Friday, April 27, 2007

DWB's Wine, Cheese & CHAT Pawty

Short Notice:

The much anticipated DWB's Wine, Cheese & CHAT Pawty officially starts TONIGHT!!!

Anyone who is NOT listed on the participant list will not get the secret location of the chat room. So please e-mail me at if you haven't already. Make sure you include your blog link so we know you are not a spammer!

The secret location will be sent out to your e-mails shortly, please contact me if your name is listed on the participants list, but you did not receive an e-mail.

Lastly, please be discrete about the location of this chat room as we don't want spammers messing things up!!!

My back right leg is quivering worse than you can ever imagine because I'm SOOOOO excited. If you are a terrorist, you know what I mean ;-)



Boo Casanova said...

sunshade, for a moment i thought the chat pawty is tonight coz it's 27th here now!! yeah yeah, it's tomorrow. and i'm joining!

i'm sooooooooooo excited coz this is my first time having an international flirting session!

wet wet licks


Fu Fu said...

Yeah.. see you in the chat Sunshade. I might come in a little late

~ fufu

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Thank you so much Sunshade & your mum for arranging what I'm sure will be a most excellent pawty. See you there!

Oh, & shaky leg - I'm right with you! I hurt my front left paw though so I'm off to the vet later.

Oscar x

Duke said...

This is gonna be so much fun! I can't wait!

Love ya lots,

PerfectTosca said...

I emailed you from my own perfect address!

I'm so excited I'm biting my foot here! Mom tried to get pics of me with cheese but I ate it! I have a very long nose and am VERY fast. "Leave It" doesn't work for me when you are laying a platter in front of my face while fiddling with a camera let me tell you!

umekotyan said...

Let's meet.
The enjoyment is huge.

from loved ume tyan

Putter said...

Hi Everyone!

I can't even wait! I LOVE Cheese and maybe even wine too????

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Myeo said...

We didnt recive any email from you. Or have we missed it?

Boy n Baby

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Me and my pack will totally be there (though it might be a little too late tonight--but tomorrow for sure)

Pippin,Renzo, Tansy, Hamish, Rafe and Kzyer--kitties aren't invited, right?

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Sunshade...
I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!!!! Are you going to let Stinky chat??? Maybe just a little?

Chat with you later!

Lots of very excited Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

OH I'm so excited. Are we supposed to have gotten the email yet? because I haven't.

PerfectTosca said...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! My Crazed woman can't remember my user's name or password on DWB!!!!!!!!!!!! Heeeeellllllllllppppppppp!

Anonymous said...

Sunshade, I registered on DWB today, so I hope I get the secret password. Do I need a decoder ring?

PerfectTosca said...

I'm biting my foot! I keep checking my perfect email address. If The Woman screws this one up I will never forgive her!