Wednesday, April 04, 2012

I am SuperBRAVE

BRAVE is my middle name,

(mum: I found a little black raised spot on Sunshade's flank about 3 weeks ago. In the last couple of weeks, it had grown out enough to be a little dangler. So I decided to have my vet, Janice, take it out and send it in for pathology. Since Janice was going to be away for a month, we decided that we would go for a bit of a margin around it in case it comes back to be something evil.)

Look at how much I ate during my surgery!!! I was awake the whole time!!

(mum: What can I say? Sunshade is just our very very good girrrrrl! She trusts and loves her team of veterinarians and technicians (and they love her right back). They can do anything to her, and she would still wag her tail, head rub them to show affection. She has had so many procedures done at the clinic, but she still drags me into the clinic every time and announces her arrival once she's in the clinic! I really can't stress how important it is to get your pup used to being handled, and have a positive association with his/her vet. It will be a lifesaver for your dog especially in his/her older years when problems start to come up. A cooperative dog is able to receive all the help he/she needs.)

I lost some weight,

That's Auntie Jen putting suture on the tissue to mark which end was dorsal/ventral in case it comes back saying we needed to get more margin from a certain area,

(mum: Please everyone, fingers and toes crossed that it's nothing. Sunshade has been such a cheeky, happy girl with good energy for her age!!)


Duke said...

What a superbrave girl you are, Sunshade! My mom had her eyes covered the whole time and was focused on just your beautiful face. Our fingers and paws are crossed for you!

Love ya lots,

Dexter said...

Sunshade sure is stoic. I love that your vet lets you video the procedures. Helps us see and understand what is going on. I hope it is just an old lady bump.

Mango Momma

Princess Patches said...

You are such a good girl, Sunshade! We have everything crossed for it to be "nothing"!


Gus said...

Fingers crossed and paws raised to extend the circle here. We think you are truly a SUPER dale.

gussie n teka

Jake of Florida said...

Indeed you are a very brave girrrl!!! We have you and your mom in our thoughts and hope this is nothing serious!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry -- and Mom

jtferreira said...

Sunshade, You amaze me with your Territude and love !!!!!
Sending prayers and oodles of Airezen from Sweet Lily Aire Angel, Maddie and I.

Smooches !!!

Sandra and Happy gang said...

Hope it will come back as nothing evil. Sunshade sure is a brave girl.

Sue Taylor said...

Oh Sunshade I had no idea this was going on...I pray that it is nothing! We love you and your Mom so much!

megan said...

Hi Sunshade, I just found your blog a couple days ago and have been trying to read all of your posts since! You are a very brave wishes and warm thoughts sent your way. We'll all be thinking about you, from my family, to yours..


George The Lad said...

Wow Sunshade, you just keep amazing me, well done
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Judith said...

Best wishes for you baby girl May you bump be negative or hope they got it off

Kinley Westie said...

You're one tough pup!

Anonymous said...

What a little sweetheart. You light up our lives with your brave attitude.

Inky and Molly said...

gosh, bloody lumpy bits!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That was quite a video. We're thinking you should be a vet Elaine. You are so good with all this medical jazz!! Get well real soon Sunshade and we've got paws crossed for you.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Lorenza said...

You are so brave!
I hope everything is going to be ok!
Take care, girl!
Kisses and hugs

The Thuglets said...

Sunshade you are just so a brave girl. We hope you are all soon better and get lots of treats.

Big Nose Pokes
The THugletsx

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi E: See you could be a vet tech too.