My Ketchup Piggie
I'm heartbroken......
My grandbaby Ketchup stopped moving today.....
She's the little red eyed girl, D-Guy's favouritest,
This morning, mum and I went to feed MY piggies, and almost as soon as mum opened the bathroom door, she shoved me out. Made me go out in the yard. I was a little confused, so I wanted back in. After about 15 minutes, D-Guy let me in.
I knew right then that SOMETHING WAS WRONG..... because D-Guy smelled very sad.... (mum: she kept sniffing Derek and staring at him. She hadn't noticed anything yet about the guinea pigs... Derek wasn't crying or anything, but sad/upset, wondering if this could have all been avoided.)
Then mum took a box outside with my SuperDALE towel on top. I thought she had gotten me another piggie because that was how mum brought Meatball and Sesame home,
But when I sniffed it, it didn't smell like a new piggie, it smelled like one of MINE,
Meanwhile D-Guy was digging in one of my corners. I thought that was kind of strange, but maybe he had finally realized how fun it was to dig Dig DIG!! (I love digging so much!)
Then mum wrapped something in my SuperDALE towel, and I got worried,
I sniffed it and knew it was one of MY piggies in there....
Why did they put MY piggie in a towel!!!!
I told D-Guy to open it up, otherwise MY piggie would suffocate....
(mum: Sunshade was really going frantic. She knew there was a guinea pig in there, but she wasn't sure why it was all covered up and why we weren't letting her near it. Seeing how her anxiety was escalating, I thought it was best to just let her sniff it for herself so she would know what was going on here. We have come across dead crows, rats, squirrels, seagulls, seals on our walks before, and she ALWAYS knew when an animal was dead. She would sniff them very carefully without touching them, and then walk away very quietly.)
So D-Guy opened the towel up for me....
And I couldn't believe my eyes and nose.....
MY piggie Ketchup was lying there lifeless. I nudged her, but she didn't move or squeak.... She also smelled like she had never smelled before....
Then D-Guy said Ketchup had to go to her new home now.....
He said this was going to be her new home,
In a hole??
I mean, I love holes, but why does MY piggie Ketchup have to stay in a hole....?
I'm so sad... who is going to clean her when she's dirty, dry her when she's wet, and snuggle up with her when she's cold??
I asked to have a moment with MY Ketchup.... (mum: she was clearly very sad, and just laid down next to the hole.)
Then D-Guy said it was time.....
And he covered her up with dirt. I'm glad Ketchup had my SuperDALE towel with her...
I stayed beside MY Ketchup,
Mum wanted to take me for a walkie to cheer me up, but I said no thanks.. If MY Ketchup had to stay here, then I wanted to stay with her too...
STINKY was so clueless,
He kept shoving his toy in my face and then running away, and then coming back to shove it in my face again,
Couldn't he tell I was SO sad???
(mum: Do dogs mourn? YES. I have watched Sunshade mourn the death of her Giant Georgie, and now her piggie Ketchup. She actually woke up very happy, energetic this morning. Was squeaking her toy and throwing it around. When she saw me dressed in my dog walking clothes, she started spinning and running around out of joy. I thought I would go feed the guinea pigs before we went out, and that was when everything fell apart. Sunshade knew very well that something was up when she sensed our sadness and she was concerned. The moment she got to sniff the rigid Ketchup, she became very solemn.)
Seeing that I didn't want to go out for a walk, mum went out to buy a few things, and when she came back, I was still by MY Ketchup..... (that's STINKY in front of the door)

Me and mum and D-Guy made a little shrine around where Ketchup now lived,

D-Guy made this boootiful remembrance photo of Ketchup, and I put my pawprint on it,

I made sure the picture was placed properly,

A cement block was placed over Ketchup's new home because mum was worried she would get dug up by raccoons and/or skunks that frequent our neighbourhood. (mum: I wasn't worried about Sunshade or Jaffa digging her up, I know Sunshade won't, Jaffa isn't a digger and doesn't care for dead animals.)
I told mum that we should put the special rockies that I had picked from various places, around the cement block.
My gift to Ketchup.....

I also told mum to cut up some of Ketchup's favouritest foodables, so she wouldn't go hungry.....

And I stayed with MY piggie Ketchup....

(mum: she fell asleep like that.... This girl would have normally gobble those carrot pieces up in no time, she loves them, not today though...)
Below is a letter to all my friends at the Rainbow Bridge:
Dear Heavenly Friends,
I hope you are all happy, healthy, and smiley where you are. I have a huge favour I need to ask of you.....
Could you please take care of MY piggie Ketchup when she gets there?
Ketchup is a very very nice little girl, just like MY Giant Georgie and MY Mousie. She was never the strong one as she was the littlest one out of the three piggie babies. She was always the last one to suckle from Meatball because the other two, stronger piggies would each grab a ju-ju to suckle on (they only have two). When they grew older, Ketchup was the last one to figure out how to eat out of the food bowl, or drink out of the water bottle. But she always did figure it out in the end. She was also the one that would just let D-Guy hold her without struggling, and she was the one that liked to snuggle up against me the most. So my friends... she will need lots of caring.....
Do you think you could please take care of her for me until I can get there? D-Guy also really liked her, she was his favouritest, and I know D-Guy would be really happy to know that someone will be watching over Ketchup.
Oh, and could you introduce her to MY Georgie and Mousie? I think they would like her lots!! Thank you.
Miss Sunshade (I miss you all, my heavenly friends)

(mum: We think Ketchup's death has a lot to do with the bath we gave her on Sunday, and perhaps not having dried her properly. She was still fine yesterday, eating and running around. I have since learned that guinea pigs have pretty delicate respiratory system. It doesn't take much for them to catch a cold, and apparently, they can die from a cold pretty easily. Ketchup was the runt of the litter, she was always a little bit smaller than the rest. She was always the easiest one to catch because she never ran from approaching hand. This was part of the reason that Derek liked her the best, he thought she had the best temperament. I can't help but wonder if she was just always weaker than norm, so she wasn't able to do what guinea pigs normally do. Nonetheless, it was still very upsetting to see any animal die prematurely under your care, and then having to watch Sunshade mourn was extra heart wrenching.
The way Sunshade was acting today was a total reminder of when her giant bunny Georgie died and she mourned his death for 2 weeks. It was very hard to watch.)
The story of Me & MY Piggies,
OKAY SUNSHADE...MY MOMMY AND ME ARE VERY SAD FOR THE LOSS OF YOU GRANDPIGGIE...WE never thought a piggy story could make us so sad...we hope the rest of your babies are going to be okay. RIP Piggie will be sadly missed
Such a touching story. I'm sorry for your loss, Sunshade and the rest of you.
Oh Sunshade, I am so so very sorry. I know that Ketchup is your favorite and this must be so painful.
I am sending sympathy bubbles in the stars tonight.
Oh, my heart is breaking for Sunshade! I loved the memorial you made for Ketchup, very touching!
Oh Sunshade. Im so sorry to hear about Ketchup.
That is so sad. And I know you will mourn her as you love your piggies more than anything.
I have a giant lump in my throat right now. I am so sorry for all of you. Take Care!! When Axo died our neighbour's dog, Axo's best friend, was just so forlorn. He was so sad. When we got Luca he would not have anything to do with Luca. He really missed Axo. They know!!
Big hugs!
Oh no! Tears are slipping down my mom's cheeks. We are so sorry for your loss and we feel so badly for your mum and D-guy. Your shrine is so beautiful - just perfect for your Ketchup, Sunshade. I know My Maggie will be welcoming Ketchup to the Rainbow Bridge and showing her around.
Love ya lots,
We are sooooo sorry that Ketchup had to go to the bridge! We know she will be well cared for! We also know, all too well, about how animals mourn for other animals!
So so sorry to hear about Ketchup. Those photos of Sunshade made me tear up. I love the memorial though. We all mourn...animals and humans alike just not in the same way. Sunshade, Stinky was indeed trying to cheer you up. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
We're very sorry to learn that Ketchup has passed away and hope that there will be better days ahead.
Sunshade we are so sorry for the loss of your piggie Ketchup. Were sure that Ketchup is with Georgie right now looking down on you. Give the rest of your piggies a big hug from us.
Oh Sunshade we are so sorry to hear about your little piggie Ketchup. What an awful thing to happen. Were sure that Georgie is now taking care of Ketchup for you. Big hug to you and the rest of your grand piggies.
Dear Sunshade, Jaffa, Elaine et al:
We are so sorry to hear about Ketchup. The loss of any pet in the pack is always sorrowful.
Tell your Mom despite the sadness of it all we enjoyed reading the sad tale.
Best barks and wags, Token and Beatrice.
P.S. Our Mom sends her condolences.
Sunshade we are sorry the hear the news of Ketchup going to the bridge.
Hugs to you mom and D-Guy
George and Jan xxx
We are so sad about your Grandpig--death is never easy to accept-but find comfort in knowing Ketchup is probably telling stories with Georgie.
Big hugs to all of you. It's a lovely shrine and you are so noble looking guarding it. I think Jaffa was trying to get you happy by offering to play. boys--hmphf, what do they know!
I am sorry for so many things, my list is as long as the longest list.
I could begin with the fact I am a really bad dog blogger, and don't manage to comment or interact....but no matter.
Your loss is horrid, and that is the most important thing, please accept my heartfelt Marvin thoughts and condolences.
Your blog post made my J cry and she is pretty emotional at the moment due to family stuff.
love and loyal licks, your well too absent blog old friend, Marvin xxxx
oh and Jeannie xxxxxxx
So sad to hear about your loss :(
Stop on by for a visit
So sad, tears are running down my face. Poor Sunshade. What a dog.
Keeper was in tears when she read this. It reminded her of my Popsy (died Feb4) and the rest of family who are all now in the Rainbow Bridge.
Ketchup was loved and Sunshade, like me, will hold on to our grief until we are ready to let go...
so sorry to hear it, but I'm sure that ketchup will miss you a lot,and he's so blessed to have and your dad in his journey.
Dog Shock Collar
Oh Sunshade we are so very sorry to hear your sad news about Ketchup.
Sending you all big airehugs.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Dear Sunshade, I am so sorry your sweet Grandbaby Ketchup has mad the journey to the Rainbow Bridge and I know your heart is sad. Sweet lily aire angel will watch over Ketchup f0r you and I'm certain will when you look up into the eastern sky Ketchup will be shining down brightly xxxxx, J
How touching...watched the video...if people think dogs don't mourn, they should watch day the lion will lay down with the lamb...this has more than 1 meaning but in this you can see that God's animal kingdom is amazing. There is a time for grief and a time to dance, and Sunshade will dance again...
Your story is so touching, Ketchup certainly was a very special friend and it breaks my little heart to read this story about your feeling so sad and staying by her little (and beautiful) grave ... No wonder all our furry angels will take great care of her and love her as you do ...
Sending some comoforting hugs and wirey luv' xxxxxxxx
We will all miss Catchup. Stay strong, Sunshade and family. Hugs,
Oh sorry for your loss. We can see how heartbroken you are and it makes us all leaky.
Piggy is over the rainbow bridge now.
Wyatt and Stanzie
Sunshade, my heart goes out to you and your took great care of ketchup and I know up in heaven he will be greatly cared for by our other loves who have crossed over!! You are greatly loved by all your FB fans and we love your Mom so much for being the wonderful person she is xxxxxxxxx
oh Sunshade, we are sorry for your loss. you are an incredible girl and so sensitive. we are sorry that one of your little piggie babies had to leave you so soon.
please REST ASSURED that the fearless five will be her personal protectors we have sent a message to them and they will meet her at the gates and protect her until we all meet again. we pibble promise..please accept our deepest condolences and pibble sugars beautiful sunshade
Sweet gentle Sunshade
you have such a wondewful one who saw how stwong and big and bootiful you awe wif youw lovely muscle butt would know what a gentle heawt you have hidden inside, but I know. I am so vewy sowwy that youw little Ketchup had to leave fow the bwidge so eawly. I know youw lettew to all ouw angels will make them welcome little ketchup and take special cawe of hew. Pleez don't mouwn sweet Sunshade. you awe lucky to have so many fwiends who love you so and Ketchup will be wunning awound in heaven wif all ouw angels and someday you'll get to see hew and mousey and youw bunny Geowgie again. I hope that you will stay hewe wif us fow a long time still, cause we love and need you
smoochie sad kisses
wun fwee little Ketchup
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