Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day MUM!!!


You have that much less grass to mow now!!!!

Just to refresh your memory, when New Years came, I resolved to finish landscaping my yard so my mum wouldn't have *any* grass to mow comes summer. This was my plan:

Dues to my muscle strain, I have not had any un-supervised yard time, hence, no opportunity to work on my resolution. My big chance to impress mum came today when she was getting STINKY ready to take us out for our walk, she let me out in the yard un-supervised. (mum: it was less than FIVE minutes I swear!)

So, I thought what better way to surprise mum than this??

(mum: this video was taken from inside the house, I used the zoom feature and had shaky hands from time to time...)


Am I the BESTEST dogter or what?!?


Anonymous said...

great job sunshade!!! :) that's right, since your mom isn't cooperative and understanding, you need to grab every opportunity you got to do something nice for her! :p

but boy, that was fast digging. that is perfect evidence that you're not fat. you're still in top shape! :)


Boo Casanova said...

great job sunshade. i'm sure your mom appreciate it lots.

btw, have u heard about the new of fufu? fufu passed away last sat.

wet wet licks


Myeo said...

We are sure you mom appreciates that a lot.

Boy n Baby

Simba and Jazzi said...

Great work. Keep it up.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Impressive work Sunshade, I love the guilty look to camera! If you could get Jaffa on side you could work even quicker to your goal!

Oscar x

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Impressive work Sunshade, I love the guilty look to camera! If you could get Jaffa on side you could work even quicker to your goal!

Oscar x

Faya said...

Hahahahahahahaha good job Sunshade.... I am planing to have golf in my garden...
Kiss, Faya

Duke said...

Ah HA! You know you're doing wrong Sunshade!!!! Your tail was down the WHOLE TIME!!!! You and Mitch could have a contest for who digs the fastest hole!

Love ya lots,

Putter said...

Excellent work Sunshade! This is just beautiful! The bestest presie ever ... I wish I had come up with somethning so good:) Talk to you soon ...

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Ferndoggle said...

What a GGgrrreat present you gave your Mom! We gave our Mom a beautiful ripped up Stuffie & a poop on the floor (**that was from me, Lola...I love my Mom a LOT!**).

Nice Work!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Bogart H. Devil said...

Fantastic job Miss Sunshade... I am in awe of your talent!!!!


Lillie Valentine said...

You are SO lucky to have such a great mom. I know she knows how lucky she is to have you too. Happy Mogters day Elaine!
Lillie V

Luckie Girl said...

Hi Sunshade,
That was really a sweet present...your Mom is so lucky to have such lovely dogter like you. :)
Hmm..that really makes me wanna go make some snow for my mom to show her how much i love her..gotta wait for the toilet door to be open first!!

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, must be real tiring doing that huh Sunshade? But I think you could afford to loose a few pounds or more, hehehe... Get back into shape since you said your mama's not bringing you out to play in beaches nowadays... Hehehe! happy digging! You still got a loooong way to go dear.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

wally said...

Great job! My ma ape could have hired you to till her garden!!!


ps. Great musclebutt!