Therapist Sunshade
First of all, I would like to apologize to those of you who complained about the lack of photos like the one below in the recent Olympic related posts......
I hope I'll be able to make it up to you in this post...
Mum has been making progress with her Post Olympic Depression. She's slowly getting out of the bed, eating, and I've been able to take her for walks few times a day. Today, I thought a walk at the University of British Columbia Thunderbird field would be good.... It's only 10 mins drive from our house in case anything goes wrong with mum.
Unfortunately, we had a major set back as soon as we got there....
Who knew the Olympic fence would still be up since they basically took down everything downtown as soon as the closing ceremony ended.
Mum lost it. All the progress we have been making with her P.O.D.S had gone down the drain. Everything reminded her of the 2010 Olympics...
Like this temporary paved parking lot for the Olympic vehicles. This used to be all grass, it was a field!
That dome looking thing behind the fence is the Thunderbird Arena that hosted most of the Women's Hockey and some Men's Hockey games during the Olympics,
I think this was the entrance for the athletes and their families,
The fence extended all the way down the field, security was tight,
At this point, mum was staring into the sky and swaying...... (mum: uh huh...) So I thought I better walk her away from the culprit. I took her to go check out the soccer and field hockey courts,
Then we came to a dead end where we were surrounded by the Olympic fence and the soccer court fence.
Stuck there...
I tried to look for a way out as mum really wasn't in the state to be able to problem solve, (this is why I say I have to look after her you know?)
Looked around,
Hmmmm sprinklers are on, maybe that'll snap mum out of her mood?
Alright, sounds good! Let's do it!
Come onnnnn mum!!! You'll soon feel all better!
I had to go get mum out from hiding under the bleachers.... Not sure why she was hiding under there, maybe she really thought I was gonna throw her to the sprinklers (not like she's that light for me to lift okay!) or she was really having a rough time with the reminder of what's left of the Olympics..... (mum: *faints*)
I of course, was just looking for a way for us to escape the fences!!
Told you, you can always count on the SuperDALE!
Unfortunately, the Olympic banners came in sight again.....
So me, the perfect dogter had to do some quick thinking. Think of a way to distract mum so she couldn't keep spiraling down that never ending hole.....
Yeah down there, do you know what it is??
Can you be a good girl and find out what it is for Sunshade??
I gave mum a task to find out what's under the cargo container, to distract her and take her mind off the Olympics, (please excuse mum's sniffling, she was having a tough time coping...) (mum: I had a cold!)
It worked!! She was busy looking for answer, and she found it!!
Yes, it was a baseball. My SuperNOSE had picked up the scent!

Great job mum, I'm proud of you! (mum: I don't now how she does it, but Sunshade has always had a very good nose for all kinds of balls (and critters).)
Next Exercise:
Here is one easily accessible tennis ball. We don't want that, its too easy to get, provides no challenge.

Behind this easily accessible tennis ball, there's another not so easily accessible tennis ball. THAT'S the one we want ok mum?

Now, come up with all the ways you can think of for me to reach that not so easily accessible tennis ball. You come up with the way, I'll perform ok?

Under the stacked up chairs, past the undesirable easily accessible tennis ball,

Under the stacked up chairs, under the bench, (sorry, muscle butt was a bit too muscular)

Try to reach from the other side,

From under the bench,

At all angles, and CRAWL!! (mum: talk about terrier determination...LOL)


Good job mum, we did it!!We got the prized, not so accessible tennis ball and you didn't have a melt down!

Last Exercise:
Now try to get a hold of this tennis ball ok mum?

(mum: Keep away is Sunshade's favourite game in the world.)
Sunshade, you are my hero! I like to get not so easily reachables too...with lots of barking!
It's a good job your Mum's got a superDale like you to get her out of the P.O.D.S.!
Nelly xx
That was a most wonderful muscle butt filled post. Sorry about your mom's PODS. Whatever, right? I was quite enchanted by your vocalizations.
You would think after all of that mom could have gone under and recovered the ball for you. Sigh. Humans.
You're my hero too Sunny! Mommy says I'm the most timid Airedale in existance. I would NEVER be able to get that ball you got. I'd lay and cry til either of the folks got it for me, or Hootie. Hootie fetches objects for me that go under chairs and couches. I do lurve the tennis balls though & someday may whip up the courage to get one that lands on a floor vent. I also love keep away. In fact, I think every dog at the dog park is after me when I have one in my mouth!! BOL!
AireSmooches, BabyRD
Oh Sunshade you do have the cutest Dale fuzzbutt!! I'd love to chase you and nip at that lovely butt!
Also, I hope you snapped your mama out of her P.O.D.S. with all your antics. Tell her baseball SpringTraining is here now & the boys of summer will soon be entertaining us. That should cheer her.
WelshieHugs, Hootie
You are so smart and a VERY determined girl, Sunshade!
We don't think we've ever seen so many furrybutt pictures of you in one post!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
hello sunshade its dennis the vizsla dog hay keepaway is fun all rite but not as mutch fun as fetch!!! ok bye
I hope you get your field back really soon. Maybe you should train your mum to take things for you. that's what humans are for, right?
OMD - good thing you were there to help you Mum and distract her...
That ball action - GREAT idea....
Lots of FB pics .....
ha ha! Sorry about your Mama being Olympically Depressed but I am so cheered by your butt shots!
love and licks, long time no bark Miss Sunshade, just so many blogs, so little time is our excuseroonie!
lotsaluv, remembering the good times eh?
Marvin xxxxxxxxxx oh and Jeannie xxxxx
Hey hey hey, we missed all that. Blooger never said you had updated so we thought you were off the radar. So then decided to leave you a note and, lookie lookie, there is oodles of stuff we now have to plough through...
We love your fuzzbutt and quite frankly, that's all we look at. Couldn't give a hoot about the Olympic Park stuff, just fuzz for us, thanks.
Hope the mumsie will snap out of her post Olympic depression soon!
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