quietly, albeit VERY slowly. Most of the time, rabbits don't even notice Sunshade because she stands very still. This also means that I spend a lot of time watching rabbits eat and poop. Soon, I think I'll be able to speak rabbitish.)
Speaking of snackies, I found myself some FRESH treats to nibble on. Picture below show only the old, dried up, un-fresh ones (cause I ate all the fresh ones), but you get the idea.
Then mum told me to gurgle,
Not sure why it was necessary, but I did it anyway because I'm a GOOOOOD gurrrrrrlie!
I took a moment and enjoyed all the "plane planes" that flew over the sky above me,
This huge cul-de-sac (mum: Richmond Automall.) is located in the city of Richmond, about 15 kilometers south of Vancouver. The city of Richmond is also home to the Vancouver International AIREport (aka. YVR), so lots of plane planes fly by.
We continued our walk where we came to the breeders of the Land Rover-MOBILES and Jaguar-MOBILES,
Look at this cool off road lookalike track they had for the Land Rover breeder's,
Then I spotted the White Rabbit from Alice In Wonderland, except he was black,
Like the White Rabbit,
He was in a hurry,
Like the White Rabbit who headed towards a hole, and ultimately got eaten by the hole,
Me, who is like the good hearted Alice, ran as fast as I could to stop the black rabbit from running into the hole in front of him,
I succeeded as he did not end up in the hole.
Mum and I then walked to this place, which coincidentally happened to be in the same cul-de-sac as all the breeders,
Mum is trying out a new supplement for me recommended by my Auntie Janice's colleague who spoke very highly of the product. This was their head office, so we went to pick up the supplement.
Then mum decided to sign up for something that she said would result in more yummy treats for me (mum: she meant it would save me some money.. LOL). While she was in the room doing paper works, I decided that I would have a snooze on the cool floor.
People loved me there, they all came out of their offices to look at me. They said I was SuperCALM and SuperADORABLE. Then for some reason their moufs became very wide and very open when they heard the supplement was for me.
After my SuperENERGY was recharged, mum and I headed out where I continued to see these,
Everywhere I looked, there they were!
I actually got a little tired of seeing them,
We headed back to DaleMOBILE's breeder,
Mum paid the vet bill,
And I was able to get back in the comfort of MY DaleMOBILE. Mum then asked me the SAME question and many different WEIRD ways. Just look at my expression, you'll know HOW WEIRD she was!
Thank you very much!
Note: A lot of you have asked whether or not my SuperHEARING is a-ok now. First of all, thank you for asking! Well I think it is, I mean, I can hear words like "treat treats", "bone bones", "do you want to for a walk?", "rockies", "crow crows" fine. Mum says my SuperHEARING is probably 70% back because I can't seem to hear words like "COME", "lets go home", "DROP", "leave it", etc. I did go to see my Auntie Janice to have acupuncture again, and she still couldn't really see my left ear drum without hurting me. So my Auntie Janice thinks that I might still have some healing to do. To be honest with you tho, 0% hearing, 70% hearing, 100% hearing makes no difference to me HA HA HA!!!
(mum: Sunshade can hear most things now, and she is definitely reacting to door bell once again. There are little subtle sounds (ie, crow flapping its wings over her head, or planes flying over) that she still doesn't seem to be able to hear. She hates crows with gusto, and she used to be know where they are just by the whoosh sound they make while flying. Now she will only swear at them once she spots them with her eyes. She also still seems to sometimes have a hard time with directions the sounds are coming from. Other than that, she is responding to most of the commands (when she wants to), and tilting her head when I talk to her. Hopefully she will continue to regain more hearing back.)
Oh, we're so glad to hear that you have most of your hearing back! That was a very scary ordeal.
Out of curiosity, what was that trap for? Are they trapping the rabbits to be culled or is a rescue taking them in? (serious questions)
We're so glad that you're hearing is coming back, Sunshade! Can you hear the cookie package being opened as your mom or D-guy try and sneak cookies and hide them from you? Our dad tries that all the time and he loses every single time! HAHA!
You sure did see lots of bunnies!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
The report on the visit with the Dale mobile breeders was very amusing.
We are glad that you can better hear again.
Lots of love
hey Sunshade! what an interesting walk you had when your DaleMobile was at it's breeder. we have never seen so many rabbits. you are VERY calm not to chase them. we would have been barking our brains out and chasing like crazy. we love to chase things and rabbits would be so much fun. we heard that they can run pretty fast too.
the inside of your superDaleMobile looks very nice. you would probably cry if you saw the inside of our dogMobile. our human says she will clean it - PLEASE PLEASE we say. then she reminds us WHO made it so dirty. not us, no no no, we are innocent!
we're glad to hear that your hearing is good now. we hear like that too. we hear "treat", "go for a walk", "play", "time for dinner", but we can't hear very well when she says "come" or "leave it" or "sit".
the human let Baxter run and play at the dog park today, so we will see how he feels tonight. he didn't take any pills today. he's tired and taking a nap now.
Hi, Sunshade!
All the car breeders in the same place!
That is pawesome!
I wonder why all those rabbits are there!
When I watched your video and saw you tilting your head I felt happy!
Glad to know you can hear... what you want to hear... now!
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs
Sunshade, we're so HAPPY to hear that you've got most of your hearing back. That is awesome news!!!!!!!!
Mom watched your "bone bone" video 3 times already.... Do you know why?? Because she's happy to find out that she is not the only crazy lady that asks the same question over and over again!
This is our conversation:
Mom: Do you want a maaaaarrow bone?
Me: Yes Please
Mom: Do you want a maaaaaarrow booone?
Me: I said yes.
Mom: Where's the maaaaarrow bone?
Me: Huh? I thought you had them
Mom: Do you want a maaaaarrow bone?
(Repeat question X 100)
Hi Sunshade - that was a very witty post! :-)
And I can't believe all those cute bunny rabbits just running around the car breeders! They look like they should be in a pet shop (or Easter egg basket)
Glad to hear your hearing is recovering!
Honey the Great Dane
Hi Sunshade,
We're glad that your hearing is steadily getting back to normal.
Crikey, where do all those bunnies come from? I wish I could have been there ... we could have hunted together!
Nelly x
That sure looked like a mighty tasty yummie bone. Boober loved all the bunnies (she's a real bunny chaser not calm like you). We're so glad to hear that your hearing in back almost 100%.
This is fantastic information for blog. I really love the way infomration presented in your post. I have added to you in my social bookmark…and i am w8ing ur next post.
WHOOAAA - now that's a lot of BUNNIES...
Bet you could have got a job and made some extra treat monies for just rounding them up and getting them all in one spot...
Glad that your hearing is gradually returning - just time....
Yummy looking bone....
Glad the dalemobile is feeling better...We're sure D-Guy would give you a ride anywhere you want to go...
hi sunshade, i can't believe the raaaaabbits around there. i hardly see any, ok, except that time when mom "rescued" a pet rabbit.
vet bill. lol
mom tortures us with the stupid "bone bone" questions too. dopey is the good boy keeps reminding mom by pawing mom until mom gets annoyed and give in.
wet wet licks
Hola! Miss Sunshade, phew, I am soooo sorry I have been lax in commenting on your Blog, but I am here now!
I enjoyed this post very much, and it was lovely seeing you in action. We have lots of rabbits here at my house, so many now, I am kinda bored with them.......
I don't even bother to chase 'em much now. I too, dislike crows, and chase them, across the fields, but funny, they always manage to get away from me!
Glad you are doing ok, and also glad your hearing is getting a wee bit better. Sorry to have been so long in commenting and checking out your blog.
Your old friend, Marvin xxxxxxxxx
and lotsaluv, to your Mama too xxxxxx from Jeannie xxxxxx
We wouldn't just have stalked those hoppy black things, we would have chased them all the way back to Oz!
Um...I now know where the expression breed like bunnies comes from.
Vancouver. It's obvious.
We have never seen so many bunnies. And our bunnies here are all gray and boring.
Honestly, Sunshade, those breeders are doin' some serious breeding. Cars, bunnies...sheesch...
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