Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lights, Lights & more LIGHTS!!!

Today, we saw some pretty awesome X-mas LIGHTS!

We went to Canada Place and had our picture taken in front of the beautifully lit Christmas tree. Do you see the blue Olympic Cauldron behind the Christmas tree?

We also went to Stanley Park because Bright Nights was going on,

Bright Nights happen every year around Christmas time in Stanley Park,

Where a bunch of Christmas lights and displays are put out for hoomans and hooman pups to enjoy. Me and a little girrrrl were watching Santa Claus, his arms moved!


There is even a mini-train that you could take that would take you around the park to see more light displays. If you visit Vancouver during Christmas time, I highly suggest paying a visit to the Bright Nights plus train ride. You do need to buy your tickets ahead of time as you can see here, they sell out fast!

After Bright Nights, we came to a house with 50,000 lights!!

Look at the candy cane gate!

If you click on the picture to biggify it, you will see a sign to the North Pole!!


I couldn't believe my SuperEYES.....

Santa and Rudolf were being naughty!!!! Just look at them!

Did you know....

Reindeer experts say that while both male and female reindeer grow antlers every summer, the males drop theirs by early December — which means, given that the reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve are always depicted with full sets of antlers, that every one of them, even Rudolph, must be a girl!

STINKY came to see too,

I tried to break them up. I mean, little hooman pups come here you know??

(mum: SUNSHADE!!!! Rudolph was pulling the Santa out of the chimney!!!)

Sureeeeee if that's what you call it.

We said good-bye to this beautifully lit house,

One last look.....


Duke said...

Wow! The lights are just awesome! What a fun time for you! Santa and Rudolph should have saved that for much later - after the hoomans went home!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wow...it must of taken them 100 years to get all those lights up. Very impressive!


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, wow that was some house. 50000 lights is a lot of lights. Maybe next year, your evil mum and the D-Guy could light up your house, on a bit smaller scale.

Cisco Kid Ochoa said...

What fun and you both are such good Dales! Very pretty!

Cisco Kid Ochoa said...

So very pretty, wish we had pawsome lights to look at! You were both such good Dales and posing pretty.

Kari in Alaska said...

What beautiful lights!

Stop on by for a visit

KB said...

You had such an awesome time. Thanks so much for your kind comment over at my blog about K's tumor. I've read your past posts about cancer... and I'm so thrilled that Sunshade is doing so well. There is hope for all of us...