Monday, January 18, 2010

Orijen Spokesdog

I have been eating a raw meat/bone/veggie diet since I was 2 years old. STINKY was raised on the same raw diet since he was 8 weeks old. However, STINKY is a super finicky eater (something I do NOT understand). So recently, mum has been buying a bunch of different types of raw meat and a couple of different grain-free kibble formulas to rotate them around for STINKY.

Even tho I eat a raw diet, today - I became an official spokesdog for Orijen grain-free kibbles.

It is the yummiest kibble on earth, I love it! Too bad I only get an average of 10 kibbles a day as treats. STINKY on the other hand turns his nose up at it on most days (another thing I do NOT understand).

It is mum's favourite kibble on the market. She says its high quality, and it contains digestive enzymes, good antioxidants, and full spectrum probiotics.

Whatever that means, I just love it, and I'm letting the world know!!

They are packaged in nice looking, easily accessible bags,

(mum: Those are actually very sturdy packaging materials that the company uses. However, nothing is sturdy enough against a determined Miss Piggy Sunshade LOL!)

The Feeding Guideline is very simple, as shown below:

Eat as much as you want. Make sure you make a few more holes so you don't suffocate when your head is submerged inside the bag.

FYI - behind me aka spokesdog for Orijen, you see the Spokesdog for Canadian Springs Water Company,

(mum: don't worry, Sunshade did not eat 30 lbs of kibbles! I had dumped both bags of kibble into storage containers and left the empty bags on the kitchen floor. I guess I did not do a good job emptying out all the kibbles, so Miss Sunshade took it upon herself to not let one single kibble go to waste.)


Duke said...

Orijen is one brand we've never had. It must be good if you have to get every single last one, Sunshade! Good job on destroying the bag!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

We buy those big bags of kibbles too. Of course they don't last very long. Nice of you to assist with getting every little bit out of the bag.

Tell Stinky to send his leftovers here.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Terrier determination will win out in the end, every time.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Lucia said...

MmmmmmmmmmOrijenmmmmmmm....! It is the only kibble that I, Lucia, eat. Incredibilmente delizioso!!!!!!!!

Tanti baci!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh we do so love your bloggie...we've had internets troubles lately and finally got a new router...our internet kept crashin' and crashin'...I just caught up on your New Year's postie with that ADORABLE pic of Miss Sunshade on the cover of that 'zine with all those helpful articles on muscle butts..oh my...

Lacie bows in the direction of Sunshade...somethin' that has never happened before...normally the Lacie bows to no dog...especially a girlie dog...

Actually the last girlie Dale Lacie physically met was Stanny's took only a few minutes before we had to pull them apart...Stan's sissy took pawsonal affront to Lacie's attachin' her teeth into her shoulder when she "borrowed" one of our bones...

BUT or should we say BUTT Lacie does know a superior female when spotted...and that would be Miss Sunshade...Queen of the Muscle Butts...

Kisses...Laciegirlie and Mumsie who seems to have finished the comment...

BTW...Lacie loves to hump my leg...only other object or creature...and it's SO IRRITATING....

Noah the Airedale said...

Wow that kibble looks pretty darn good. We are raw fed too Sunshade.
Btw, my fur is gone. Yep you read right...I've been shaved!

Noah xx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sunshade!
Sure that kibble is yummy!
We don't have that one here!
Kisses and hugs

Toby said...

Sunshade, I only get 2-3 of those yummy things every few days!!! So your Mom is very very generous by giving you 10!!!!

(Toby eats home cooked... but I give him Orijen kibbles as treats sometimes).

Don't listen to her Sunshade! I know those yummy things aren't treats!!! They're food but mom says I can only have a few??? What's up with that?


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, I am so hungry now! I like the way you opened the easily accessible bags, most delightful!!

Thank you for commenting on my blog the other day, my J is really behind on all the blogs, so it has taken us a bit of time to catch up!

My email address you asked about, is on my profile page on my blog, if you click on profile, you can email me via there!

lots of love, Marvin xxxxxx

(blushing Marvin!) (remembering the old days.......woo hoo!)

Joe Stains said...

We were eating that for a while but Tanner got um well FAT on it. But it really is great quality and yummilicious.

Princess Patches said...

Sunshade, you would make the pawfect spokesdog for ANY product! We hope you enjoy your new treats in your treat machine!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That is certainly an endorsement of the kibble.We'll have to look into that.
XX-BabyRD & Hootie