Friday, March 16, 2012

Last Day To Vote for ME & MY Piggies!!

Hi everybody, today, Friday, March 16th is the last day to vote for ME in Cesar Milan's Unlikely Animal Friends Contest!

I think Cesar likes the SuperDALE a lot!! He put me in his newsletter couple days ago,

And then yesterday, he took a still picture from my video and posted on his Facebook page!!

I know most of you have probably voted for me already, but in case you haven't, please vote for me in the link below (by clicking "Like" with your Facebook account). I am in SECOND place, behind the Cat and Owl!

(mum: I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all that voted, e-mailed, private messaged and commented on blog/Facebook. Your kind words mean a lot to me. Winning would be great, but what's more important is knowing that we've put a smile on 1800+ people's faces. That has been the sole purpose behind Sunshade/Jaffa's blogs and videos. Sunshade is my very special girl whom I got at 16, two weeks before I moved out of home. It was just me & her. She has taught me so much, stood by me every step of the way and made my life that much better. I am thrilled that I have been able to share her with the rest of the world. We are extremely grateful to have a huge group of supportive, wonderful friends behind us. So Thank you!!)


Duke said...

My paws are crossed that you can do a come-from-behind win, Sunshade! Your video deserves to win. It's the best!

Love ya lots,

Gus said...

We just went back to see if we could like you again, but no luck. We are sure hoping you beat that cat!

gussie n teka

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi E, we think that you're a good cookie too.