Thursday, July 29, 2010

Show Off Face Off!

Since STINKY has decided to show off his hyper-ness (mum: I would call it "agility"!) on his blog, I thought I would show off my IQ on my blog!

This took place during our morning walk this morning. Since the tennis courts were unoccupied, we went in to exercise our brains (well, I did).

This was me, The SuperDALE's first attempt,

Now this was STINKY,

BTW, remember my Whose Teefies Are These post? Most of you were right to guess that me, The Perfect me had the clean set of teefies. The dirty set of teefies belong to the one and only STINKY! Well STINKY has done a post to try and change the public impression of Dirty-STINKY.


Duke said...

We can't seem to stop laughing at Stinky getting stuck in the tennis net over and over, Sunshade! You are clearly the smarter Dale! But of course - you're a GIRL!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

What a blockhead. Yuh, and why bring it back when mom is just going to throw it away again. Sunshade is the most clever terrier of all!


Simba and Jazzi said...

What a talented Doggie you are.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Princess Patches said...

We Aire-girls are just plain smarter than the Aire-boys! Stinky IS really cute, though!

Penny & Patches

brooke said...

HAHAHAHAHAH! Oh Jaffa! What a silly boy!
Sunshade you are definitely way smarter than him!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Ha ha ha Stinky, that was worth a huge chuckle. Thank goodness you have perseverance and good looks. But it's Miss Sunshade that has the 'smarts' too.

Lorenza said...

Haaaa! Jaffa! Sorry but I had a good laugh watching him!
Sunshade... you are soooooo smart!
Kisses and hugs

mayziegal said...

Awww...poor Stinky. You most definitely gots the superior intellectuals in your family. But Stinky IS kinda cute in his own, getting-stuck-in-a-net kinda way.

Wiggles & Wags,

The Thuglets said...

Priceless Stinky! He did do well though he worked it out eventually.

We have to say you were very smart Sunshade!

Have a good weekend

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Nelly said...

Sunshade, you are such a clever girl! Stinky is funny though :)
Nelly x