Sunday, January 24, 2010

Whistler Weekend 4

This post is a continuation of the last post. Like I said, I just couldn't add more photos to the last post even tho my day hadn't technically ended.

After our 4 hour snowshoe expedition, we drove back to the village because mum wanted to see the Olympic Celebration Plaza.

Well, here it is,

Yes, it was still under construction,

This is where medalists from the Whistler venues will be saluted every evening, as well as the stage for outdoor live concerts.

Just a little bit past the Celebration Plaza, we came to the ticket booth.

There was a crowd of people gathered around the mesh fence next to the booth. Mum, of course, wanted to go see what they were looking at. (I'm not the only nosy, curious gurrrrl here btw)

As it turned out, there were pages attached to the fence with lists of Olympic events that you can still buy tickets to,

These left over tickets were still selling at the regular prices of anywhere between $30 to $200.

Since mum and the D-Guy missed the initial ticket releasing dates, they missed out on getting tickets to events they wanted to see (Figure Skating & Canadian Men's Hockey). Now those tickets are selling at anywhere between $700 to $10,000 Cdn PER ticket!

They stood in front of the mesh fence for the loooooongest time considering getting tickets to one Olympic venue just for the sake of "Olympic atmosphere" (so they said). I being the patient dogter, laid there around the ticket booth for the lonnnnnnngest time too just waiting for them to make up their mind....

While I was waiting, I must have had my picture taken with at least 5 different tourists. And I heard so many people say "Ohhh what a good dog, whose dog is it...??" (yes, mum took my leash off because she was too busy fighting the crowd around the mesh fence!). Some people even had the nerve to say "OMG! HE's so cute, I want a picture with HIM!"

When they finally made up their mind to get tickets to the Ladies Giant Slalom Final, they were told that they couldn't because they could not provide proof of transportation. (mum: the main highway to Whistler will be closed to the public during the Olympic period. So to get to events happening in Whistler, you would need to pre-purchase bus/shuttle tickets for that day. Once you present proof of transportation, then you're allowed to buy tickets.)

There was no way they could have gotten tickets to any of the events happening in Whistler, so they were gonna forget about it. But just before leaving, mum just HAD to ask about tickets to Figure Skating (even tho she has checked online a gazillion times already and found them to be unaffordable). (mum: $700 + per ticket)

And guess WHAT?

They cracked!!! D-Guy spent $405 + tax on ONE ticket for mum as a valentines day pressie (and mum let him!!)

You know why it's only $405 instead of the $700+??

Because her seat could look anywhere from this,

To THIS!!!

She could end up paying over FOUR HUNDRED dollars to see a beam or post...

(mum: They couldn't tell me how obstructed the view would be, but said the view could be blocked anywhere between 10% to 50%. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that its not 50%... It's a ticket to Men's Free Skate. A regular (non-obstructed view) ticket for this event would have only been $150 had I not missed the release date.... Sigh.. you pay for your mistake!)

Finally, we LEFT the ticket booth,

Can you believe it? I thought we would never leave!

Because I was such a good gurrrrrls all day (waiting for them, and helping them carry their glovie & toque), mum bought me an ice creaaaaaaaaaam!!!

It's from COWS, apparently they have Canada's Best Ice Cream!

(Please note, the picture above was from my last Whistler trip taken in October. Mum..*ahem* I mean, "I" haven't had time to post about that trip yet)

It was sooo good!!


I needed the calories since I'd burnt so much from trekking in the snow for 4 hours,

Second last bite,

Last bite!!!

Can I have a second cone??

The answer was no..., but I did have some KFC from mum's dinner before we drove back to Vancouver,

I had a great time on this trip and I hope I'll be able to visit Whistler again once the Olympics is over. But for now, I hope visitors and athletes from all over the world will have some ever lasting memories from Whistler and the games.


Duke said...

OMG, we are drooling over your yummy vanilla ice cream cone, Sunshade! You sooooo deserved it!
How exciting that your mum is going to see Olympic figure skating! Our paws are crossed that there will be no obstruction and she will have the time of her life!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Oceanside Animals said...

Holy cow, those are some expensive tickets! Hope the view isn't too obstructed!

Aunt Mai said...

Whistler looked like so much fun dearests!! I also hope your momma's view won't have major obstruction! 405 dollars is so expensive! Im doubtful it will be to view a beam post! *FINGERS AND TOES CROSSED*

Joe Stains said...

Mom spends a lot on stuff too, but she says she works hard for her money so why not enjoy it. Looks like you had a GREAT reward for being so good.