Friday, August 10, 2012

Baby buns - Day 2

Click here to see Day 1 of the baby bun buns

The bun bun rescue didn't get back to us until late, so mum did some research, asked some friends and decided that we needed to feed the buns. So we bought some Kitten Milk Replacement to feed the babies, 

I wanted to help clean the milk off the bun bun's face!

Actually, I really wanted some kitten milk too...... but mum kept pushing my SuperHEAD away....

 Why can't I have kitten milk??

This is the smaller, grey bun bun, 

I wanted mum to hand her to me, so I SAT!!

Mum said I could help babysit her while she fed the other baby, 

That's how big they are the day after we rescued them, 


Duke said...

You are so good with the baby bun buns, Sunshade, and they are just so adorable!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Oh cool, E - gosh now you have a bunny rescue service going. But without you and Sunshade, these two would have been goners.

Cowspotdog said...

Oh my gosh - how super cute are those and you such a good girl for taking care of them Sunshine