Awesome Blog Award
I am honored to accept the Awesome Blog Award since there are SOOO many great dog bloggers out there unique in their own ways. Needless to say, I am feeling a little over the clouds at the moment, and I don't know whether to cry or laugh........ just look at me, how embarrassing is this??
I would first like to thank Ivy, for being such a great competitor. Her blog will be the Featured Blog of October:
THANK YOU to MY man, Mackie, for your love and support!
THANK YOU to my wardrobe designers, Butchy & Snickers, for making me so stylish!
Special THANKS to my friends,
Boo - the sweetest little man
Bogart - the HandsomeDALE
Buster - the ONE and ONLY chocolate fanatic
Chelsea - the supermodel
Chiyo - the performer
Fee - the winner of Photo of the Month
FuFu - the resident "dog-wannabe" hamster
Isabella - the Assistance Dog in training
Jaffe - the big brother
Jay - the senior blogger who just turned 15
Max-V - the rescue boy
Ranger - the previous Awesome Blog Winner
Sam I Am - the "smoldering" quarterback
T-man - the spoiled rotten brother to CC-man
- Last but not least,
Opy &
Charlie, our moderators for D.W.B Bone Zone
Thank you all for your continual support, I couldn't have done it without you!! Now will you excuse me, I have to go wipe my tears off in between mum's legs and blow my nose at the same time. (yes, I have decided that I should cry a little...)

Sunshade! My fluffy goddess. Congratulations! I'm sure it was those enticing grooming photos that put you over the top. They displayed your, um, charms to their best advantage!
I'm still trying to get my mom to buy you a plane ticket so you can come visit me. Do you think you'll need a passport too? I could start working on that too.
I'm formulating a plan...
gongxi gongxi! i'm so glad you won!
loves and hugs,
Oh, Sunshade! You look pleased, proud and a little bit humble. (If I won an award, I always wanted to say that [stole it from an old TV show, "The Monkees!"] Your blog is a daily must-read and deserves this honor. Oh, and congrats to the person who takes all the gorgeous pictures of you, too.
Hot Diggity Dog! THREE CHEERS FOR Sunshade!
I'm so happy for you I'm doing the doggie dance!!!I sure hope you get lot's of TREATS.You worked hard ..sniff-sniff
Lot's of Lick's
Hi Miss Sunshade,
Congratulations on your award! I just found your blog and I am enjoying looking at your beautiful pictures. I looked at your rehab website too and saw you swimming - I tore my cruciate too earlier this year. I will keep checking out your blog! Keep up the good work! :)
Your new friend,
Lenny (wire fox terrier)
You are my Sunshade
My little Sunshade
You make me happy
when I am blue....
Yadda yadda yadda
Congratulations champagne and chocolate!
Bussie Kissies
Congratulations Sunshade!!!!
Our day wouldn't be the same if we didn't start it off by reading your blog!
Sue and Maggie - HUGE fans
Sunshade, I am soooo proud of you! I wish I would have known, because I would have been behind you 100%!!! I'm a little new to this doggie bloggy thing and I have to say that I am somewhat embarressed that I didn't know you were up for such a prestigious award, but you and all my new friends are getting me up to speed! Congrats my new friend! You deserve it! You're the bestest airedale I've ever known!
Your proud pal,
don't cry miss sunshade, just bask in teh glow of success!!!
Oh Sunshade I am so proud!! I knew a Canadian girl deserved the big prize.
Bum sniffs
Congratulations gorgeous!!!
CONGRATULATIONS MISS SUNSHADE!! You are SO deserving of this award. We really enjoy reading your blog every day. You are cute and so entertaining!!
PS: Could you ask your mom how she can send your mom a PM? She's never tried it.
Tell your mom that my mom figured out the PM thing. She sent the message just now!
sunshade, congratulations on the award!!! wow, i should sign in once in a while to the bone zone, seems like i've been missing out on a lot of action! :p anyway, you really deserve the award! HM says that reading your blog is the highlight of her day sometimes :) next to cuddling me, of course :p hee hee
Congratulations on your award!!! Time to break out the peanut butter for the celebration!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You deserve the award! It's time for a celebration, you know?
Nah Max, don't think I'll need a passport. I think, after talking with you, I can get away with batting my eye lashes and show them my sexy butt!!
Fee: xie xie, and gongxi gongxi to you too (no idea, mum told me to type that)!!
Hey Ellen, me..humble? A humble Airedale?? Nah...I mean, just look at Bogart's reply!!!
Sam, mum better give me more than just a few of those grain free treats! MORE MORE!
Hi Lenny, nice to meet you too! Thank you for dropping by and I hope your knee is better now.
Oh Bussie, did you celebrate my win with LOTS of chocolate??
Sue and of course, Maggie: Thank you guys so much for liking my blog!
Roo!! Thanks for calling me the "bestest" Airedale, I'm glad you think so!
Ranger: Yes yes, I mustn't cry, I have to learn from you the pro!! How did you exactly bask in the glow?? Didyou get to eat lots of crackers and chips?
Chelsea: You're back!! Haven't seen your blog for a while... Well, I'm a Canadian born American girl actually..... so i hold dual citizenship!!
Bogie: Hey HANDSOME!! Thank you for being soo handsome and charming...hehe!
Little T-man: You and many others are the reason why I love to blog! Thanks for the support!
Oh Chiyo: I don't think my blog can compare with "cuddle time with Chiyo"!! I'm honored to be second to that tho!
Hana: Thanks for the congrats, yeah TREATS...WHERE ARE MY TREATS MUM??
Oh Jay, I almost missed you!!
MUAH to all!! Thanks for being such a cool group of friends!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
It's really too bad your Mommy didn't get the painting. The person who got it must love you lots too. Tell your mommy, the sucessfull bidder has a painting but she has YOU.
Hey Sunshade,
An award well deserved. ;)
The pic of you with your eyes slanted is funny. How did you do that?
~ fufu
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