Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bottomless Pit she says.....

Listen to her, she's so SuperRUDE!!

Well, maybe if she had trekked through SAND,

Or if she had trekked through MUD, 

Or if she had conquered a FLOODED pathway,  

Yes, this is NOT a pond, it's a walkway that's submerged underwater.....

okay, the only reason I turned back was because someone couldn't make it! I was all willing to go!!

Or if she had done some CRITTER PATROL,

And if after two hours trekking in the wilderness,  she went for an hour of swim too on top,

Not to mention having to put up the stress of being with a STINKY,

Go get the ball mum!!!
Then maybe, just maybe if she had done ALLLLLL that, then she would be a bottomless pit too!

BTW, how do you like my squaire face???


Duke said...

We can't believe your evil mum didn't open that drawer and open that frig and give you whatever you wanted, Sunshade! Of course you're starving - you had a superBUSY day!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dexter said...

How dare she? You poor starving dale. Open the drawers, human! At once!


Berts Blog said...

Of course your hungry. look at all that activity you just got to do. I mean, what a lucky pup you are. walking on the sandy beach, hiking the trails chasing crows, SWIMMING. Of course you have a bottomeless pit. And an incredibly wonderful human who lets you do all that.


l said...

SUPERsquare and SUPERyou should have SUPERfood immediately!

l said...

SUPERsquare, SUPERcute you, should get SUPERfood on demand!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

My dad said to come over, we have lots of treats here.

Ansel Rhett said...

All the pics are looking gorgeous thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work.