Thank you, Vancouver
The 2010 Winter Olympics is officially over.
Mum seems to be suffering from P.O.D.S (Post Olympics Depression Syndrome). She gasped when she turned on the TV this morning and saw Regis & Kelly had returned to regular programming. She is so used to hearing the calming voice of CBC's Brian Williams telling us how many medals we had won the day before, and how many we will be winning. It was almost as if she had forgotten what her normal daily routine was like before the Olympics (HELLOOOO, like taking me to the beach 20 times a day?? Making me food and treats? Telling STINKY "nooooo" throughout the day?)
Unfortunately, it appears my mum isn't the only one missing the 2010 Winter Olympics.
It has been a great 17 days of exciting, courageous competitions in Vancouver, Richmond, Cypress, and Whistler. This was today's front page on Vancouver Sun Newspaper,
Kudos from people in our backyard and around the world,
Thanks, "Neighbours to the North," for a great Winter Olympics. Joannie Rochette taught us what heart is all about and your Olympic team showed who invented the game of ice hockey. The last two weeks have been a pure joy! I'm sad to see it end. I guess there is a little Maple Leaf in all of us. Thanks Canada for inviting us in!-Steve Crawford, San Jose, Calif.
You are a great neighbour, and you hosted a fabulous Winter Olympics. Congratulations on a job very well done. You have made your nation proud. Congratulations to all of your athletes for winning 26 medals. The hockey gold hurts a little bit, but that's ok, the winning goal was by our favourite Penguin, Sidney Crosby.-Jim Teeple, Philadelphia, Pa.
I watched the television coverage of the Olympic Games from start to finish as I have done for many years now. These Games are without a doubt the best competed, best organized and most uplifting I have seen. Thanks to Joannie Rochette for her strength. I hope she makes the top of the podium in 2014. Although I would have had the results of that great hockey game award the USA team the gold medal, it was satisfying to see it go to a fine Canadian team. I'm proud to have Canadians as friends.-Stanley C. Morton, Colorado Springs, Colo.
As an extremely vocal critic of the Olympic Games, I must now make an unabashed apology. It wasn't the athletic "events", but the athletes and the human travails that they experienced that melted the ice around the skeptic's heart as quickly as the snows on Cypress. The most touching scene, it even chocked up this grinch, was when my favourite singer, Neil Young, sang Long May You Run, and the camera focused on Clara Hughes who had tears in her eyes and that wonderful smile on her face. It will be forever etched in my mind and it still touches me and makes me proud to be a Canadian. Every aspect of the closing ceremony was done in such wonderful taste, even the self-parody. Michael J. Fox of Burnaby epitomizes the true Canadian who does not get tainted by the celebrity and fame of Hollywood and is such a class act. Were the Games too expensive? The verdict has yet to be rendered as to the long-term benefits. But as a public relations opportunity, it was a great and unmitigated success.-Neil Swanson, Coquitlam BC
O Crosby! O Rochette! O Canada! O simply marvellous! Thank you, Vancouver.-Geoff Dodd, Wayzata, Minn.
Top-tier Gamesmanship
As it turned out, we didn't own the whole podium, but we own the best part: the top level.-Dave Malcolm, Burnaby
Yes, who can forget the courageous performances by this young lady, Joannie Rochette, whose mother died shortly after arriving to Vancouver less than two days before she was scheduled to compete.

Joannie chose to stay in the competition and skate for her mother, Therese Rochette,

Joannie won the heart of the world with her gutsy decision, and a perfect, heart felt short program. There was not a dry eye after her performance.

The entire world was behind Joannie, supporting her throughout her long program. We all rooted for Joannie, and celebrated with tears in our eyes when she was awarded the Olympic Bronze Medal. It was both a heart-wrenching and heart-warming.

In case you were wondering, the song playing in the background is our broadcast TV station's theme song to these Olympic Games. It is titled "I BELIEVE", performed by Nikki Yanofsky who sang the national anthem at the opening ceremony.
Mom and dad started to miss the Olympic games the minute they ended! They are sure special! Vancouver did an awesome job!
And now you get your mom back, Sunshade!
We loved the backgound music!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Miss Sunshade
Thank you fow gwaciously inviting us to youw backyawd! It was a most wondewful Olympics and we awe pwoud to be youw fwiends and neighbows! Congwatulations on all the wins!
smoochie kisses
Thank you and your Mommy for showing us the inside scoop from the Vancouver Olympics. We appreciate being upclose and personal!! When we're in N.Idaho we always go visit our neighbors to the North(the border is 30miles from our place) and we get extra treats when we stay at a hotel!! That's always nice.
AireKisses, BabyRocketDog
Hey Miss Sunshade, Thank you & Jaffa for showing our mommy the Yuppy Puppy treat machine. I get to work it every day for treats. BabyRD will NOT touch the handle. She just whines and makes me do her dirty work! I don't mind though.It's fun & easy for me.:<)
WelshieHugs, Hootie
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