When we came home from Seattle on Wednesday, D-Guy said the up-to-no-good-man delivered a pressie for me!!! (mum: up-to-no-good-man is what Sunshade thinks of the mailman.) The pressie had my pictures from Kits Beach and Whistler on it!!
D-Guy asked mum if HE could open it.
Can you believe it??
He wanted to open MY pressie!! I said NOOOOOO-WAAAAAAY, of course.
The pressie came from my friends, Nelson and Boober from Manitoba!!
Nelson is very sophisticated and sweet like all Goldens are, he is almost 5 years old.
Boober is a brainy 10 year old Shepherd X Heeler gurrrrl, who still chases after wildlife. (Boober, your face says it all... I'm sorry what you had to put up with... but I'm sorta happy that I'm not the only one who has to put up with such indignities... CONSTANTLY...)
Nelson and Boober's mum has a bloggie!! And let me tell you, she can run for like EVER - as in 24+ hours (or even more?) straight. She goes to those SuperLOOOOONG races all over the world representing Canada, and she is VERY good. She won two races in a row (one was a 24 hour race, and the other was a 12 hour race).
I pawsonally don't see how running for more than 20 minutes is hoomanly possible. That's how long mum lasts if you made her run.
Now back to MY pressie!
Evil-mum thought I was being a teeny tiny bit rough with my pressie and she decided to take it from me. Said something about how my way of opening things might ruin the unknown objects.
This is my GIVE-ME-MY-PRESSIE-BACK face,
Mum told me she would open the first layer for me with scissors. Apparently, that's a more diplomatic way of opening pressies.
There was a clear box of goodies under the wrapper! This is my I'M-TAKING-THE-BOX-NOW face,
Mum said I could open this box on my own, gently. So I did, gently,
So, to pick up from the video, remember she said she was gonna open the liver treat bag for me?
So she did, and here I was waiting PATIENTLY for the promised liver treat,

She took her sweet time as usual,

Eventually, I did get the liver treat that I was promised.

It was a big piece I might add,

Then the Evil woman gave me the brush your hands up and down twice and put them to the sides signal - which is the "ALL GONE" signal.
But who did she think she was fooling??

This bag....

Is FAR from being.....

All GONE!!!

I signaled that I would like to go in MY yard to enjoy MY treats....

Unfortunately, Evil-mum wasn't very good at taking hints. Instead, she kept on trying to chase MY bag of treats.....
BUT, like D-Guy likes to say about himself, I was fast like a Ninja,

And as stealth as a spy!

I took it onto my bed with my SuperNINJA-SPY skill,

And I got to work right away,

The ziplock goes first,

(spitting it out)

Then the plastic bag,


Of course, the pawty pooper came to take away my reward for my hard work.....

She said we needed to save some for STINKY.

I beg you pardon?

Did you see STINKY's name written anywhere on the card, or the package for that fact??

All I see written is this:
"This is your 11th Birfday pressie Miss Sunshade, there is no need to share, and please eat it all in ONE sitting."

I acted as I was instructed to do so,

SERIOUSLY! Are we going to do this AGAIN?

All right, you asked for it!
Look LEFT (your right),

Look RIGHT (your left),

Lightening speed, like a Ninja!

Then the Evil-mum told me to DROOOOOOOOOP, (With her scawie voice..)

Sometimes, I just don't know why I feel compelled to listen to her. Maybe I need to start wearing Vervain? (mum: sorry, we're a bit True Blood, Vampire Diaries crazy here...)

Yes please.....

Thank you very much!

THANK YOU Nelson and Boober for such wonderful birfday pressies, its like my birfday never ended!!
Lastly, mum says she would like to thank you for the nice comments. She says she is happy that people can gather information from my bloggie. But I - the perfect me, must ask you to PLEASE, do NOT encourage her more. I do not want my bloggie to be full of very long and boring gibberish!!!!
(mum: It'll happen once you are healthy!)
What wonderful pressies! And what wonderful furiends! We're sure you didn't mind TOO much having to share a little with Jaffa.
Jed & Abby
What nice pressies from Nelson and Boober. Of course your birthday should go on for at least another month, Sunshade!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yes Miss Sunshade, we know what you go through with those pressies! Sometimes we are still getting treats doled out WEEKS after the package arrives.
I suppose it is sort of "rent" for our spot on the big bed.
Aww what great pressies! I say there's no need to share with Jaffa, it doesn't have his name on the card, but make it last at least a week so you can full enjoy it!
What awesome presents! Lilac salutes your style of making off with your loot, too! You two could be cut from similar cloth. Enjoy those liver treats!
Wow, we feel like were world famous dogs now having our pictures on your blog :). Booberdog picked the food as she's crazy for the liver and salmon treats and I love the stuffies. Were so glad you had a great birthday and that your feeling better. There will be many, many more birthday for you to celebrate. We have to say that you certainly are great at opening those packages as mum put way to much tape on them.
Hi Sunshade, you have very nice friends. We agree, there's nothing anywhere that says you have to share with Jaffa. Although, we think that you should leave him the crinkly bag.
Great pressie Sunshade!! And I agree, if it has your name on it.... it's YOURS!! Why is your mom holding your yummy treats as ransom? Hmmmm......
O Miss Sunshade!!! So happy to see you full o the mischief and good fun!!!
Belated Happy Birfday, Sweets!!!
wif love from the Luke
Oh sweet girl...you are being a bit harsh for your dear mum, aren't you??? The poor dear is so sleep deprived, that she's a bit addled...we are so glad you have a PLAN....and we are even gladder your mom is feeling a better...stress is horrid...Mumsie does the oddest things when she's really upset...you should see some of the things we've found in the freezer...like her phone and stuff...
Hang in there all of you and tons of love to everybody!!!
Lacie and her stoopid brothers!
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