Sunday, July 29, 2007

Smiley Boy - Oscar (5/28/06 - 7/28/07)

HE WAS......

The CUTEST puppy

HE WAS......

The most HUGGABLE puppy

HE WAS......

The greatest football player

HE WAS......

The best Sheriff Woody

HE WAS......

The greatest kitchen helper

HE WAS......

The best behaved boy

HE WAS......

The best fed boy

HE WAS......


HE WAS......

The best ball thief

HE WAS......


HE WAS......

The most stylish Dale

HE WAS......

A CHAMPION agility jumper

HE WAS......

His mommy's BESTEST boy

HE WAS......

His daddy's BESTEST boy

HE WAS......

The sweetest boy

HE WAS......


HE WAS......

Our Friend - OSCAR

HE NOW......

Runs free and awaits us over at the Rainbow Bridge

Until we meet again Oscar.......

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade & family


Putter said...

Oh Sunshade ...

This is truly a beautiful tribute to our friend, Oscar. You are a special friend ... Take good care of yourself, okay ... We will talk soonest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Ruby Bleu said...

Sunshade...that was a wonderful tribute and so very true of dear Oscar.

We will all miss him very much!

Lots of Licks...Ruby

Duke said...

That was just beautiful Sunshade. How will we ever get through the days without hearing about his daily adventures! I miss my friend.

Love ya lots,

The Airechicks said...

Miss Sunshade:

What a wonderful tribute for Oscar!!

You've have said everything !!!

We will miss Oscar very very very much.

Sherry - LeLe - Tris

Faya said...

Pourquoi ? Pourquoi Oscar ? C'est pas juste..... Merci pour l'hommage, Faya & VĂ©ronique

Ferndoggle said...

That was really beautiful Sunshade. Oscar will be missed so very much. We are all heartbroken (especailly Mom who can't stop crying).

Till we meet one day free.

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snowball said...

his is the bestest tribute any friend could receive.

RIP, Oscar.

We love you always!



Chilli the Dog said...

This is so beautiful and sad at the same time.

Oscar will be sorely missed by all who knew him and read about his daily adventures!

Good-bye dear Oscar! We love you lots


Bogart H. Devil said...

A beautiful tribute to the coolest Dale out there... we'll all miss him every day...


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Sunshade.....oh my.....that was a wonderful tribute to our dear pal Oscar.....and your music....well Jeannie is just breaking her heart all over again.

Tears In Heaven, Tears on Earth,

There really is no justice in this world.

love and so many sad licks, from a devastated Marvin and love from Jeannie to you all.......

It is times like this which makes you wonder about everything......

Note from Jeannie .....I am so sad, I hardly have the heart for any blogging at the moment.

that was a wonderful Tribute.

love to you and your Mama, and wee Jaffa Boy, an ocean of tears has been wept this weekend.....
J xxxxxx

PreciOus said...

Sunshade, you did a very beautiful tribute for Oscar. I can't help weeping again. I misses him badly. How I wish all this is just a bad dream...


Anonymous said...

a very touchin tribute, sunshade. touches our souls rite thru.

Oscar was truly a wonderful boy... i juz can't help but weep esp wit this song. he will definitely be missed dearly by all.


Baily said...

what a touching tribute. it brought tears to my eyes


Eddie N Peaches said...

Very nice tribute to Oscar, Sunshade.
We're all with wet eyes here. Momma is boohooing.
Very nice.
Also is good to see you back. We've missed your blog, girlfriend!
Eddie & Peaches

Girasol said...

What a sweet tribute from you to Oscar!!

he was a soccer fun too!

jaffeboy said...

Makes my MaMa cry cry again. She is still in shock!

We too are all very sadden by the news.


Stanley said...

Sunshade Girl!

Very cool tribute - worthy of our Oscar Boy!

Love your mama and your STINKY a little extra for us today, okay? I'm gonna go love up my girl, this got her going again.

All my Goober love,

Pee Ess
Miss you, Sunshade!

Joe Stains said...

What a beautiful tribute to Oscar, we miss him :(

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Sunshade,
That's a lovely tribute to Oscar and a nice way to remember him by. I'm still trying to get used to the idea of not being able to hear about all his adventures... *sob*

Lillie Valentine said...

You always know just what to say. Words cannot express how we feel right now. We feel so sad.
Lillie V and the hooman pups

Luckie Girl said...

Oh Sunshade,
I'm glad you are back.This is a lovely tribute to dear Oscar. All those piktures brought back lovely memories.

Rudy said...

Awwww... Mom's sad again. What a beautiful tribute to Oscar. I didn't know him very well but it's obvious he was well loved by all.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That is a very beautiful tribute on our sweet friend Oscar. I sure miss him..

~ girl girl

Nugget said...

Very sweet, Oscar sure was a handsome boy!

We are so sad and are going to miss him soooo much.

Nugget the boys

Kien said...

oh sunshade...we r crying again.. we need to switch off the song.. if not, we will be crying none stop..

We miss Oscar oh so so very much..

Golden Rossi

Ben & Darling said...

This is a wonderful tribute.

Goofy said...

This is a beautiful tribute with a nice beautiful song. And this is a sad sad sad news......

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

What can we say. Our hearts are breaking as we look at your tribute, but we have also managed to laugh (the ball thief photo for example). Thank you for such an eloquent tribute to our darling baby boy. Right now we don't know what we are ever going to do without him, and we are so sad that so many people are hurting too, we only ever wanted Oscar's blog to bring laughter to people. Hopefully in time we will all be able to think only with happiness about our little fuzzy clown, I know that's what he would want.

Thank you again Elaine, I will email you this week.

Give Sunshade, Jaffa and Qila super big snuggles from us.

Katy and Martin x

Amber-Mae said...

That was a beautiful tribute Miss Sunshade! I LOVED it & I'm missing him already after looking at all his handsome pictures. Can't believe his gone sooo fast... I never expected that he would leave us so soon.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

This is a great tribute. It puts tears in our eyes. We miss Oscar.

Boy n Baby

Anonymous said...

Oh, how sad. I feel for Oscar's Mum and Dad and would leave a comment on his blog, if allowed. Sunshade, what a lovely tribute to Oscar, whose life was full of love but much too short.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What a lovely tribute, Sunshade. He will be greatly missed. J x

fee said...

this is lovely, sunshade jiejie. oscar is so very special to us all. i am still sad though. i think we all will be for a long long while.


Koobuss said...

Terrific job, Sunshade! What a beautiful tribute!

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Rachel said...

Wonderful tribute Sunshade...we all miss you Oscar!

See you again one day, mate - keep some of the best balls for me. ; )

lots of licks,

Unknown said...

Honestly it always breaks my heart to know that our kids don't normally outlive us or live as long as we do. Our first set of kids have been gone for 6 years and I still cry from time to time. Probably accounts for why we have so many furry kids now. Wishing you the comfort of Oscar's love, for now, forever.