MY cards & pressies from my buddies!!
First of all, my sincere apologies to Scrappy, Simba, Lillie V, Huskee Boy, Bogie, Putter, Boy n Baby. This post should have been done a looooooooong time ago, but I've just gotten enough computer time to do it......
(If mum would let me, I would send fresh tripe and goosie poop to all of you, but you know her.....)
Now, onto the fun stuff. Look at all my cards and pressies!!

From Scrappy:
I got a PINK card from my dear friend Scrappy in Australia. He's so cute and did I mention, the card is PINK!!!

From Lillie:
Next, I got a "MEOW" card from the lovely Lillie Valentine. Lillie knows I'm crazy about kitties.. (pun intended)

THANK YOU Scrappy and Lillie for your lovely cards, a big MUUU-AH to you both!!
Moving on to my parcels, I picked the "Royal Mail" to open first. I wondered which smart friend of mine knew the package was coming to her Royal Highness.

The package smelled SOOOOO good. I couldn't wait to open it,

I started munching away even before mum saw what it was. It was so yummy, I decided to just start eating while it was still in the envelope.

Soooo... yes, the "Royal Male" *ahem* MAIL came from the handsome, English male named Simba.
From Simba:
Yup, that's him giving his seductive look..... and the oh so yummy treat. See one side of the bone was already gone?? I wonder where it went??

From Huskee Boy:
The second package came from Huskee Boy!!!

He said he went shopping with his mum and saw a mini-Sunshade, so he got me the mini-ME!!!

I tried to give the mini-ME love nibbles because that's what I do to show affection. I'm not a licker. (Shhhh.... Huskee.. I was actually thinking about you when I did my nibble nibbles..hehe!)

For once, I was more than happy to pose. Don't we look alike?? He even has dark ears like me!!!

The mini-ME is now sitting in my wall cabinet along with the Aire-nament I got from Maggie, and the rockie I got from Boo!!

From my Handsome Devil Bogie:
Trying very hard to see if my Bogie had finally squeezed himself into a box and maled himself to me.

Ah oh.... no Bogie...

But something else, my other favouritest thing, just had to get it.

Oh my doG, a HUGE ribbon wrapped pine cone!!!!!

You all know how much I love pine cones right???
Not only were there pine cones of all shape and sizes, there was also a bag of chicken fingers!!!

Do you see how well I can cross my eyes??? It's one of the most important survivor skills for a canine IMO. Look adorable or pathetic, and you get fed. I was trying for the adorable look except my eyes sort of did their own thing..

I even did my version of "Lazy BANG". It's not as good as my dramatic BANG, but enough to score me the yummy chicken strips.
Don't you think mum's "BANG" sounded soooooo scawwwwwwwie???
Of course, there was also a lovely note from my man. He was even considerate enough to send STINKY a couple of pine cones wrapped in the blue ribbon.

From Putter - my Aire-gurlfriend:
She gave me a curious George card,

In with the card were pictures of PUTTER!!!!! She was just groomed in the two pictures below. Isn't she a pretty gurly guuuuurl?? Mum and I love Putter's name, we think it's the cutest. Can you guess what is Putter's mom's favourite sport??

Just like Maggie, Putter and I have been e-mailing each other. She and Maggie both live in CT, and I heard they are going to have a playdate soon!!! SIGH... wish I could be there too - Gurrrrrl's night OUT, Stinkies' night IN (the crates..hehe).
The first picture here is Putter's Winter Teddy Bear look, and of course, the second picture is the well groomed look. We, Airedales have such big, fat, round noses, that combined with the brown curls we have make us look like Teddies!!
Here's a Teddy,

Here is Teddy Putter!!

Putter also had a pressie for me,

Oh I like I like!!

This is me trying to get my pressie out of its box,
Putter told me she has one too that she plays at the park all the time. Hers is RED, she gave me the PINK one because she knew that's my favouritest colour!! This is me playing with mine. You get a great look of my muscle butt..hehe
I can't wait 'til the rain stops so I can go out to the field and play with my new PINK soccer ball. Afterall, I am the future Captain of Team Canada!!
See, I was practicing my poses for the team captain mug shot. Which one do you guys think it's better??

Now, all I need is a jersey and I'm ready to RRRRRRRUMBLE!!

From Baby n Boy:
My pressie all the way from Singapore, something smells gooooooood,

This was the first thing I pulled out, it smelled like nothing I'd ever smelled before.

It's some kind of Milky Chicken treats I think. Mum was trying to figure out what it was, but I said....

Mum made me wait so she could take a picture of ALL the treats/pressies I got from Baby n Boy. I waited, but I had my eyes set on ONE particular bag of treats...

As soon as mum got her picture, I made my move!

To prevent me from eating the entire bag of Milky Chicken, mum finally decided to give me a couple sticks. Yes, my eyes crossed yet again...

Moving on......
Salmon Sushi treat bag,

Yes yes, I really REALLY want it. Can you see it in my eyes?? I really really really needed that treat.

I swear to doG I am really not this piggish. I was just acting you know!!
(mum: yes, just like how you act 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..)

Along with the yummy treats, was a wonderful card from Baby n Boy.

They got something for STINKY too, but they said their mama forced them to give him something, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten him anything. What true friends they are to me, thank you both for your support!

Look at what else they got ME! A magnet that looks like - ME ME ME!! (yes, mummy has GIANT toes...)

A wall decal with my name spelled out on little Precious Moments plates,

Mum LOVES things from Precious Moments because of all the cute little people, so she says a big THANK YOU to you and your mama!!
See, it is now on my wall amongst all the block mounted pictures of ME,

Once again, THANK YOU to all my buddies, you guys are the bestest!!!!! I LOVE all my cards and pressies!!!
Hi Sunshade!!!!
So many fabulous pics and so many wonderful pressies from all of your buddies! I love the first pose with your foot on top of the soccer ball. There's not doubt in my mind that you'll be the most popular captain of the team! I don't see Stinky in any of the pics! What did you do with him? Please email me right away so I can do the same thing!
Love ya lots,
The pink football is awesome. I agree with Maggie, the first shot with your paw on the ball is the best.
Hope you didn't have tummy ache after scoffing all those treats!
Oscar x
all are fabulous gifts. i saw some airedale statue too. i'm gonna get you those. that's going to your collection nicely. :-)
glad you are back online. hope mom is doing better now.
wet wet licks
WOW Sunshade! Look at all the stuff you get! You are one pup-ular Airedale :)
Oh my gosh, Mommy is going to have to teach me the "Bang!" trick as soon as I've mastered "down - stay". I'm working on it right now, actually, but I'm finding it difficult. I think it's harder for small dogs...we don't understand why we can't jump up on people!
Puggy kisses!
P.S. will you give my mommy your address so we can send you stuff, too? Thanks!
Oh sunshade you're so lucky to get so many lovely presents! I wish I had a devoted fan club that sent me gifts...*sigh* Oh well. Hey - I thought you might like to see this picture:
I am certain you will enjoy it. It is a picture of me with my puppy friend Niko. Look how small I can make myself when I want to!
oh I am so glad you are back and blogging Miss Sunshade, we have missed you sooooooooooooo much!
I feel real bad as we haven't got round to sending anything yet.....
All your presents and cards were so lovely, you are a lucky and adorable Girl!
love and happy licks Marvin xxxxxx
hi sunshade! ooooh sooo many lovely pressies! u muz be one happy gal! love de pix of u lickin ur mini-you haha.
*psst*, dun fret yah...u ain't the only dog 'actin 24 hrs 7 days a wk. wahahahah
lotsa woofs n kisses,
Vel, Cot & Lauryn
Go Team Canada! Great presents for a great girl, eh?
I hope your mum is feeling much better and is completely healed so she can give you all the attention you deserve (though I'm sure you haven't let her STOP giving you attention).
As for my arfritis my mum doesn't know what happened! I've been very playful lately. I HAVE started getting more meat (CKC said it helped his arfritis) AND my mum has been giving me something called Dog Gone Pain that she read about in Bark Magazine and some other natural dog sites. Or maybe I'm just getting more comfy with my sister (we've been rasslin' in the house, too!). Who knows--I'm not telling!
hi miss sunshade - thanks for visiting my journal! you're beautiful and i can see why you have some many admirers who send you presents!
ps - i noticed you have a STINKY like i have an IT. my condolences....
Yeah! What great presents you got!!!! It was so cool to see you running around playing with my pine cones...
It warms my heart (and other places) to see you my dreamgirl!!!!
Hi Sunshade! You sure got some great pressies. I looove the picture of you with your foot on top of the ball. That one is definitely my favorite.
You do such a great BANG. I'm very impressed! I can do BANG too, but Mom can't get me to stop wagging my tail, so I'm really not a very convincing dead dog. I just can't help myself! I'm a happy boy, what can I say.
Hope your mum is feeling better. I'm sure you're taking good care of her.
Wow Sunshade, you are def. the most popular girl!! Did I mention lucky too?? You got tons of great pressies!~
Your team caption shot is awsome!!
Hey Miss Sunshade! Glad UR back!! I miss you. When can we know, just GRL talk? Can Kendra, Jordan and I be on your soccer team? We LUV soccer. Kendra has a pink ball, too!! Hugs and kisses to your mum!
You're such a special girl, it's no WONDER you have all of those suitors! I'd love to send you one of my bully sticks!
PS: I can actually do BANG! like you! yay!!
What great pics of you and your pressies.
We agree pic of you with your paw on the ball....PRICELESS...Just wait until the Candian Soccer Team see it....
Woosh! That was some load of pressies and cards. You are one lucky beast.
Hey ... I heard through the dog blog grapevine that someone at your house got a Bowser donut bed. Sophie has one and LOVES it!!!!!
Hi Sunshade's Mom, I just heard you are temporarily out of commission. I hope you feel better soon.
S & S
Hiya Sunshade,
What a great loot you received from them. :) I love the way you did your lazy bang...Mom has been trying hard to teach me but well, no luck at all.
PS : You rock girl!! Looks like you're gonna bend it like Beckham! :)
I'm going to link you to my blog. Hope that's ok with ya.
Hi Sunshade,
I seriously think that Adidas should consider engaging you as their model.. You looked so cool posing with the pink soccer ball!
Look at all the pressies from all around the world.. it's a clear indication of how much you are loved by all your friends!
Glad you like your 'mini-me' and I think I felt your nibbles.. ahh.. it must be tele-pawty..
* Hope that your mum's feeling better now! *
Hey Sunshade. Woh you got lots of presents. :)
I sent you a V day package too. Dont' tell me it didn't reach You?? I'm so gonna bite the postman now..
~ fufu
I did saw the mini you before, sad.. Huskee boy sent to u before i do.. But nvm.. heHe... Missy help me tell ur mum that i'm alright. Just that the vet suspected that i've got internal breeding but now i'm alright.. I think i'm fully recovered.. Thanks..
hey, u got so many valentine's pressie...ur definately d favourite girlfriend around...
See how loved you are xxx. I love your photo's. I think Mummy should do that for me.
Simba xx
We love your pink ball. We have one but not as nice as yours..hmmph. time to get a new one.
We are glad that you like our gifts and thanks for understanding our situation with the 'Stibky' issue.
Boy n Baby
The present is wonderful a lot of sunshade.
And, the soccer ball is a favorite of sunshade.
It moved its colonel of the soccer team.
From loved ume tyan
U R finally back Sweetie. We all miss you!
Hi Sunshade, I think you are the most famous and popular Airedale of the world...
I send you a big Kiss full of snow !!! Faya
Wow, seriously good haul, Sunshade! Good to see you back!!
- Charlie
Wow! You are one lucky doggie. I agree with everydog else! That photo of you with your paw on the soccer ball was priceless. You are sooo cute. The 'lazy' bang was hilarious. Looks like you thought long and hard before doing it. Don't blame ya, at least ya got a treat for all that work.
Thanks for coming to my blog - I am honored because you are sooooo popular!
Hey SunShade! How's life with Stinky going? Guess what? I have a pink soccer ball, too!
Big Wags,
Oh Sunshade! You have so many admirers and they send you lovely prezzies.
I have some pine cones to send you from northern Michigan, gathered especially for you on the shores of Lake Huron. They will go in the post this week.
Today, Sweet Molly Malone is here with me and she was very interested in your videos, especially when you barked. Molly is waiting for her forever home and visiting this afternoon, eying the cats and being a very good Aire-girl.
Here's an update on Diamond: She's a Canadian 'dale now, too! She has a wonderful forever home in Ontario, where she is adored and pampered as she should be. Thanks to you (and your (NOT) evil mum) for helping her on her way by donating to pay for her surgery. Today, she is healthy and will live happily ever after.
These Airedales: Gotta love 'em!
Ellen did hit the jackpot, didn't you!?!
I miss your posts!!
(Bow)wow, booty galore.
That's a great haul of pressies there.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
you got so many wonderful pressies because you are such a wonderful girl!!
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