Sunday, June 12, 2011

My pressie & My photogeniosity

Mum and I have been very active on Facebook and we've made so many new friends (plus gotten to know the hoomans for my blogging buddies!!!). One of our bestest new friends are Lola and her mom Nhi.

This is my little friend, Lola the Lakie!! (mum: Lakeland Terier)

She's so smart, she plays poker at daycare, and wins ALL THE TIME!

You see this boooootiful knitted collar she's wearing? Her mommy, Nhi made it for her!

Guess what???

Her mommy made one for ME - The Bootiful SuperDALE tooo!

Mum had to groom today, so D-Guy decided to have me model for his new camera. Unfortunately, he didn't know how the collar was suppose to go....

He thought it was a hairenet in the beginning,

Then he thought it looked a little odd, so he changed things up a bit....

Yup, definitely a lot less odd I'd say.....

He said we should admire his "geniousity" in photo taking as well as usage of wardrobe,

I didn't have the heart to say anything in the beginning....

But it just went on and on....

So I finally had to break out the news to D-Guy about his geniousity.... told him he's malfunctioning the wardrobe!!

He eventually "got it",

And my collar went on as a collar should,

So!! Which look do you think I should go with?

The babushka style with the seductive eyes for my BOYZ?

Or the haire-band look?

Or the bootiful Miss Sunshade look?

I took a well deserved rest after a long day of being a SuperMODEL,

THANK YOU Nhi & Lola SOOOOOO much for the wonderful hand knitted collar!! D-Guy took these photos at a field where adult soccer league had a game going on. He was lying on the ground taking these photos as he had purposely gone to a "secluded" spot. Said he couldn't let people see him adjusting a pink, flowery, knitted collar on a dog while taking photos of the dog. However, just as D-Guy got settle on the ground, those guys walked over to the tree not far away from our photo shoot and decided to sit down and eat lunch.

STINKY got something from Nhi & Lola as well. Check out his blog to see what he got!


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, I think that you look beautiful no matter what or how you're wearing something. I think that it would not look too good on the D-guy though.

Kari in Alaska said...

that is an BEAUTIFUL collar


Anonymous said...

Ms Sunshade, ju shur kno how to model dat colwar!! It wooks boodiful on ju no madder where ju put it. Me wood wuv to have a pictur of ju wearwing Mommie's concocshun.

P.S. Mommie waz in stitchis weeding jor blog!!

Wuv Ju,
Lola <3

Duke said...

You look lovely in your new handknit collar, Sunshade, whichever way you wear it! The colors are YOU! That was very sweet of Lola and her mom.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Ah....I tink you should stick wit da collar look, butt da flowers on tops of da head look isn't too bad.


brooke said...

What pretty photos!
I actually like it best as a haire band!

Oliver said...

Oliver thinks that Sunshade looks wonderful however she wears that beautiful collar! He thinks its too bad that he lives so far away and can't have Sunshade's mommy groom him the way a proper Wire Fox Terrier should look.

Oliver and Mommy

ellen said...

That collar is lovely! And your new friend is a cutie-pie. I wonder if I should switch from loving Airedales to Lakies ... Nah, I'll just stick with terriers in general.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Does she know The Lakie Beastie of The Eastie?


NoPo Dales said...

Sunshade you look sooo cute in every style, the flowers are so sweet!

Lacy said...

w00fs, us knows ms lola and her mama too..very nice people and pup to know...heehee me lovesss the collar, any which way u wanna wear it..

b safe,

Anonymous said...

Oh Sunshade U look BOOtiFul in both haire Band & Collar, Guess that can be wore both way.
I just think that the green Matches Ur Favourite Ring. It like the mini ring that U can wear everywhere with.
Sharon @ Singapore

Inky and Molly said...


MTWaggin said...

OMG that is the cutest collar ever what a great pressie Sunshade!

Lorenza said...

Well... D-Guy maybe did not know how the collar was supposed to be used... but you have to admit he is very creative!
You look grrrrreat!
Kisses and hugs

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

What a fab photoshoot. You look B-UTE-E-ful with the collar in all positions. The headband is mama's fave. Mr,D did a great job as the photomeister!! We love Nhi and Lola too!! They're so sweet.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & HOotie