Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eh! O' Canada Go!

Welcome world!

Vancouver is ready for you!!!

STINKY and I wanted to show support for our city and our nation for the games, so we put on our maple leaf bandannas,

To get into the Olympic spirit, I thought I would grab the flag,

Planned my parade route,

And started parading the flag around,

It really got me into the Olympic spirit,

I cannot wait for the games to begin!

Just as I was having a great time, feeling the pride, showing the world that I BELIEVE, the sabotage began.......

He tried to rip the Go Canada flag out of MY mouth,


It's almost like a replay of Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan in 94'

He broke my flag, look....

(mum: the weak flag pole unfortunately did not survive the SuperTEETH (with emphasize on "SuperTEETH") LOL!)

Look, the bottom half of my flag pole is GONE!

Somebody should EX-POOOOOOOOOOORT the traitor out of the country!

Somebody? Anybody?? Arrghhh traitor in the mix..... I might as well just die...

(mum: okay drama queen, we get your point!)

Everybody in Vancouver is getting ready for the Olympics, are you ready?

Even tho STINKY and I live in Canada, we were born in the US and lived there for the first 8 weeks of our lives. We also have made some really really GREAT blog friends from all over the world, and because of that, we'll be cheering for all nations!! May the best athlete of the day win!


The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sunshade its dennis the vizsla dog hay how funny my brother tucker the other vizsla was born in canada and moovd to the us wen he wuz seven weeks old how abowt that!!! ok bye

Duke said...

Awwwwwwww, Jaffa didn't mean to break your flagpole, Sunshade! He's just excited about supporting his country too!
We will be cheering for all nations too! Let the games begin!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Digsby Mac Feegle said...

I think he was just too excited and wanted to be in the parade too! Maybe you should each get a flag to show your support? This is my first ever Olympics and I asked mom about it. She said that you always cheer for your home country but that we don’t have too many stars this time around so we will be rooting for Canada too. She said it’s good to cheer for Canada because you guys are like our brothers and sisters! Mom said she will teach me how to sing Oh Canada so I will be ready!

Girasol said...

I think it's going to be a very competitive games...good luck to all the participants!!

kissa-bull said...

we love the bandanas
vewy stylish pooches i must shay
r.i.p wittle flag =(
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack

Joe Stains said...

We are watching the olympics right now and are real excited to watch and learn more about Vancouver!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sunshade!
Mexico has 110 millions of people and only ONE participant in the games!
Good luck to everyone!
Kisses and hugs

Lenny said...

Hey Sunshade! I'm so glad you are back blogging. I haven't had a lot of time to read and blog the past several months. My nana is going to visit your city next week for the Olympics! I'll tell her to look for a gorgeous Airedale accompanied by a Stinky Airedale.
We are cheering for USA AND Canada, and nice people in general.

Your friend, Lenny