Monday, March 12, 2012

VOTE FOR ME - Unlikely Animal Friends Contest on Cesar's Way

A very nice friend on Facebook informed mum of the Unlikely Animal Friends Contest being held on Cesar's Way. So mum submitted the story of me and MY piggies very last minute.

Well GUESS WHAT!!! I have been chosen as one of the FINALIST!!!

Could you please VOTE FOR ME if you like my story with MY piggies??? All you have to do is GO TO THIS PAGE, and click the "like" button (shown by the red arrow below. You need a Facebook account),

Because it was such a last minute submission, and we really didn't think we would get picked, we did not submit a video that told the whole story. We have since made a video that told the WHOLE STORY about Me & My Piggies. I hope you like it!!

Again, here is the link to VOTE FOR ME :-)

For more stories about Me & My Piggies, please visit the links below:


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, we voted for you. Good luck.

Duke said...

Good luck, Sunshade! I wish I could vote for you a hundred times! You are the best piggie nanny ever!

Love ya lots,

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Sunshade, I am Sasha and I saw your awesome video on Macintosh Mitch's blog. We totally voted for you and hope you win. It made my Moms day watching that. Thank you

Loveys Sasha

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I heard your Mommy piggie squeaking. In fact, Andy and I both listened. They were loud. Give them some cut up Fugi's for me. I like your video.
Sally Ann

The Thuglets said...

Good luck Sunshade. We voted for you!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I voted for you!!! You are such a very good Mother!!!! You are what all Mothers should be !!!
Loved your video too!!!