Olympic Torch Relay
Today was the last day for the Olympic Torch Relay, and it's coming to Vancouver. Tomorrow, the torch will be lit during the opening ceremony!!!
We've been following the torch on the interactive map online, and today, mum decided to take me to see the torch live!
I waited patiently for the arrival of the torch,
Everybody was ready for it to come, see all the maple leaf flags?
Where is the torch already!!
A few people complimented on how patient I was, what a good dog I was, because, well, I'm PERFECT!
Police cars started showing up,
Mum said that meant the torch was not far behind!!
Watch it come by! Listen to the chant of the hooman pups!
The torch relay continued around the corner into Vancouver General Hospital,

They stopped outside the Hooman pup's Hospital (mum: Children's Hospital) so the sick hooman pups could see the torch too,

Well I hope they saw it, because I certainly didn't! (mum: if you look left of the girl wearing purple, you can sort of see the flames flickering)

There were soooo many people...

After a little break, mum and I headed to the stop point for this stretch of the relay.

I again, waited patiently,

In the pouring rain, in case you haven't noticed.....

Finally, men in yellow uniforms aka. Vancouve Police were coming our way,

They rode past us....

And then, I think I see it!!

Oh its in front of me.... except the guy in black sweats was covering up the torchbearer

Sorry, I have no idea who the torchbearer was....

But it was still quite exciting to see the flame go by!

This was the last stop for this stretch of the relay.

The flame would be put out, and the torchbearers would hop in the 2010 vehicle and head to the next relay starting point.
STINKY has more footage of the torch relay and the entourage that came before the torch on his blog in case you were interested.
Yeah Olympics! Hope you get to go see at least one event. Do they have a Corgi toss in the hooman Olympics?? Ahahahaha.
XXX-BabyRD and Hootie
What an honor to be able to carry the torch! We think this is all so exciting! Thank you for sharing it with us, Sunshade!
BTW, we think you're the one who should have been carrying that torch! You're the most famous doggie in all of Canada!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow these olympics are going to be great. We cant wait to watch the opening ceremony. Now you have to do us a favour Sunshade...could you please wave the boxing kangaroo flag for us...whaaa haaa haaa haaa...Ok only kidding.
Noah xx
Wow, consider me jealous! We never have such fanfare in our little corner of the world. :)
How exciting, we just saw on tv how FAR it went. Canada is HUGE, almost as big as Tanner's butt!
Hi, Sunshade!
Sure it was pawesome to see the torch so close!
I know you all are very excited about the Olympic Games!
We are ready to watch them too!
Kisses and hugs
OMD - you were there with all those folks???
We have a couple of questions - why are you not running with the torch we just know you were asked????
What's up with all those people folks in the way so you can't see - don't they know SUNSHADE = SUPERDALE?
Thank you for sharing up close and live - we love you as the roving reportdale that you are!!
Let the games begin!!!
How fun!! You are such a good Dale. I see that you were prepared for the rain, what with your sporty raincoat and all. I wish my Dales were as well mannered as you seem to be. Why, I can't even use a harness on them...I have to use a gentle leader...and they still pull!
Have a great time enjoying the Olympics being in your neck of the woods. Come by my blog sometime and say "hi" to Sasha and Savannah, the Airdale sisters in Portland Oregon.
We're movin' out there like today...we knew it was bootiful, but we didn't know how bootiful...
We saw ya lightin' the torch, Sunshade...the most perfect Dale in all Canada!!!
Laciekins XXOO
Pee ess...did you get a package from us dear girl????? We shipped it a while ago....
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