Thursday, December 08, 2011

SuperFISH + Shark!

Please watch the video ;-)

Drying time!!

Rubbing against the wall,

Against the chair,

He was still in the pool after I was all dried up....


Duke said...

What a fun video! We would never know that you were 12 years old, Sunshade. You're amazing!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

bbes tribe said...

So fortunate to be able to go to the SPAW for therapy, swimming etc.
I find out more about my knee in a few days. Wonder if I will have/get to do something like that.
Ernie for the pack

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade and Jaffa, oh now I know why they have to refill the pool after you guys leave...good swimming

Kari in Alaska said...

Nothing wrong with hanging out in the pool :)

Stop on by for a visit