False Creek Ferries
This afternoon, mum told me she was taking me to Kits Beach and we will take the False Creek Ferries to English Bay!!!
I couldn't believe it because I LOOOOVE going on those ferries so much, and I have only gone on them once this summer.... (that's my "are you serious?" face)
To get to the ferry stop, we walked across Vanier Park. Well, mum walked, I was just too excited!
Sometimes, when I'm really excited, I get all pumped up you know?
I started playing tug with mum,
Of course, such a booootiful day, so I must be made to pose...., I was too happy tho to complain,

I had to take care of some important business, and yet, I got no privacy from the paparazzi whatsoever,

(mum: but you smiled....hehe)
We walked across the first beach,

Passed by the Doggie Beach,

And headed down the ramp to Heritage Harbour,

I turned right as soon as I came off the ramp,

And B-lined for the ferry stop,

The ferries come every 15 minutes or so, so I waited patiently,


I watched the ferry intently making sure the driver saw I was waiting,

I'm always so excited to get on, mum has to keep me on a tight leash or I would get on before people on board get the chance to get off!

Did you know I love these ferries so much so that I used to walk all the way down the ramp on my own and sit at the ferry stop to wait for the ferry. I even jumped in the ferry once and then looked back at mum to see she was still UP there watching me. I had to decide between ferry and mum, and well I needed to be fed ya know? So I jumped off the ferry, ran up the ramp and went back to mum. Once I got back to mum, I sort of flung my head and spun around, and ran back down to the ferry stop. I gave mum that "come with me, I really really want to go look", and yes, I got my way! Mum just couldn't deny my ever hopeful face!!!
Getting on the ferry,

Assuming position,

Yes, this is how I prefer to ride the ferry. I love to see the ocean, and have the ocean breeze against my pretty face. That's why my curls are so soft and nice!

The ferry ride,
(The reason I was panting on the ferry was because I was very warm from my walk across Vanier Park, NOT because I was stressed. It is very important you know that because I really LOVE being on those ferries!!)
Five minutes later, we had reached our destination.

Making our way up the ramp,

This is English Bay beach. It is located across the water from MY beach, and only blocks away from Downtown Vancouver.

English Bay is a really cool place to play because there are so many rockies for me to dig, (Is it just me or is there something very MUSCULAR looking in this picture??)

and play with!

Sometimes, I get a little carried away with my rockies.....
I also swam after my RING, and some sticks, and this log - I was getting ready for mum to throw it,

Getting my log!!

Swam for it,

Brought it back in my big jaw,

Then I met a friend,

And another one - this old girl was 15; but don't let age fool you, she was still swimming and quite tough!

More friends,

A BIG Beethoven stinky - His hooman said he will grow up to be 250+ lbs...... I'm glad he is not a land shark.

Now anywhere I go, I seem to be able to manipulate hoomans into playing MY favouritest game with me - The Keep Away Game.

It must be hooman nature or something because they just don't believe they could be outsmart by a SuperDALE!!!

And NOO, he didn't get my RING!
Here I was with all of the new friends I just met, AND a bunch of "bad dog owners" because well, they all broke the - NO DOGS on beach until October - law. But I applaud them, because to me, they are the bestest dog moms & dads!!!

Then, it was time to head back across the water. I again, waited patiently for the ferry to come.

I was very wet, so mum made me wait until everyone else had gone on before letting me aboard the ferry.

Again, I assumed my position,

And enjoyed the boootiful view on the way back.

Back to Heritage Harbour,

Going up the ramp,

What a great STINKY-free afternoon I had!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to take those False Creek Ferries!!!!
WOw weeEE!
That looks like lotsa fun!
I don't think I get to sit in a ferry here. There are lots of STINKY people who wouldn't let me.
Boo HOo!
Your ferry is so different than the one that Mitch and I rode to go to Nantucket! You get much closer to the water! I think I like your ferry much better! Awesome pictures, Sunshade! You always have the best adventures!
Love ya lots,
Our pinkies really enjoyed seeing those pics Sunshade. It brings back memories of their holiday to Canada last year. They caught the false Creek ferry one afternoon. They really liked Vancouver.
Hugs from
Noah, Willow, Lucy & Tess
WOW Sunshade it looks like
that you had a very very pawsome
day out with no sticky's in site
you look sooo happy.
I have never been on a ferrie
before the only thing that would turn
me off from having to go on one is
well the water as i hate it.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
Thanks for sharing your fun day with us!! We liked watching you on that ferry ride. You're lucky to live in such a great city where doggies can ride on boats like that.
Oh Sunshade, you always have the bestest time of your life! I notice that you always get to go to a lake or a beach... I haven't been to the beach yet. Still waiting... Where's Mitch? How come he;s not allowed to join you guys. That's not fair! Poor boy... Left at home alone. Hehehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
How did you manage to keep the STinky at home?!
It is so cool to be taking a ride on the ferry. The sunset is so beautiful!
Stink free afternoon and a ferry ride, AWESOME!
Super Coolest Ever Sunshade! What a greatest day!!!!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Wow Sunshade... it sure looks like you had some good times!!! Riding that ferry looked like lots of FUN! I wish I could come for a visit; it is so pretty where you live.
Woh, that ferry ride looks pawsome and you're so happy that you're smiling in all of the photos. :)
~ Girl girl
Hi Sunshade! I am so envy of you! You get to travel from one beach to another through a ferry! Uber doober cool!
Oh my gosh! I'm sure a dodo, Sunshade. For some reason we had it in our heads that your birthday was September 25th and then Putter told us no, November! Enjoy your birthday gift early Sunshade! hehehehe Mom is old, ya know!
Love ya lots,
Wow, Miss Sunshade, what a great day!! My mom tells me that Vancouver is a bootiful place. It seems like there are many places I would enjoy with YOU if I am there.
Momo xoxo
I wish I could go along with you sometime on one of these SuperDale adventures. You make everything look SO FUN! It also looks like you'd be a man-magnet for your mama if she was looking for someone. You sure are a good conversation starter.
Loved the swimming photos, but my fave was the video of you going nuts with your rockies. What was going ON there?
Goob love,
Nice day you had!I must tell my Mom...
Kiss from Cléo
woofies miss sunshade!!! just droppeded by to say hiii, and nice to meet u...i not have a ferry here, it lookeded like sooooooooo much funs....andddd then u got to play in da waters....and heehee the video wiff the big rock wassss sooo funnys....oooo and my bro bear likes to chase bees too...he thinks hes a toughey...
b safe,
we dont have anything even close to that around here, you are so lucky!
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