Tuesday, March 27, 2012

WATCH the making of Me & MY Piggies :-)

Yes, MY piggies & I did not win the Unlikely Animal Friends Contest, but because of it, we have made so many new & wonderful friends. One of our new friends Miss Wendy in Australia makes darling hand sculpted Airedales and other animals. She asked mum if it would be ok for her to sculpt ME & MY Piggies!! Mum said YES of course!!!

Miss Wendy has decided to make the sculpting of me & MY piggies into an event where she will put up pictures and videos of the process. Sort of this like, (click on pictures to biggify)

Making of MY SuperBED!!

MY piggies!! The one with the white stripe down her face is going to be Meatball!!!

The process will be documented on the Facebook page - The Hand Sculpting of Sunshade and Piggies

You DO NOT need to have a Facebook account to see it. Just bookmark the link and you will be able to follow the progress. Of course, if you do have a Facebook account, you are welcome to join and participate in the event.

I will try to make periodic updates here on the blog, but it might just be easier for you to go to the Facebook link. Videos will be on there.

Lastly, please visit Miss Wendy's websites:


Duke said...

This is so interesting and so much fun watching you and your babies being sculpted, Sunshade!

Love ya lots,

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Wow that's really cool. I think that your mom will have to get a set for your house.