Responsible Aunt
Now that grandpa is not here to help anymore, (and since he forgot to take a couple of "things" with him back to Taiwan!!) I've had to step up to the plate and keep things in order. The reason that "I" have to be the one to keep this house functional is simple - my mum can't do it.
Just look at her, smiling and giggling and petting the STINKIES as they chewed and shredded old newspapers they found.
Doesn't she know the STINKIES won't be able to tell "old" newspapers from "new" or "un-read" newspapers??? If she doesn't want them to be shredding newspapers at home, she should not have allowed the behaviour!!! GEEZUS!
So yes, I am the one keeping things in order.
Being the responsible Aunt that I am, I supervise the STINKIES' play sessions.
Doesn't matter where they play, I'm ALWAYS watching!!
Sometimes, if the play gets too rough, (mum: she meant if the pups ignored her for too long, since Miss Sunshade has to be the "center" of the attention at all times....LOL),
I go in and break them up, because I'm mature, and responsible.
(mum: um.. well.. actually.., sometimes..., she growls her way in between with a stuffy in her mouth to "show off" hoping at least one of the pups will pay attention to her LOLOL!)
I make sure to enforce house rules.
For example: no STINKIES allowed on furnitures!!
(mum: still trying to get them to chase her by taunting them with the stuffy)
If they don't listen, I mean BUSINESS!
(mum: drops her stuffy, taunts and barks at the pups to try and get their attention this way LOL)
However, sometimes, it just feels like:

Why must I - The Perfect Aunt, The Perfect Girl, The Perfect Dogter, The Perfect DALE, put up with them????

More so....

Since many of you have asked why MY grandpa didn't take any STINKIES home with him. Well, honestly, I ask the same.
However, it's all my mum's fault. It's all her.... ALLLLL HER! Makes me GRRRRRRR... just thinking about it!
She pulled one of her sneaky, spoiled daughter stunts - "ohhhh... Jaffa's so bonded to me and Sunshade already....... he loves Sunshade so much... he'll be so hot in Taiwan..... he will go crazy during the 21 days cage quarantine.... " BLAH BLAH BLAH.. (while giving the pathetic look with her eyes).
So of course, MY easy going, loving grandpa fell for it.....
What's sneakier is that mum planned this all along! She knew how easy going grandpa was, so she planned to kidnap STINKY. That's why she agreed to take STINKY # 2 because she was going to let grandpa take STINKY # 2 so she could keep STINKY # 1. However, STINKY # 2 turned out to be extremely sound sensitive and quite timid, so mum and grandpa decided that the 12-14 hour flight to Taiwan plus the 21 days cage quarantine would be too much for STINKY # 2 to handle.
So guess what, I'm stuck with TWOOOOOOO STINKIES!
Mum did promise me that STINKY # 2 would only be with us for a short while so she could learn from the Perfect ME and the original STINKY. Once she's house trained, more confident, and not as reactive to different sounds, she will go to her forever home. I'm keeping my paws, toes, ears, eyes, nostrils crossed that mum doesn't change her mind on this one.
It looks like I'll be stuck with STINKY # 1 for the rest of my pitiful life. Ok, I do admit he really isn't that bad now that he smells pretty *ahem*.. MANLY. But still, I need the world to revolve around ME and ME only you know??? I don't know how to live otherwise.
Anyway, that's the whole sad scoop.... SIGH...
Missy, STINKIES will always be STINKIES... What to do? Just have to live with them. I like you poo poo face in the last picture, hehehe! Must be really smelly eh!?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh MY! Sunshade! The whole stinky situation is well, STINKY! Remember, we are still working on those RV plans so that you can catch a short break from it all, okay? :) Keep up with the STINKY patrol ... It might be the only way to keep a grip on this situation, huh?:) Talk to you soon!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Hi Sunshade...
Looks like you are definitley keeping those stinkies inline. Good job! Can't rely on Mom's to do it!!! I also like that you are warming up to Jaffa...he's such a nice man ;) but remember he IS your nephew!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Poor Sunshade. Poor us. We'll be stuck with an extra shadow.
Your mommy is really sneaky. My MaMa is the same and she calls me sneaky.
R U teaching Qila some "new tricks" yet?
You are such a good Aunt to keep those pups in line Sunshade! If they're anything like Mitch, they could get themselves out of control and in hot water pretty quickly! They need MAJOR direction from you! The two stinkies are pretty tight with each other it seems! hummmmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Oh sunshade I am sorry you have to put up with those stinkies and the fact that your mom is so sneaky. You had better keep an eye on her.
Hey Sunshade..
Look at it this way, one stinky is WAY better than two stinkies. Although my mom thinks our Mom is gonna end up keeping stinkyk #2 too!! Do you think???
Oh Miss Sunshade, it's a sad twuth, the wesponsible ones have to do all the work, while the little bwats get away with muwder.
You are #1, and always will be, no matter how many Stinkys there are in the house( I bet you love 'em that's why you keep them out of twouble)
smoochie kisses
Hey Sunshade,
The things you have to deal with truly mind-boggles me. How can you cope with all that stress with two stinkies? I wonder if you think I'm a stinky too cos I'm only like 1 year old!! :(
PS : Do you like squeaky toys too? I noticed you holding on to that toy.......
oh sunshade, i'm so sorry about the stinkies! but seriously, u r enjoying their company secretly aren't u?? aren't u???
wet wet licks
I feel so sorry for you Ms Sunshade. You have to be the mature and responsible one at home.. I hope the 2 stinkies listen to you..
~ girl girl
Two stinkies! That must be terrible. It's very nice that you are trying to be responsible and teach them both manners. I think you should just take a nice long nap and let them get into trouble. That would teach your mom not to bring more stinkies into your house.
Hey Sunshade
That post about grandpa leaving was quite sad. Eve hates goodbyes too.
PLease join in my pledge. I need 7 more to make it happen. Visit my blog to find out more about it or pass the word around on your blog, please??
hi Miss Sunshade,
this is my 1st time saying hi, tho' i've been reading your blog for a few mths... i dare not say hi earlier, cos i'm a erm... a erm... stinky??! n i'm shy shy... (sounds familiar? yea, i read jaffa's blog too!) i think u r reali cool, n definitely the perfect aire-xample for Jaffa & Qila!
Oh Sunshade, your life is so tough. Hats iff to you for doing such a admirable job though. I think you need to be careful you don't end up with 2 permanant stinkies though!
Oscar x
Hi Sunshade :)
I NEED YOUR HELP AND EXPERTISE !!!! help plsssssss ...
Check our my blog pleaes.
Thanks Sunshade ***kiss kiss****
You life is tough. You have to breathe stinky air and supervise 2 stinkies.
Poor you.
Boy n Baby
Oooooooh! Your mum is a sneaky one! I can't believe you have to stay with the Stinky! I know what you mean about the Center of the Universe thing. Why don't the apes understand?
Awww poor Sunshade! As if one Stinky is not too stinky for you. But but, I like Jaffa, and Qila looks cute. Hehe.
First - your stinky poo poo face in the last photo is priceless! (Really shows off the fine juiciness of your snout).
Second - I could use an Aire aunt like you. See, I'm only just moving past my stinkiness, and I really need to be kept in line. You'd be perfect! Want the job?
Third - I like the way your mum thinks! She is a sneaky little cuss, but at least you have more pups to boss around and bask in the glow of your greatness!
Goober kisses,
Oh Sunshie I am SO SORRY to hear the stinkyness is permanent! Sigh....
Bussie Kissies
I am sure your grandpa didn't take Stinky for he want Stinky to keep you company.
Good to be back reading your blog (blame my mom)
They will learn, sooner or later taht you are the boss.
I try to keep control at my house too, but it doesn't work! I can't believe you have a life sentence with a stinky!!
Hi Miss Sunshade,
Sorry to hear about your plight. Stand strong, the stinkies will know their place eventually.
Hi Sunshade,
You really must get use to STinkies.. hehe At least STinkie 1 will be pretty much struck with u.
I cross my arms and hope that jiejie wun get a stinky to join me too!
Pray with me~
Lots of love
hahaha....since when u had become stinky's baby-sitter....
Hey Sunshade!
Tell your mum that pretty soon she'll have an entire AireKennel! If she can keep collecting Airedales for your Grandpa and then convince him that flying to Taiwan is too stressful....oh, I have ideas!
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