Soft Tissue Sarcoma Update - Surgery Pathology Report
Talk about being kicked when you're down......
No clean margin. Not sure what we're going to do yet.....
Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts,
Sunshade's mum
Miss Sunshade TAKING OVER!!!!!
Sorry, mum is being pouty again.... not sure why, so I just keep LOVIN' my horsie and fat rat and then she stops pouting for a bit!!
Anyway, it's -6 degrees in Vancouver so I have been sporting my hot pink jumper suit!!

Remember it was made for me back in 2006 by my friends Butchy and Angel Snicker's mama??

So how do I look 4.5 years later?

How's the MUSCLE BUTT looking???

BYE-BYE, gotta go do some more lovin' to cheer the sappy woman up!

We're very much holding you in our thoughts, and sending you our love too. Aire-kisses from England,
Mojo and mum
Oh no :-(
We are sending many positive thoughts your way, Elaine and Sunshade.
We love you guys.
Sue, Maggie and Mitch
I'm sorry the news isn't what you expected. I can imagine your disappointment, frustration and worry. You and Sunshade are in my thoughts.
We are thinking of you Miss Sunshade. You look absolutely gorgeous in your pretty pink pyjamas.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
You look beautiful in your pink jumper suit, Sunshade! Pink is definitely your color.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Miss Sunshade: You are looking mighty good in that jumper. Tell your muzzer type person to hold the hope in her heart too, because you certainly look like you are full of hope. Even if she just holds the extra for you, it will be lots and lots.
teka toy and gussie boy
Oh dear, this is not the happy news we were hoping for. Ms. Sunshade, you will have a huge job ahead of you to keep your mom going during this stressful time. She's not sappy, sweetie; she just loves you beyond words!!!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry and our (sometimes sappy too) Mom
Your jammies are very cute, Sunshade. We will be sending you purrs and tail wags on the whole STS thing.
You are in our thoughts Sunshade. Stay strong and positive, we are sending you all our pawsitive energy and then some. Love the pink jump suit you are adorable in it.
Nelson and Boober
Elaine...we are squeezing the keychain Dale harder than are constantly in our thoughts...what does Janice say???
Please know how much we love you and Sunshade...
Tons of kisses, hugs and zen...
Lacie, Mumsie and the boyz.....
yow awe most bewootimous in youw winter gear. we are praying furry hawd for you and will light a candle for you tonight.
we hopes you have a gweat thanksgiving
pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack
and the wee ones
Sweet Sunshade
You've been so bwave and look wondewful in youw jammies..I'm sowwy that youw Mom didn't get a pawfect wesult fwom the dogtow, but I know you will heal and will be well again..I'm sending all my pawsitive thoughts and love to you
smoochie kisses
Sunshade and Elaine, we're so sorry to hear about the margins. We're continuing to send awesome Aire-vibes.... Love the pink jumpsuit :)
Tobester & Mom
Your Pink PJ suit is definately you!
Absolutely fabulous Miss Sunshade...knocked out girl!
PawsCrossed together with a bucket load of airezen heading your way for positive news!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
I've got the paws khrossed here with LOTS of Sibe Vibes headed to The NW -
Hi Sunshade and evil mum, my dad's worried again and I'm a little concerned too. I've really bulked up so that you and I can do some agility stuff together.For now, grab onto your rat and horsie while everyone figures out what to do next. We're all thinking of you and your mum.
Miss Sunshade, I ADORE your pink jammies! I am rather fond of mine, too.
We're sorry about the pathology. I know just how you're feeling, since we're walking down a similar road. Please know that we're thinking about you and your girl!
Bunny's Mom
Our paws are crossed and sending positive Vibes
Love Jan and George xxx
Hey Sunshade's mum... cheer up. I know it is not easy, but being sad won't help Sunshade. She needs her cheerful, treats dispensing mum back.
Joey, Jack and Geraldine
My very dear Miss Sunshade,
I will add your name to those I pray for at night. I will send you strength and healing in my thoughts.
Elaine, no one could be a better dog-mom than you are, and Derek is a wonder.
I hope all of you (and my buddy Jaffa) will be well, happy and healthy.
If there is anything I can do from a distance, if you need anything I can help with, you have my e-mail and all you have to do is say the word.
They say a postive attitude and support can make all the difference, and you, my very dear Miss Sunshade, have that in abundance.
Be well, sweetie.
I'm sorry the news isn't what everyone wanted to hear. But stay positive Sunshade's Mom, all of us are keeping you in our thoughts, keeping our paws crossed for Sunshade!
& oh boy, Sunshade, you got me drooling with the 2nd last peekture. *where's my doll where's my doll!*
Hi Miss Sunshade,
We sure love your pink jammies, very seasonal fur sure!
We are going to cross our paws for you. Get well soon, Sweet Pea.
Wyatt and Stanzie
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