Friday, March 12, 2010

GOOO athletes of the Paralympics!!!

I'm cheering on all the athletes of the 2010 Paralympics!!! (yes, I'm trying as hard as I could to look "cheery" thank you very much..)

Two weeks ago, I cheered on the athletes of world with a full coat, a mammoth coat, or a Quatchi coat (whatever you want to call it, I've heard it all...),

I'm now sporting my new hair-do in honour of the Paraolympians!

Two weeks ago the Quatchi toque was a bit snug......

It is now a bit loose...

GOOOO Athletes!!

Mum says thank you for bringing a bit of the Red & White crowd back because she wouldn't know how to live otherwise. (GEEZUS... and she calls ME a drama queen???)


Duke said...

Your hAirecut looks just beautiful, Sunshade and we just love your Quatchi toque on you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

MaiC said...

hahahah unfluff-a-fied! I as begging to mistake you for quatchi in some pictures :P

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Good new hairdoo Sunshade. That hat is SSSoooooo funny on you. Our mommy cracked up laughing at that photo of you with it on.
BabyRocketDog and Hootie