Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good Bye 2009, HELLO 2010!

I hope you all have had a great New Years Eve with hoomans and doGs that you love!

I spent a wet New Years Eve in the comfort of MY house, on MY cozy bed (with somestinky..).

First, I decided to do some reading,

I got STINKY the "Airedale Terrier Today" book so he can study how to be a proper Airedale and not a landshark,

Since I was already the PERFECT Airedale and there was no room for me to get any better, I grabbed the most recent issue of DogGQ magazine, (you can biggify by clicking on it)

I couldn't help it but smile when I saw a blond Mango,

He wasn't as good looking or muscular as my handsome brindle friend Mango, but if that's all I could get on New Years Eve, then I wasn't gonna complain.


I just couldn't help myself.....

I settled down, and once again went back to my DogGQ,

I found Dennis the Vizsla without his hat,

Ohhhh Dennis the khooool detective/Indiana Jones Vizsla,


My imagination got the better of me again......

(mum: for all of Sunshade's new friends, I introduce to you - Missssss Sunshaaaaaaade! For all of Sunshade's old friends, age hasn't changed her, she's still all there LOL! I know some of you may not agree with me on this, but because Sunshade has never even tried to mount a person or another dog that I personally don't feel the need to stop her from doing this comical act.)

After I recomposed, I came to a page that was supposed to be my handsome friend Tobes, aka Toby LittleDude,

However, the GQ model looked more like my gurrrrlfriend Snowball, who was a gurrrl. I was a little confused,

When I finally took a little break (boy did I need it) and looked over, STINKY was ... well, totally NOT studying on how to be a non-landsharking Airedale!!!

He is so helpless.....

There are more pictures of STINKY slacking off during our study session on his blog for those of you who would like to offer help......

Seeing that he had had enough, and my hips were getting sore from reading the DogGQ... I decided to turn on the TV and see what was going on in the Big Apple,

Of course, what's a movie without the popcorn?

What's the count down without snacks?

We were all set for the count down!


I'm 10, and my reaction was a gazillion times faster than a 3 year old!


gazillion minutes later.....




All gone?

(mum: that's the wrong thing to say Sunshade!!)

Sleep time?

(mum: try again....)

Ok ok....


Hope you all have a great 2010 ahead!!

2010 will be an important year for Canadians, especially Vancouerites because....

The 2010 Winter Olympics......

Is coming to MY city!!!


Dexter said...

2009 was a great year because YOU came back to blog land! Hooray!

I am not bothered that you became a bit agitated on seeing a photo looking like a blond version of myself. Nothing wrong with a little self expression. Humping can be most fun.

Happy New Year!


The Airechicks said...

Happy New Year !!

What a pawty you guys had...we just slept....A good sleep...

Do you have tickets for the games yet??

Rest for today - practice tomorrow.


Duke said...

What great pictures of you and your mom and Jaffa, Sunshade!
We can't believe at age 10 you are still humping stuffies! haha
We have an award for you at our blog! Stop by when you get a chance!
Happy New Year to the three of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Happy New Year Sunshade!
I hope all your wishes come true!
Those treats you had looked much better than the yuck grapes!
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sunshade its dennis the vizsla dog hay those pikchers wer tayken wen i wuz mutch yunger and needed the munny yoo no how it goze!!! but i am not embarassd they ar verry artistik!!! i am glad yoo liked them!!! happy noo yeer!!! ok bye

Toby said...

Happy 2010 to you!!! Looks like you guys had a great countdown with junk food and everything. As for the confusion over my hairdo... I'd like to think my version is the much manlier version, don't u think?

Wishing you and your family all the best in 2010!~


Toby said...

Happy 2010 to you!!! Looks like you guys had a great countdown with junk food and everything. As for the confusion over my hairdo... I'd like to think my version is the much manlier version, don't u think?

Wishing you and your family all the best in 2010!~


Kimo and Sabi said...

We wish you a healthy and happy new year 2010!

Noah the Airedale said...

A very happy New Year to you my friend.
We are so looking forward to watching the Vancouver Olympics. Do you think we might get a glimpse of your pretty face??

Noah xxxxx

Faya said...

Happy New Year my friends !
Hugs and Kisses, Faya & Dyos

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

loved your Countdown! Hey, Miss Sunshade, I am 11 in April, so a whole year older than you!

Happy New Year to you all, especially your Mama, here is hoping 2010 will be the best year ever.

lotsaluv, from us here in snowbound Scotland, your friends, Marvin and Jeannie xxxxxxxx

special licks to Sunshade from Marvin xxxxxx (do you remember our good times way back? he he he!)

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We were so glad to make your acquaintance in 2009 and look forward to getting to know you better and seeing your adventures in 2010.

Happy New Year
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Joe Stains said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We are so glad you are back to blogging. Mom bought one of those fancy flat tvs just so she can watch those olypmics in HD!

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy New Year.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Aunt Mai said...

Your glasses are so awsome Sunshade! Aunty needs to update her prescription too maybe sunshade can help me pick out a new style of frames! Miss you, hope this new year brings you lots of yummy treats, superdale adventures, and most importantly freedom from elbow/leg/hip pain!

Juno said...

Miss Sunshade and family!!!!! Happy New Year!! What a great family photo!!

OMD, we've missed you guys!! We're glad you've been back to the blogger world. (sorry we didn't know until today...) As always we enjoyed seeing all the photos.

Yeah, the Olympic game will be here in Canada! Our parents went to see the torch relay in downtown toronto last year. They said it was fun. Vancouver is far from here but we'll be thinking of you.

Momo & Pinot

Life With Dogs said...

Happy 2010! Excited about the Olympics? :)

Bae Bae said...

You sure look very cute and smart in glasses Sunshade.
Hope you and your family have a pawsome 2010. :)

~ Bae

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

WooWooo! Happy New Year to you Miss Sunshade and family. Looks like you sure knew how to celebrate! Our sissy lives in Seattle and is excited about the Olympics too. We are down in Phoenix now, so will watch on TV.
Aire&WelshieSmooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Lucia said...

Ciao bella Sunshade!

Do you know that the Italian word for Stinky is 'Puzzolente'? Heeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Tanti auguri di buon anno, ragazze!

Tanti baci!

Dexter said...

Miss Sunshade! I gave you an award on my bloggy. I think you might already have it, so just wanted you to know how much I think of you.


TwoSpecialWires said...

We're so glad we got to meet you before the end of 2009 Sunshade! And we're looking foward to getting to know you lots better in 2010! Happy New Year to you and your family! Next New Year's eve we are going to try to follow some of your examples!

Wirey hugs and love
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Aunty Mai said...

Mydearest,whenwillyoubeupdating?ohmy..thespacebardecidednottowork:(havefundecip hering:)