She's leaving.............
At about 10:30 pm, MY Veronica started putting all kinds of stuff into this big box....
I've seen mum do this, I've seen grandpa do this, I knew what was happening.....
I didn't want MY Veronica to go, so I tried to act as pitiful as possible. I thought maybe she would stop packing, and start unpacking because I was sad....
HOwever, when acting all sad and pitiful didn't work, I moved on to Plan B:
I thought maybe I could fit in her big box, and she would take me with her ..... (and then she could put mum in the other big box, and take her too!)
Mum said I was "over sized"......
Plan B didn't stop MY Veronica from putting stuff in the big evil box, so I went on to Plan C:
Here I was trying to reason with her, I was telling her why she should stay here, yes, I talk a lot, I have a lot to say, and everybody has to listen when I talk. Of course, when she didn't seem to get the idea, I decided to take matters into my own paws.........

SIGH..... MY Veronica didn't listen, she just kept on putting things in the big evil box. She's so stubborn, doesn't she know being too stubborn is not a good thing??? (mum: REALLY???? I'm speechless.... that coming from YOU!)

I still LOVE you so much Veronica, even tho you are so stubborn....

awwwwwwwwwww you're breaking my heart Sunshade! Cheer up, don't be sad! She'll be back soon, right?
Love ya lots,
Veronica is so lucky to have you! I am sure she will miss you and your mum as well. Happy Easter!
Love, Lillie Valentine
Miss Sunshade, you are lucky to have such a dear friend. I hope you get to visit her some day soon.
sunshade, maybe you could beg mom to take you to visit veronica instead of not letting her go.
wet wet licks
Maybe if you manage to take out all those still in the bag, you'll be able to fit in! Veronica can always buy her stuff elsewhere, but she can't buy you!
Sunshade, you really looked determine to make Your Veronica stay... If you go into that box and your mum go into the other box. What about Stinky?
~ fufu
u never realize ur actually that gigantic until u sit on top of d luggage itself..
did u weight more than 30kg??!
or izit juz becoz of ur thick fur...
Hi Miss Sunshade, I am sorry you couldn't keep your Veronica from leaving. You really tried hard!
Oh Sunshade, Mommy got all teary eyed watching your videos. She was so touched by how you were trying to help Aunty Veronica unpack.
Don't be sad Sunshade. I'm sure Aunty Veronica will come back to visit you again real soon!~
Luv, Tobes
Hey Sunshade,
Awww....don't be so sad. I'm sure Veronica will come back soon!!
PS : Maybe she should get a bigger box?? It seems very full.
After all you are Ms Sunshade right? To me, Ms Sunshade generates sunshine and I am sure YOU ARE THE SUNSHINE bringing cheers to everyone. SMILE
Aw, Sunshade that's so sad. I bet Veronica felt just awful. I'm sure mum's been doing fun stuff with you to cheer you up though.
Oscar x
Poor little Sunshade.. you must be so heartbroken that Veronica's left. I'm sorry you couldn't fit into her bags.. Why didn't you try to make the best out of it by squeezing Jaffa into the bag? He is smaller so perhaps might fit.. hmm... sound so sad. So smart of you to know you're mommy's leaving you, don't worry, cheer up, she'll be back soon. I'm like that too when my mommy boards us at the vet's. I would cry & cry & cry non-stop till it breaks my hoomans' hearts. They would eventually turn back & change their minds. And that's how I get freed & get to follow them wherever they go! Hahaha...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh SunShade! I was so hoping that your Veronika could stay longer. Please don't be too sad, I bet she will be back soon again:)
Hey Sunshade, You really have to get some thumbs. You'll be much more successful at preventing senseless packing in boxes.
Veronica is liked by sunshade.
It wishes that it want you to be there for a long time.
from loved ume tyan
Fu fu wraps in superman's mantle.
It is an order of fu fu that is the dog that is honored. :)
from loved ume tyan
I'm sorry your Veronica left you Sunshade. What I would do if I were you at this point is milk it for all it's worth and get as many treats as possible. I would expect Veronica has to send you some expensive gifts and treats for all your suffering too. Often. It might be cheaper if she just comes back, right?
We all hate the evil box too. It takes MaMa & PaPa away for a long long time. Bad box...
My kitty sis will try to sneak into the box so she can go along.
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