Thursday, July 26, 2012


This morning, mum and I went for a walk at Kits Beach with Jack, mum's university friend. I hadn't seen Jack for over 3 years because he moved back to Taiwan.

I swam and saved trees like I always do,

This is the exact spot where I ruptured my spleen and collapsed a month ago! It was my first time back, and it was a SuperCOME-BACK!

We walked to the seabus station,

Mum said I could get on too!!

We were a bit early, so we had a wait a little bit before the seabus could leave...... This was my "hurry up and move the seabus" face.....

Finally, it was moving!! I SuperLOVE to take the seabuses!!

See the buildings across the water? That's downtown Vancouver. We were going over there to pick up Issy!!

Ahhh.... the ocean breeze..... (don't drop your phone mum!!)

I love these seabuses so much that I'm always walking to the station on my own to see if mum would let me get on it. The times that I do get to go on, as soon as we dock, I get off and turn right back around to get back onto the seabus hoping for another ride. Today, I got to do just that!! We dropped Jack off, and picked up Issy at the same station. Lots of ferry rides for me!!!

That's the Burrard Bridge you see. It connects Vancouver Westside (where we live) to downtown Vancouver.

This is where we picked up Issy. That other seabus is going to Granville Island, which is across the water, opposite to where we came from.

Oh yeah, the seabuses are also called ferries,

My ride back to my beach,

Once we got back to my neck of woods, I headed down to the dog beach, 

I wanted to play on the the beach some more, but mum and Issy said they were hungry so they wanted to go E-A-T...... (maybe they should eat my Cushing's pills too??)

So I sat my MUSCLE BUTT down!!! Humph!

(mum: A lot of times, I just give in to Sunshade when I see her wanting to have more fun. However, I had a hungry friend who was going to be leaving in a few weeks. Sunshade was doing the best of her Airedale stubbornness! She stood there and watched me instead of coming up to me when she realized I wasn't walking down to the beach. I called her, gave her the "let's go" hand signal which I know she saw, because she sat down as soon as I gave her the signal. Girl was trying to outstubborn me. So I finally had to walk out of her sight, and she came running.)

So we compromised, 

Mum said I could bring the Flintstone tree that I saved from earlier in the morning home, 

I carried it all the way UP the hill, 

Across the walk way, 

Across the park and back to the SunshadeMOBILE. I made sure mum put it inside MY car!

After mum and Issy had their lunch, I said it was my turn for a snack. I took them to Tisol pet store and picked up some Bison Chips!!

We had to wait for the pedestrian light to change from a red hand to a little white man walking.... it was a long wait...

Light finally changed!!!

Me, MY Bison Chips and Issy safely made it across the street! The store in the corner is Tisol pet food store!


Me and Issy doing synchronize walking, 

I had to water the grass, 

And then I told mum it was time for a CHIP!

Yes, chip from the bag in your hand please,

After I had my chip, I continued to carry my chip bag,

Responsible SuperDALE!!


Duke said...

We just loved watching you ride the Seabus, Sunshade. We could see the pure joy on your face!
What will you build with that Flintstone tree once you get it home?

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Woody Airedale said...

Sunshade, you are one of a kind! Thanks for taking us along in your adventures

Anonymous said...

Too Cute!!!
I felt like I was with you on this journey!!! Loved it! Beautiful dog!!!!