Monday, November 09, 2009

STINKY-ness is EVERYWHERE.......

Once again........ there's the I'm stuck with forever and everrrrr.....

And now...his accomplice has once again RE-APPEARED!!!

So what do you get when you put......

YOU GET.......

Poooor pooooooooor me......, the Perfect Poor ME..... I'd rather stay out in the rain than inside.....*sniff sniff*

(mum: ok drama Queen!! Sunshade LOVES the yard, the fresh Aire. She asks to be let out to the yard a lot, especially to do yard patrol (squirrels, crows, mailman, etc)!!)

I don't want to have anything to do with them, they just stinkify EVERYTHING.....



Look at the poor me, still outside even when its dark.....


Dexter said...

Poor Miss Sunshade. How you suffer. Stinky everywhere. Is no place safe?


Duke said...

I'd invite you here, Sunshade, but I have a stinky too!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sunshade!
If just one was not enough... now you have two of them!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs

Puppy Dog Tales said...

Awww, Poor Sunshade.. I know that feeling.. I've got 4 stinkies here. I'd rather be outside too!

Head Butts,

Lacy said...

w00fs, hmmm now u woodnt b talkin bout Jaffa wood ya..

b safe,

Joe Stains said...

omdog this made me almost cry.

Stanley said...


My stinky is much smaller than yours, but I bet her stink packs an even more powerful punch than than your stinky's stink.

You and I are so much alike it's kind of scary. I too amy constantly asking my girl to let me outside. I love the fresh AIRE, and I have major patrols to do like you - squirrel, UPS guy, the puggle pup next door, and the pot-bellied pig across the street needs somedog to keep an eye on her... she's sneaky.

For what it's worth, your drama queen poses have gotten even better (if that is even possible).

Goob love,