Friday, August 27, 2010

Morning with the Puparazzi

UPDATE: Website for Squaire Dog Grooming is up - come visit us!

Mum wants to make a website for Squaire Dog Grooming, so she's been "collecting data". This morning, she took me to Balaclava park to do some data collection.

I was being very professional to the puparazzi. Gave her my smile,

Right side profile,

Left side profile,

Entire profile,

I saw my loyal fans approaching, so I politely excused myself and walked toward my fans,

I allowed Fan #1 to have a good look at THE Muscle Butt, and a quick sniff too,

Seeing how Fan #1 was near fainting stage (from seeing the Muscle Butt up close and pawsonal), I walked away to allow him to cool down,

I allowed the same encounter for Fan #2,

He asked for a moment of silence together, I agreed,

Then I also had to remove myself from the scene to ensure everypup's safety,

I could not get rid of the puparazzi no matter what,

She took pictures of me looking startled (because whenever I turned, she would be THERE!),

She took pictures of me AireZENNING,

Finally, she got one picture right alright!


Inky and Molly said...

We love that fuzzbutt of yours. And your fuzzolumns!
Looking forward to your new website :)

Duke said...

We love your musclebutt too, Sunshade! You'll have 1000000 hits on your new website the first day when those doggies find out that you're on it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Thuglets said...

Looking forward to the new website.
Some great profile piccies can't be easy being a superdale model and always wanted by the pupparazzi!

Big Nose POkes
The Thugletsx

NelsonandBoober said...

You really do look awesome with your new cut Sunshade and so much thinner. Your mum really did a fantastic job grooming you. Boober say's I need a haircut like that...wish your mum did retrievers and I'd be on the first plane to Vancouver. We think you mums new business is going to BOOM!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Not sure how we missed this in August, but it shows your awesome style and graceful AireZen for sure! (When we are in N.Idaho we do't have a lot of online time so that's probably why.)
BabyRD & Hootie

A note from Cassie: Baby has never been stripped. She is VERY sensitive to even getting her hair combed---really hates it. Was wondering what your thoughts are on those combs that help cut the undercoat. Baby is such a,well,baby that I hate to cause her anxiety.