Happy V Day!!!
I hope you've all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
This was how my V Day went. Mum had to groom Gustav the handsome (Airedale), so we spent the morning and part of the afternoon at the apartment. Afterwards, mum took me to Jericho beach!
Look at what I saw (eventually)!!
Then we made sand art in celebration of Valentine's Day!

Well, mum made sand art, I just took her stickie,
Walked all over the art,
And laid down with her stickie, which was now mine!
Did you want to borrow MY stickie mum??
When we got home, D-Guy and STINKY handed me a bouquet of flowers!!!

Those were some VERY special flowers,

Do you know why??

This is why!! They're bacon wrapped asparagus flowers!!

Can I eat now??

How 'bout now?

And NOW??

What about NOW? I waited another second already!

Ok fine, just a lick then....

Mum said I had to share MY special flowers with STINKY,

I didn't understand why I had to share MY flowers with STINKY. I mean, boyz don't get flowers on Valentines Day anyway, and he made the flowers for ME!!

Flowers plated!!

Taste tester. Hmmm... good to go!


Yum yum, what a PERFECT Valentine's din din!!
Guess what D-Guy got mum for V Day?

I napped on a full tummy, under the watchful eyes of The SuperDALE!!!

Guess what else D-Guy got mum??

He got some SuperTALENTED lady to paint the SuperDALE in some SuperWAY!!

You can see more of this SuperTALENTED lady's work here on Facebook.
D-Guy really outdid himself this year! I think it's because he knows mum has been kinda sad and worried since the passing of my two gurrrrlfriends, Maggie and Tika. So he's being extra nice.
Look, he even made a video to tell mum what we are going to do when the weather warms up!!
All mum got D-Guy was a little robotic ball called Sphero. It is controlled by iPhone/iPad to torture animals, (mum: there are tons of games that could be played with it!!)

That's it for my Valentine's Day report.
SuperDALE out!
Wow! Everybody at your house had an awesome V Day, Sunshade! Your bacon roses look so yummy and I LOVE your paintings! D-guy was very generous and your up-coming road trip - after CA could you take a detour to CT and them head home? Just askin'!
Love ya lots,
Happy belated V Day, everyone! Love your flowers! BOL
Looks like a great road trip coming up!
That is the Most Delicious Bunch of "Pink Roses" So Very Creatives..... So Much Love from the 2 Boys at home. Just gave me some good idea if ever I need to spend $$ on V Day.
Am glad U are sharing those Delicious Roses with Jaffa :D.
Sunshade Going San Francisco? COOL.
I will msg U a Cool place for real good breakfast :D And the Best Clam Chowder.
Sharon Fm S'pore
Forgot to Mention, Those 2 Portrait are my Favourite. So BootiFul....
And that is a Big E-Ball that can be used to entertain Jaffa :D
Sharon Fm S'pore
What great V Day gifts...for you AND your mum! Looks like everybody had a great Valentine's Day!
Wow your Valentine's Day ROCKED sista! You, your Mum and D-Guy (and yes Jaffa too) are so lucky to have each other! I love that Mum shares you with the rest of us too! Now I gotta to check out that ball!
Wow, that's pretty neat. We've never had bacon or asparagus. Lucky guys. Better make room in the car for the kids.
Can I just say that D-Guy is a dreamboat? Bacon roses, portraits of Mum's most favorite grrrl, trips that include Miss Sunshade? He sure seems like a perfect fit for the whole family.
Say, is there a post describing how you took to D-Guy when your (Not) Evil Mum first brought him home to meet you and Jaffa? I think he appeared while the blog was on hiatus. Inquiring minds want to know how welcoming you were to a new person?
This was the bestest Valentines Post ever!! We loved the videos and great photos, looks like a great time was had by all!
Miss Sunshade! Happy belated V day and Happy up-coming Family Day!
Your family know how to make you happy and have fun!!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
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