Friday, January 19, 2007

Got groomed & a package came

On Wednesday, mum decided it was time for my grooming. My last grooming session was on November, 3rd. I did my math, it's been 10.8 weeks , so I guess I couldn't really complain. (mum promised not to groom me for at least 8-12 weeks in the winter. She broke her promise last time, but I think it had something to do with the X-mas cards??)

That doesn't mean I was happy tho... can you see the sorrow in my eyes?

I hate grooming, and mum wouldn't stop taking picture, especially I was only half way done. I didn't want to look into the camera!

See all these hair? That's only half way through, mum just clipped the parts off so she could bath me.

And she wouldn't stop with the camera of course.

So on Thursday, I got my bath while STINKY watches.....

Little did he know....

And today, mum finished the scissor work. I grew sooooo much hair, and mum said it was hard to shape my legs. Geez... I could careless, I just hate grooming!

Anway, this is BEFORE

This is AFTER

Here, want a better view?

I was in a bad mood after my grooming session, I can't stress to you enough how much I dislike grooming. I'd rather look like a mop then being groomed! But mum said I gotta look good for my MEN..... While I was being pouty, a package came!

Is it for me??

Yup it is!!


Hmmmmm..... something smells YUM-MMMY!

Let me see what's inside.


Look at all the stuff!

At first, I thought it must be because the KONG Company heard that STINKY took over my KONG,

so they sent me a bunch of replacements, all made by the KONG Company. LOOK! It's got my favourite Air Dog Tennis toys!!!!!!!

But mum told me the box was for finishing top five at the Wikifido Holiday Photo Contest. There were so many great photos entered, so I feel very honoured to be voted top five. This was the photo entered:

I can't believe Wikifido is so generous to send such a big box of stuff, I didn't even win! But THANK YOU anyway! I really don't play with Kongs that much at all, so mum might give a few things to other doggies, which is okay I guess as long as it's not STINKY. Anything she gives STINKY, I want I want! (mum: just for the sake of wanting..).

Trying to figure out which to play first, er.. I mean eat..

Mum looked at the ingredients, and bummer.... it's got wheat in it, and I'm allergic to wheat.. so she put it away. HMMMMPH!


YIPPEE! Tug tug!!

After I got bored of tug, I saw something...... the THING.... how I've missed it! (mum: it finally ran out of battery and stopped meowing. I didn't have a small screw driver to take the battery out, and it was meowing by itself at night)

I wanted it to come down

Was trying to get mum to help, but she just kept on going with her camera...

She, of course, had to take pictures from every angle before helping me out,

Oh my THING my THING...

I've missed you!!!


Boo Casanova said...

oh sunshade, aren't your mom gonna clip you legs too? it looks kinda weird with your "naked" body and hairy legs! hehehe.

wow, so many toys and you didn't even win. ok, i must get mom enter me in something something too.

wet wet licks


Duke said...

Wow! You hit the jackpot Sunshade!!! Are you gonna share any with Jaffa?
I like you with haircut! So now you won't be so hot inside the house!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Your new hair cut is cool with me Miss Sunshade!

You are the very best!

I like reading your adventures very much!

You make me laugh! And cry!

love and licks Marv xxxxx

Myeo said...

We cant decide which hairstyle suits you better. The longer one makes you look like a stuff toy but the shorter one makes your beautiful eyes stand out..hmmm.

Wow they are really generous. We never got that kind of package before, oh yea we almost did as in Mama brought home a BIG bag of treats just the other day.

Oh the thing is still around huh... Did you let Stinky play with it?

Boy n Baby

Isabella said...

I love your grooming and cut! You look so beautiful and stylish! I got a grooming last week, too. Had to have my hair cut shorter than we like because Emmy chews on my fur and mats it. My legs and top knot aren't as fluffy and full as usual. Oh, well..
But you look smashing, girlfriend!
Big Wags,

Anonymous said...

Hé Sunshade ! It's Christmas again...

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Oooh Kongs! How cool to receive so many and all at once...I bet you can't make your mind up what to play with first!

Loui xx

L said...

Wow Sunshade, your looking stunning, as usual. You mum did a great job!

I can't believe all the toys you got. You lucky girl. Congrats on winning those prizes, even if you didn't win...?

Love and Smoochies,

Anonymous said...

hmmmm .. I kind of liked you all fluffy myself ... sort of like me!!!!

Studly Dudley said...

WOOF!! Ooh Sunshade.. I have to say I really like the new cut. Do you know why?? It's because now I can SEE MORE OF YOU!! I can see your CHEST now.. (heheheh)

Jaffa better watch out; in a few months, that'll be him on the chopping board.. in maybe more ways than one ;)
Oh young Jaffa.. hold onto your jewels while you can..

Cheerio my love!! Tug a toy for me!
your Studly Dudley

Charlie said...

If anyone deserves a big box of new toys, it's you!

You have a very regal profile in your half-clipped/ not-looking-at-the-camera photo.
- Charlie

Toby said...

Sunshade, I totally know where you're coming from when it comes to grooming. I too, could care less if I look like a mop. The last I heard, the messy look was in!

Wow, you hit the jackpot! Look at the loot! Congrats again on winning. You sure deserve it!

Thanks for the "thing" update. We wondered from time to time about it.


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, I would LOVE to receive all that Kong stuff. I'm VERY into Kongs. It is a nice idea to share with less fortunate doggies though (not STINKY!).

You look even more pretty after your grooming. Hope you've cheered up a bit now!

Oscar x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hey gal, u got so many toys...

will u ever get fedup of playing wit 'em all??

Anonymous said...

You look good short or long-haired. I have only once choice for my hair - short. But I like it that way, so it suits me...

Sleepy now,
Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I wish my Mommy would do my haircuts. Then maybe they would come out nice like yours!

I don't like Kongs either. You can't tug em!

Bussie Kissies

jaffeboy said...

Air Kong!!! Wonderful. I'm sure your next hydro therapy session will be so fun!!!

I like you all fluffy, Sunshade. I think MaMa's gonna stripe my fur soon.

Murphey said...

A Haircut?! What the?! I noticed Buster got one too, I hope my lady isn't getting any ideas. The baths and brushing are bad enough, but I am gonna so draw the line at a hair cut!

But you do look good!

Murph the Hairy Dog

wally said...

sweet prize! well deserved. you look quite pretty with your new 'do! i'm lucky to not have to get my hair done.


Joe Stains said...

that is the kong MOTHERLOAD! that is like one of everything!! I would say you are lucky, but you earned it. especially after that grooming nonsense!

d7y7 said...

OOoohhh simba would go nuts if he saw all those toys!! You've made him a very jealous dog, you better guard your house well!!!