Friday, January 22, 2010

Whistler Weekend 1

Whistler is one of the top winter mountain resorts in North America. It features two majestic mountains with epic skiing and snowboarding conditions. Many of the venues from the 2010 Winter Olympics will take place in Whistler in just a couple of weeks. Today, we decided to take a weekend trip to Whistler before the games arrive. During the Olympic period (February 12-28), the highway up to Whistler will be closed to the public. The only ways to get up there would be either via special shuttle buses to which you would need to pre-buy tickets for, or, if you had proof of accommodation then you could apply for a permit to drive up.

Whistler is located in the spectacular coast mountains of British Columbia, about 2 hours drive north of Vancouver. We left this evening after work, so it was already dark when we arrived to Whistler. Mum and I decided to take a walk around the village upon arriving.

Yes...because of the salt on the walk way, mum made me wear my booties (the kind that goes on my feet that is),

Since we've been sooooo deprived of snow, I was super excited to see snow (actually, it was more like ice due to the un-usually warm weather we've been experiencing). I started licking, gnawing, and face shoving (with muscle butt up in the aire pushing!!) on the icy snow.

Global warming is really not doing us any favor right now as we are really lacking snow on the mountains where many of the Olympic venues will take place. Forecast says that we probably won't be getting any new snowfall before the games start, and we won't be able to make enough snow in time before the games start either. This means contingency plans have been put into action. Some of which includes using straw and wood in place of snow to build up the courses. Snow will then be brought in (from higher grounds) to layer over the straw and wood to build the course.

Being the sweet, smart, considerate dogter I was, I found a restaurant for the hoomans.

(mum: I think the poor girl was hungry as she stopped in front of every restaurant we walked by. She even tried to walk in on her own a couple of times!)

Thought they were hungry you know, but they just stood there and WATCHED me......

Passersby were attracted to my SuperPUFFY coat as well my booties that they started taking pictures of me too.....

Well at least I made it pretty clear to them as to how I felt,

After my thoughtfulness was promptly declined (many times), we walked a bit more, and I decided to take a break at the landing of a flight of stairs,

That of course attracted more attention from the forever-picture-taking-tourists,

Finally, the "photo session" ended. I got paid by food, and it was time for bed!

Nite nite.... ZZZZZZZZZzzzzz...

More to come, stay tuned!!

STINKY had a weekend date with an older Aire-woman. He's been watching Cougar Town too much I say. If you want to see how he spent his weekend (NOT bugging me!), please go visit his stinky blog.


Duke said...

Whistler is just beautiful, Sunshade! We can see that your snow is the hard crusty stuff. Our paws are crossed that you get some fluffy goodness soon!
We can't wait to hear more of your story! Hurry back!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deefor said...

I hope none of the skiers and riders get hurt on the wood under the snow! My humans are complaining about not enough snow in Colorado either.

Hope your humans had fun and you got lots of yummy treats.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Sunshade!
I love your boots! Perfect for all that crunchy snow, right?
That place is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Sherry said...

Mom said there was plenty of snow last year. I wasn't even born when that happened! Man, do I feel cheated.

Joe Stains said...

Looks like a great weekend away, we are finally catching up!