Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Pressies

Look at the X-mas pressies I got!

I hoooooge knuckle bone from Auntie Nhi, Marisa, Mila, and Lola, 

It's SuperMINE, okay?

Auntie Nhi also made me a reversible SuperSNOOD,

Don't you think I should take up modeling as a career?

How gorgeous am I?

STINKY got a snood too. Unfortunately, he just doesn't look as good as ME!

(mum: Jaffa is half way through stripping. I haven't done the fine work on his facial & let furnishings. So he looks a little awkward...) 

Mum wanted me and STINKY to take a picture together..... That's my do I have to face....

Then mum said we should sing  X-mas carol. So I, being the PERFECT one started singing,

I don't know what STINKY was doing acting all weird and NOT singing! (mum: Jaffa thinks it is a *very* scary thing to sit within Sunshade's pawsonal space as she has issues with dogs entering that space. So Jaffa was ready to run away with any movement or noise that Sunshade made.)

I'm done singing, I don't want to sing anymore.....

Posing together.... AGAIN!

I made sure STINKY's bone bone wasn't bigger than MINE, 

Next, we opened pressies from Auntie Sharon in Singapore. She got me and STINKY each a tie,

Don't I look SuperGOOD???

Mum says I look very distinguished. Like a big boss for a large company. Well, I am THE boss at camp SuperDALE!!

Of course, she wanted us to pose together again, (mum: strange magnetic force pulling Jaffa awaaaaaaay towards the right lol.)

You have NO idea how SuperANNOYING it is to have to put up with all the picture taking AND to have to pose next to him!!!!!

We also got treat pressies from Auntie Sharon too!

Do you see my name????

I don't know who "Jaffa" is, must be mine too then. 

I'm SuperREADY mum!!!

Gimme GIMME!!!!

Yes, treeeeeeeeat please!!!

Hurry up I'm losing track of my back leggies!

Thank you!!!! 

Thank you Auntie Nhi and Auntie Sharon for all the bootiful and yummy pressies!!!

BTW, Evil mum gave MY treat to STINKY too can you believe it??? His name wasn't even on the pressies, so why did he get one???

You can see more of STINKY (eating MY treats!!) on his stinky blog........


Anonymous said...

You have a great personality Sunshade, but even tho he doesn't get equal billing, I think Stinky is a real sweetheart...so there!

Duke said...

What super photos of you, Sunshade! You could be a supermodel any day of the week! The snood and the tie look just beautiful on you!
Merry Christmas!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, we're glad that you got some great presents. Sharing with Jaffa might not be something you'd want to do everyday but during Christmas, it's a good thing to do. We hope that you had a great Christmas.