Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stanley Park with Grandpa!!

Grandpa saw I was bored today, so he suggested to go to Stanley Park!!

I LOVE going to Stanley Park because.......

I like to stalk them.....

(Mum: most of the pictures in this post were taken by my dad, he really likes the zoom function lol!)

Somewhere along the route, Grandpa wanted to take pictures with ME!

Me and MY Grandpa now,

Me and MY Grandpa almost 12 years ago.... (Mum: Sunshade was 8 weeks old with ears glued.)

Me and MY Grandpa now,

Me and MY Grandpa almost 12 years ago..... (Mum: Sunshade was 3.5 months old.)

I guess we've both matured some... Oh well, not like we care!

Grandpa said let's go, and I asked him if he got any treats for me after all those photos,

Unfortunately, answer was no...

I stalked more squirrelies on the way,

And then we got to the beach,

Mum got me a huge stickie,

I love BIG stickies, the bigger the better!

This one was a bit small, bleh!

Grandpa recorded me in ACTION!!

Mum said the water was too cold to swim in, so I only did mini-retrieves.

After all that action, I took a break beside MY Grandpa,

Me and MY Grandpa now,

Me and MY Grandpa then........ (Mum: 12 weeks old, doing ummm.... a bit of morning training, hence the pj's.... Hope my dad doesn't see this!)

After my break, Grandpa and I played more!

He even threw the big stickie for me!!

I got a little tired after all that play. So I found a special rockie and rested with it. I was so happy though, to get to play with MY Grandpa!

I'll leave you with a few more pictures of me and MY Grandpa! He was in my life every other month throughout my puppyhood. He is and will always be VERY special to ME!!

Me and Grandpa when I was 8 weeks old,

Me and Grandpa when I was 12 weeks old,

Me and Grandpa when I was 10 months old,

(Mum: FYI, if your Airedale puppy seem fluffier and rounder than normal, then it's probably a sheep coated baby. I remember my dad and I were always thinking that the standard orange and black hair would come in "when she gets older" lol. It never did! Little did we know, we got the rare, anomaly of the breed that we have come to LOVE & ADORE. Now I wouldn't even know how I would go about to getting another sheep coated Airedale...)

Lastly, please don't forget to vote for ME on the Fido Casting Call!! There are still 750+ dogs ahead of me hahaha!

(Mum: and Jaffa too please! Voting ends November 17th!) 800+ dogs ahead of him!


Duke said...

We love the zoom function. This way we can be closer to you, Sunshade!
We are so happy to see you having fun with your grandpa!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We sure can tell that you love your Grandpa. And he loves you too!

MTWaggin said...

Sunshade, you have a very special bond with YOUR Grandpa. It looks like you had a super-dale day!

Anonymous said...

Sunshade, U are so happy; having Ur Grandpa there. You are all smile in Pic 1, 4 & 6....
Hope U have more good time.
Sharon @ SG

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi E and Miss Sunshade. Great memories. I guess time really does "fly". We voted for both so now they're a little farther up the pack.

Kari in Alaska said...

He has great ideas when bored!

Stop on by for a visit

brooke said...

Looks like you had fun with your grandpa! I like the then and now pictures!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We just lurrrve the pics of you and your grandpa! Both of you have aged beautifully!! Have fun with your special visitor Sunshade.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

Sherry said...

What a fun day you had, Sunshade! What is it about some Airedales only wanting to play with BIG sticks? So funny.

Teddy said...

Hi Miss Sunshade, you look so content in those photos with your grandpa. I can tell you're really comfortable with him, and I love your smile :)
